
Differences between Organisational and Individual Learning, Training and Development


Added on  2023-01-05

21 Pages6280 Words93 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Developing individuals, Teams
and Organisations
Differences between Organisational and Individual Learning, Training and Development_1

P1 Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required
by HR professionals...............................................................................................................4
P2 and M1. Personal skills audit and Personal development plan.........................................6
P3 Differences between organisational and individual learning, training and development. 8
M2. Apply learning cycle theories to analyse the importance of implementing the continuous
professional development.....................................................................................................12
P5 High performance working to employee engagement....................................................12
M3. Benefits of applying high performance work practices with reference to justifications in
the organisational context.....................................................................................................13
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................14
P6 Different approaches to performance management........................................................14
M4. Different approaches and judgement on the basis of their effectiveness in terms of
creating a high performance work culture and commitment................................................14
Differences between Organisational and Individual Learning, Training and Development_2

Development is an essential process for any organisation that effectively enhances their
skills and knowledge in a suitable manner. It assists them to accomplish pre-determined
objectives while assuring long-term sustainability in market segments. Training and development
process is acting as a crucial element through which organisation can manage performance of
their employees and can further lead them towards fulfilment of objectives and goals in more
efficient way (Amabile, 2012). By offering different type of training and development courses
entity can maximize efficiency of employees by offering them with wide range of opportunities
through which they can enhance their overall knowledge and skills. It will not only aid
employees to enhance their growth prospectors but also benefit entity to ensure efficient business
operations with more competitive advancements. With the help of proper training and
development employees can assure significant improvement in their performance level through
which overall productivity of organisation can be maximized that lead entity towards ensuring
higher profitability.
Present report has been conducted on Marks and Spencer, entity perform their business
operations as a multinational company in retailing segment that offers a wide range of products
and services to customers. It has been evaluated and company offer different type of services or
and products to customers in different segments. In this report formative discussion has been
conducted upon professional and appropriate skill, knowledge and behaviour that an HR
professional requires as to execute their functioning along with the personal skill Audit and
personal development. In addition to this report also include difference among organisational and
Differences between Organisational and Individual Learning, Training and Development_3

individual learning development and training along with their need for professional development
and continuous learning. In addition to this report also include different approaches to
performance management.
P1 Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required by
HR professionals.
Human Resource Department is an essential segment for the entire organisation, as this
unit is associated with the responsibility of managing skills, behaviour and knowledge of
individuals. In order to accomplish this objective there are wide range of behaviour, knowledge
and skills being required by HR professional in order to effectively deal with human relation
within company. With the assistance of these skills HR professional can maintain effective
relationship with labour and can further undertake process that are related to acquiring,
motivating, and developing, maintaining and training human resources within company.
Marks and Spencer offer wide range of products and services to customers and is operating
as a leading organisation. In order to manage their stability it is essential for company to make
certain set of alteration in order to enhance business operations from time to time. With this
entity can ensure long-term sustainability in retail market segment along with ensuring more
competitive advancements than other rivals. In order to accomplish this goal Marks and Spencer
is required to hire high talented and skilled employees through which they can undertake
innovative practices for maximizing growth. With the help of potential employees company can
undertake more competitive advantages in respective sector and can assure long-term
sustainable. For that it is essential for leaders and managers to provide interpersonal skills to
employees while providing them with different training and development sessions.
In order to accomplish high growth Marks and Spencer can undertake advantage of CPD
(continuous development process) in order to maximise interpersonal capabilities of employees
on continuous manner. With the help of this process company can enhance employee skills and
knowledge of employees and can accomplish organisational goals with great effectiveness. It has
been identified that it is essential for HR professionals to have understanding of different skills
which is being defined below:
Skills which is essential for HR Professionals
Differences between Organisational and Individual Learning, Training and Development_4

Communication skills:
It is one of the most important skill that are require to be undertaken by HR professional
as it allows them to maintain healthy or positive interaction with employees. In terms with Marks
and Spencer with the assistance of effective communication skills HR professional can maintain
a healthy relationship with employers and can further motivate or encourage them to achieve
organisational goals and objectives with great effectiveness. Along with this communication skill
will also assist entity to reduce number of conflicts with increasing employee morale objectives
of company. This skill acts as most essential aspect through which overall productivity of
company can be maximised in an effective manner.
Leadership and management skills:
It is essential for HR professional to guide or lead each and every employee towards
vision and mission of company. With the help of the skills overall objectives and determined
goals of Marks and Spencer can be accomplished in a given time period. With the help of having
efficient management and leadership skills employers can be further motivated towards
accomplishing company aims with more effectiveness, through which entity can ensure more
competitive advancements within industry. Along with this, it has been identified that with the
skilled employees qualities of organisation operations can be increased through which the
performance and productivity of company can be maximized to attend higher competitive
advancement within industry.
Behaviour which is essential for HR Professionals
Equally treating skills:
It is essential for an HR professional to treat every employee in a equal manner as every
individual possess different set of experience, skills and abilities and knowledge. With the help
of equal treatment organisation can not only offer a healthy workplace environment to their
employees but can also increase goodwill in market segment. By avoiding favouritism and
promoting equal treatment Marks and Spencer HR professional can enhance and improve
employee’s loyalty towards company through which entity can make them as of the best
organisation to work in.
Ethical behaviour:
It is most important aspect of any organisation that not only enhances productivity of
employees but can also increase their job satisfaction. It is essential for HR professionals to
Differences between Organisational and Individual Learning, Training and Development_5

undertake their operations in an ethical manner in order to enhance productivity and performance
of company and employees. With the help of having ethical behaviour practices Marks and
Spencer HR professional can facilitate long-term sustainability of organisation within respective
Knowledge which is necessary for HR Professional
Laws and regulations of government:
There is different type of laws and regulation is being enforced by government and is
required to be abiding by an organisation. It has been evident that government of United
Kingdom have enforced different type of regulations and laws which is essential for
organisations operating their functioning in retailing segment to abide. Thus it is essential for HR
professional of Marks and Spencer to have proper understanding of these laws and implement
the same in organisational workplace structure as negligence of this can lead company to face
many legal penalties and legal obligation then can affect company long-term sustainability and
an image in respective industry segment.
HR Professional is required to make sure that each and every employer is having their
salary generated while having proper deductions of taxation. Along with this HR professional of
Marks and Spencer are also required to make sure that tax exemptions is being made, further it is
important for them to have proper understanding of taxation laws and practices in order to
improve it with different policy, issues in taxation schemes.
P2 and M1. Personal skills audit and Personal development plan.
Personal skills audit is the written documentation which clearly specifies the skills,
competences and knowledge that an individual possesses in the current time and the
advancements that these skills hold. In this relation, it can be comprehensively stated that this is
a document which states the skills that are required for getting accessing to the dream job along
with the gaps that are present within the skill set of a person as well as the manner in which the
required skills will be gained with the passage of time. This document is extremely important for
a person as it provides due assistance to the person in studying as well as identifying their own
skill set and knowledge base in a way such that they can be segregated into strengths and
Differences between Organisational and Individual Learning, Training and Development_6

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