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Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations - Desklib


Added on  2023/06/07

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This report covers the effective and professional skills, knowledge and behaviours required for a HR professional, personal skills audit, organisational and individual learning, and the need for continuous learning and professional development for sustainable business performance. The report is based on Tesco as the chosen organisation and includes examples and analysis. Access study material, solved assignments, essays, and dissertations on Desklib.

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Developing Individual
Teams and

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Table of Contents
P1. Determination of appropriate and professional skills, knowledge and behaviours required
for HR professionals...................................................................................................................3
P2. Analysis of personal skills audit for the identification of efficient knowledge, skills and
behaviours and development of a professional development plan for a given job role..............5
P3. Analysis of difference between organisational and individual learning, training and
P4. Analysis of the needs for continues learning and professional development to run
sustainable business performance...............................................................................................8
P5. How HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage within a
specific organisational situation..................................................................................................9
P6. Various approaches to performance management with specific examples about how they
support high-performance culture and commitment.................................................................10
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An individual or a team both plays very crucial role within an organisation. They have
the responsibility of managing the daily operations and the activities within the
organisation(Hawkins, 2018). It is necessary for an individual or the teams to be well skilled and
well trained. Human resource (HR) is a department within the organisation which is responsible
for recruiting, selecting, hiring, training, paying, firing and many more tasks(Garg, Sinha, Kar
and et. al., 2021). Tesco is the chosen organisation for this report. It is a multinational company
headquartered in London, UK dealing in groceries. This report will cover the effective and
professional skills, knowledge and behaviours which are required for a HR for Tesco. There will
be an analysis about personal SWOT analysis, a skill audit plan and a personal development plan
about HR professional is covered in this report. Both organisational and individual learning and
training and development are important for an employee. There is a difference in between both
type of learning and training and development is covered in this report. There is a need for the
continuity of learning and professional development for the effectiveness of a business. This
report will cover the analysis regarding the same. This report will also focused at the contribution
of HPW in the employee engagement and competitive advantage in a particular organisational
condition. At the end, there is an evaluation of various approaches to performance management
and demonstrate and their support to the enhanced performance culture and commitment with
supportive examples.
P1. Determination of appropriate and professional skills, knowledge and behaviours required for
HR professionals
As it is known, a human resource manager plays a crucial role for any organisation and
hence in Tesco too. It is responsible for the control of working lifecycle of an employee. HR of
Tesco have the responsibility of taking effective employees within the organisation by
searchings, selecting and hiring them. If there is a need to train the hired employee, this will also
covered by HR and the firing of any employee if he is not performing well or misbehaving is
also the responsibility of HR. There responsibility is to make plans for various activities in the
organisation. These plans will also cover the future goals and objectives of the organisation. It
means a HR have to handle the overall situation at the workplace. There should be need of

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proper knowledge, skills and behaviours in a HR of Tesco. Following is the explanation about
such needed things in HR:
Knowledge of HR
There are some informations and abilities which are developed within an individual from
education, certain situations and experiences they have. It is crucial for the HR of Tesco to have
such knowledge which they could use in their profession. HR manager should have the
knowledge of: Hiring: Hiring of a well-skilled and effective candidate for a required position is very
essential for the future of an organisation. As a HR has the responsibility of selecting the
candidate for interview and then hiring them. They should have the knowledge about
hiring the best candidate. HR of Tesco very sharply keep finding candidates for the
vacant job position through various portals such as LinkedIn and others. Then they
separate candidates having necessary skills and accordingly hire them as per their
performance in the interview.
Training and development: As the function of a HR is to train and develop the newly
hired or existing employees according to their requirement. They should also have the
proper knowledge about how to train and develop the employees for their work as this
will be necessary for the overall future performance of the organisation. HR of Tesco
regularly organise training and development programs for newly hired or existing
employees as per the requirement of skills they need.
Skills of HR
HR of Tesco should have some of the major skills for their profession as they are there
within the organisation handling major responsibilities. Following are the skills which a HR
should have: Communication: As HR has the work of hiring candidates by taking their interviews,
they should be have the knowledge of how to communicate effectively. They also plays
a role as a leader and communication will allow them in guiding and motivating their
teams. They have the knowledge of proper deliver of necessary information and ideas of
the organisation. HR in Tesco keep communicating with each employee personally so
that there could be an effective relationship in between everyone in the organisation. The
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company organises meeting with its workers on a regular basis so that it could able to
know their problems or expectations.
Team work: As a HR manager plays also a great role in leadership, he has to be good at
team working skills. He have the skill of how to manage a team, how to guide, motivate,
help and assign task to each member. HR of Tesco plays a very effective role as a team
leader. He guides, motivates, divide works, solve problems and make the whole work of
team that much effective that it could help in achieving goals easily.
Behaviours of HR
As it is known, Tesco's HR is responsible to communicate with other departments,
candidates and companies, they should have a proper behaviour with each of them. Following
are some forms of behaviours a HR should have in them: Adaptability: As there are various kinds of people within the organisation. There are also
different different people who are in the list of interviews of HR. A HR daily meet and
communicate with new people. They should have the ability to adapt themselves
according to different behaviour of people. This will allow them to handle people. HR of
Tesco maintains adaptability in their behaviour as there are workers from different places
with different nature and background. There are also various kind of colleagues with a
HR in organisation according to behaviour.
Supportive: A HR should be supportive to his team as a leader. He should be able to help
each member of the team by solving their problems in the assigning task. For giving an
effective solution a leader should have the ability to know what he is assigning and what
problems may come with the task. HR of Tesco have a supportive nature and behaviour.
As it will allow them in solving the problems of the workers in their assigned task and
support them if they have any issue in the organisation. This will also help in maintaining
good relations, trust and understanding with the staff.
P2. Analysis of personal skills audit for the identification of efficient knowledge, skills and
behaviours and development of a professional development plan for a given job role
Personal skills audit is the process of analysis, measurement and report of the capabilities
of an individual or a team. This will enable the managers in having the idea about the strengths
and weaknesses of their team members which could be further help in the improvement of the
productivity of employees. Tesco is a very big multinational company so its HR manager should
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also be more efficient for the management of the operations in the company. As a HR my
personal SWOT analysis is below:
Strength Weakness
I am good at team working. I have the
ability to solve the problems quickly
and find proper solutions for the issues
going in the organisation.
I am good at time management. I am
able to submit all the tasks within time.
Even if I am provided with multiple
tasks, I have the ability to manage time
for each task.
I am a bit weak at communication.
Sometimes I become unable to make
the employees understanding about the
tasks(Teoli, Sanvictores and et. al.,
Sometimes, I become a bit introvert and
behave less confident which may
impact my job role.
Opportunity Threat
I could develop better skills in myself
such as communication skills and IT
I can boost my confidence by taking
tasks related to public speaking.
There are people who are much better
in communication and confidence than
me which could be result as threat for
Due to lack of desired skills I could be
remain backward from other people.
Following is the skill audit for my skills.
Skills Rating
Communication 5
Public speaking 4
Team working 8
Time management 9
I will overcome with my weaknesses through the following action plan. This action plan
will be covering how I am going to develop my skills, within what time and how can I judge the
improvement in myself:

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Skills which I want to
How can I develop
that skills?
Judgement criteria Time period
Communication I will participate in
more and more public
speaking activities and
will start
communicating more
with the team mates
and seniors for
After learning this
skill I will be able to
talk to everyone with
confidence and then I
could easily compare
with my past
It will take three to
four months to develop
these skills.
IT skills I will attend lectures
and will show videos
and attend classes,
seminars, webinar and
others for the
development of these
I will regularly attempt
mock and will check
my performance
through my working
It will take approx six
months for the
development of such
skills in me.
P3. Analysis of difference between organisational and individual learning, training and
Difference between individual and organisational learning
Individual learning Organisational learning
When an individual employee develops
a new skill or learn a new thing in
himself, it it called individual learning
to make him able for the achievement
of organisational goals.
These learning is associated with the
development of the productivity of
particular one individual.
When each and every member of the
staff are learning any thing or
developing new skills, is organisational
skills for the achievement of
organisational goals.
These learning is associated with the
development of whole staff for the
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These learning will help the individual
to expose in external environment.
HR manager of Tesco should develop
such kind of learning in each newly
hired employee to enhance its
improvement of whole organisation.
These learning will help the whole
management for better opportunities.
HR manager of Tesco should make
effective learning in its staff. It will
help whole organisation in achieving
set target goals.
Difference between training and development of individual and for organisation
Training and development of individual Training and development of organisation
This type of training and development
is for an individual including some of
the specific chosen skills and abilities
so that they could work more
efficiently by using such skills in their
work(Maheshwari and Vohra, 2018).
Tesco could provide individual training
to the newly hired or weak staffs for
their improvement and for the
improvement of the productivity of the
organisation too.
This type of training and development
is planned for whole staff in which
whole staff is trained for a particular
skill or set of skills and abilities for the
achievement of targeted organisational
Tesco could provide its staff with
various skills which they lack for the
betterment of the performance of whole
the firm.
P4. Analysis of the needs for continues learning and professional development to run sustainable
business performance
Learning is very essential part of each and everyone's life. Apart from this, there is also a
need for the development of an individual professionally. It is the need of every organisation to
make its employees much able to improve business performance. There is a need for well trained
employees and the employees approaching professional activities in the firm. For this purpose,
HR manager of Tesco wants their employees to be participative in such training and
development plans for their professional development.
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It could be said that a person develops his skills or abilities so that he could reach at a
professional level and successfully achieve organisational goals. It is also necessary to them as
there should be a continuity in the training and development of new things for the betterment of
both employee and the organisation. These skills should be only developed by an expert within
the organisation. These skills differ according to job position of an employee. Tesco should
consider every factors and accordingly develop skills in the staff.
As it is known, development of the firm is necessary for which it must be sure that the
firm is having well skilled and trained employees. They should be able to make the company to
lead the market with their hard work and other skills. If in a company there are continues
sessions for training and development of employees, that firm would be successfully able to have
employees better than other competitive firms. The success of an organisation depends at the
performance of its employees. Following are the benefits for continuous professional
development and learning:
It could be effective in the improvement of individual skills through which the companies
will get benefited.
Through PDP and CDP, a company could successfully develop there staff in a better way,
which will be beneficial for both individual as well as the company.
New skills will be helpful for the employees in cracking their assigned targets for the
achievement of organisational goals.
Continuous professional development will make the employees enable for getting more
confidence and motivation which will able the to do their work with more of their
P5. How HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage within a specific
organisational situation
High performance working (HPW), is the integration of practices, processes and policies
for the improvement in working performance of employees. This will help the organisation in
increasing sales and profit and also beneficial for employees as there is improvement in their
performance which gives them a sense of confidence and motivation. It is necessary for any
company that its employees must engage with their work properly for the achievement of
company goals and enhanced profit. It could be help the company in increase customer base.
Tesco is one of the biggest grocery MNC headquartered in UK. It has its products in

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supermarkets, superstores and others(Hung, 2020). There should be an efficient employee
engagement in the company as it is such a large grocery and retail industry. It could be beneficial
for the company as it will help the company in having motivated and improved performance staff
which which help in increment of overall revenue of the company. Tesco is using HPW method
to enhance its market share. Following are the benefits from HPW:
Improve overall performance of employees.
More confident and motivated staff.
There is a kind of respect and trust with employees which build a positive relationship
at the working place.
It will help the company in having a large market share and enhanced profit.
HPW is very beneficial for the company as it helps in having an improved and leading workforce
resulting in betterment of the working conditions and increased profit. HPW enables Tesco to
make its staff motivated and confident. There will be a kind of healthy working environment due
to which there are good terms in between employees and with employees and owner too. In
Tesco, there is a positive mindset of employees towards their work which will allow the
company in having a good and enhanced customer base. The company also keep looking at the
issues of the staff which they face during work so that it could solve their problems and help the
employees in enhancing their performance. The company also regularly keep checking at the
performance of each employee for keep the smoothing in work flow.
P6. Various approaches to performance management with specific examples about how they
support high-performance culture and commitment
There are a lot of methods for the management of performance. Performance
management is the process of continuous communication in between employees and manager
including various topics such as: organisational goals, per year sales target and others. It will
help the employees in having proper understanding about what to do, how to do and till when the
work should be completed. This will enable them for freely working and help the company in
increased profit per year. Following are different approaches to performance management:
Collaborative working: It is an essential part of performance management. It is the
combination of two or more people in a group or team for working for the achievement of
same set goals. Every company wants to have a highly performed working culture. It is
that organisational culture which is based on a set of behaviours and norms which are
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universally applicable and could be encouraged by leaders(Leach, 2022). This will allow
companies in achieving business goals successfully. Tesco also focuses at collaborative
working. The company regularly keep making various teams for the completion of
different kind of works. It is providing various benefits to the company such as: having
an overall increased working outcome, achieving the set goals quickly and others.
Shared goals: These are the the set of goals which various people holds together who
works and make efforts and coordinate for the achievement of common goals. Such goals
are set for teams within organisation. This allow each employees of each team in
coordinating with each other effectively. Tesco used to make different teams for the
achievement of various tasks of the organisation. The company divides work according to
the capacity of each worker so that it could be easy to work for them. There are various
number of set and share goals in different teams of the company. It also help the
company in building strong and effective relationship in between employees and also in
between employees and supervisors.
Decision-making: It is the process of making different different decision in an
organisation such as: setting goals, deciding salary of employees, targeting particular
market and customers and others. It plays a very essential role in any firm as planning of
everything is very necessary. Tesco makes their decisions very effectively after
identifying each information from various source. It also involves its employees in this
process. It listens to the ideas of the workers which allows them in motivating and being
confident. It will also allows the company in having different and new ideas as there are
various employees participating in the process.
Management by objectives (MBO): It is a process of evaluating performance of the
employees within the organisation. In this method, various managers and employees sit
together and discuss set or targeted objectives and aims of the company and according a
manager divides the work within teams. Then after, they maintain a journal in which they
make the performance of each teams and accordingly decides rewards for them. Tesco
used this method for the information of each team's performance. The company gives
various rewards according to their performance in achieving goals.
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It could be concluded from the above report that developing teams will be very beneficial
for any organisation as it helps in quick achievement of goals and there are less chances of any
kind of mistake. HR of Tesco are expert in hiring and training and development according to
knowledge, in communication and team work according to skills and in adaptability and
supportive according to behaviour. There is a personal SWOT analysis for the evaluation of
weaknesses so that they could be improved through a proper action plan. Difference between
organisational and individual learning and training and development is also concluded. It could
also concluded that there is a continues need for learning and professional development to run
sustainable business performance. HPW are the practices, processes and policies for the
improvement in working performance of employees. There are various approaches to
performance management such as: collaborative working, shared goals, decision-making and

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