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Developing Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility in Academic Life


Added on  2023/06/11

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This report discusses the importance of developing social and ethical awareness and responsibility in academic life. It explains how project workshop activities can help in this development and provides an action plan for achieving specific goals. The report includes 12 appendices for the portfolio, covering personal development plan, SWOT analysis, time management skills, communication skills, and more. Course code: FY027

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Module: (FY027) Preparing for Success: Self
Development and Responsibility

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................ 2
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 3
How and why have the project workshop activities developed your social and ethical awareness and
responsibility? (500 words).................................................................................................................4
Importance and value of the Appendices (10 Documents) that I have compiled and provided as part
of my portfolio in relation to my development of social and ethical awareness and responsibility
during the module............................................................................................................................... 5
Conclusion:......................................................................................................................................... 6
12 Appendices for the Portfolio...........................................................................................................7
Appendix 1: Personal Development Plan (PDP) .............................................................................7
Title of Course I’m Enrolled For:......................................................................................................7
Appendix 2: Personal SWOT Analysis.............................................................................................8
Appendix 3: Reading Log................................................................................................................9
Appendix 4: Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule..............................................................10
Appendix 5: Time Management Skills: Daily to Do List..................................................................11
Appendix 6: Communication Skills: Effective vs Ineffective Communication..................................12
Appendix 7: Presentation Skills: Comparison between good and poor practices...........................12
....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix 8: Academic Writing Skills..............................................................................................15
Appendix 9: Employability Skills:...................................................................................................16
Appendix 11: Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV)............................................................................18
Appendix 12: An Action Plan for achieving a specific academic or professional goal of your choice.
...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix 13: Optional: Cover Letter..............................................................................................19
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The social and ethical responsibilities of a person are most important to be developed in the
academic life. These responsibilities helps a person to develop effectiveness in social
paradigms and aspects. This project report includes ways in which project work shop
activities develop social as well as ethical awareness and responsibility.
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How and why have the project workshop activities developed your social and
ethical awareness and responsibility? (500 words)
The project workshop activities were most important for me to develop effective approach in
analysing the value of social and ethical awareness. In order to increase by ethical and
social awareness, my teachers and professors supported me in a well defined manner. The
key role of mine is to develop focused strategic and planning framework in order to deal with
the internal environment. It is also major role of an individual to focus on increasing the
ethical awareness in order to increase the competitive strength. The project workshop which
was conducted, taught me lessons related to social and ethical development. I consider that
these awareness will also help me in my career and academic field. The social awareness
will be also helpful for me in order to develop key and social approach in order to guide
others. My seniors also taught me different lessons based on social and ethical awareness
to increase my knowledge. In order to develop learning and development based approach, it
is essential for me to focus on key ways of doing the things right. The ethical awareness will
also support me to remain ethical in my professional life which is my main target. Social
awareness will also help me in increasing my potential related to basic things and
applications of honesty. Now I am also able to impress my parents and society in a precise
and systematic manner with the help and support of key considerations. This is major role of
individual to focus on increasing key skills and competencies which are related to internal
strengths and weaknesses to overcome major consequences of life. The ethical approach
will also support me to gain appreciation from my surroundings and in the institution as well.
The workshop which was conducted by experts provided perfect knowledge to me in order
to increase my ethical awareness. Main duty of mine is to implement ethics and integrity in
my personal life to make myself more satisfied. The workshop also gave me a chance to
improve my key skills which are important for developing ethics. In the era of stiff
competition in professional life, social and ethical approach helps an individual to develop
dynamic personality. The key goal of an individual should be to apply all major methods and
techniques which are important for overall development. Workshop are major resource for
an individual which helps in increasing the chances of success in the academic life as well.
The recently discovered ways and methods are also important for an individual to be
learned by increasing the chances of success. Main focus of an individual should be on
increasing participation in all major activities in order to develop effective consequences of
learning. The key considerations related to social development and welfare will help the
individual to develop effective ways of increasing social values.

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Importance and value of the Appendices (10 Documents) that I have compiled
and provided as part of my portfolio in relation to my development of social
and ethical awareness and responsibility during the module.
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From above mentioned project report, it can be concluded that social and ethical awareness
is important for a students for various manner, In order to develop this, a person can join
different workshop activities that allow them to ensure academic and professional
development. It allow a person to work on their weakness and allow them to develop new
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12 Appendices for the Portfolio
Appendix 1: Personal Development Plan (PDP)
My Full Name:
Title of Course I’m Enrolled For:
Name of Institution:
Level at which I am Currently
Start Date:
End Date:
My Reasons/Motivation for Doing
this Course:

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Objectives for my
personal development
Actions required to
achieve my
resources I
Timeframe Estimated date
of completion /
Development of
communication skills
In order to develop
communication skill,
I needs to share my
vies joining an
institution. I also
practice daily and
also reading
newspaper and
other articles.
Online courses,
material, Blogs
related to
and books.
3 Months 30th July 2022
Improving time
management skills
To improve time
management skill, I
can develop time
table. I also made to
do list that allow me
to improve my time
management skills.
2 Months 30th June 2022
Improving decision making
In order to improve
decision making
skills, I needs to
develop goals,
gather information,
making of decisions.
conditions, right
things to do,
feedback and
1 Months 30th May 2022
Development of problem
solving skills
In order to develop
problem solving skill,
I needs to first
identify an issues,
needs to identify
various solutions in
order to implement
effective solution.
required for
problem solving
skill including
check lists,
surveys, tally
sheets, quality
4 Months 30th August
Appendix 2: Personal SWOT Analysis
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STRENGTHS (strong points)
SES (weak
1 SI I have strong communication skill as I
can share my views and ideas to
another person in effective manner.
I i
1 I have lack of time management skill as I find it
difficult to manage time in effective manner. It is also
difficult for me to complete work on time.
r. I also have strong presentation skill on
basis of which I was able to present my
views in PPT.
2 I have poor problem solving skills as I find it difficult to
solve problem occur in my life.
3 I also have creativity skills which allow me to
complete a work in effective and unique
manner which allow me to differentiate my
work from others.
3 I also have lack of decision making skills as I get confuse
while make a decision in order to make valid decisions.
4 I am a confident person as I feel confident while
communicating with others. 4 I does not stress management skills as I cannot handle
stress and does not able to work in stressful
6 66 I have strong IT skills as I have strong computer
knowledge. I also have knowledge of different
computer software.
OPPORTUNITIES (potential gains)
1 There is increasing demand of online things in
today's time as consumer are using digital
technology for different purpose.
1 There is increasing competition in market which make
it difficult for me to find a job
2 There demand of candidate who has knowledge
of different language in international business. 2 Changing technology also become the reason for which
it is difficult for a person to work.
There is growth option for higher education in
this field.
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Appendix 3: Reading Log

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Appendix 4: Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule
6:00 AM Morning walk Morning walk Morning walk Morning walk Morning walk Morning walk Morning walk
7:00 AM Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation
8:00 AM Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym
9:00 AM Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
10:00 AM Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time
11:00 AM Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time
12:00 PM Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time
1:00 PM Family time Family time Family time Family time Family time Family time Family time
2:00 PM Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
3:00 PM Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
4:00 PM Net Surfing Net Surfing Net Surfing Net Surfing Net Surfing Net Surfing Net Surfing
5:00 PM Evening walk Evening walk Evening walk Evening walk Evening walk Evening walk Evening walk
6:00 PM Friends time Friends time Friends time Friends time Friends time Friends time Friends time
7:00 PM Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
8:00 PM Family time Family time Family time Family time Family time Family time Family time
9:00 PM Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time
10:00 PM Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time
11:00 PM Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time
12:00 PM Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time Study time
1:00 AM Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep
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Appendix 5: Time Management Skills: Daily to Do List
Item Priority Action to be taken Timeframe Done (tick)
Exercise, 7 Go to gym 1 hour
Swimming 5 Join swimming class 1 Hour
Online class 1 Accessing online class in order to learn Q
3 Hours

Self study 3 Find out time to study things to be discussed in
1 Hour
6 Go to stadium in for football practice 1 hour
2 Starting assignment with friends in order to
complete it before due date
2 Hour
4 Join English class in order to improve my
communication skills 1 Hour

Walk with
8 Go for walk with pet in garden. 30 Minutes
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Appendix 6: Communication Skills: Effective vs Ineffective Communication
1 Attentive listener 1 Poor enthusiasm
2 Completeness 2 Making interruption with others
3 Non verbal communication 3 Close minded
4 Be clear and concrete 4 Complaining
5 Visual 5 Lack of clarity
6 Empathy for others 6 Indirect message
7 Relaxed 7 Lack of consciousness
1 Increase engagement
2 Handle conflicts
3 Develop positive relationship
4 Promote team working among members
5 Promote trust
6 Promote innovation

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7 Provide clarity and direction
Appendix 7: Presentation Skills: Comparison between good and poor practices
1 Keep it simple 1 Reading off slides during presentation
2 Focus on needs of audience 2 Including extra text in slides
3 Strong start 3 Over bullets
4 Use of voice in effective manner 4 Too many pictures
5 Smile 5 Overloading of data
6 Making eye contact 6 Winging it
7 Connect with audience 7 Clashing colors
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Goals Action Plan
Getting good grades in examination For this, I will study hard and also taking regular class.
Develop strong network For developing network, I communicate with different
Improving time management skills It require time table and to do list as following these two
strictly will helps me.
Developing social awareness For this, I read newspapers, watching news channel and
study current affairs.
Improving decision making skills For this, I needs to develop goals, gather information,
consider consequences, making of decisions.
Getting good employment opportunity For this, I will work on my weakness and apply for different
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Appendix 8: Academic Writing Skills
Select from the following list any three skills that you have learnt from the lessons and
workshops that you have attended; and briefly state the BENEFITS you have gained
from learning the said academic skills:
Editing of text
Data analysis
Creating a Table of Contents
Interpreting feedback given by your lecturer; and acting on it
Using punctuations correctly
Understanding verbs that are commonly used in Projects;
Reflective writing
Any other academic skill.
1 Academic Skill 1 Strong points (advantages) Weak points (disadvantages)
(a) Referencing Helps to build network of
information and also to carry out
secondary research.
There are some style of references which
consist complex written work.
(b) References is one of skills that is
important in professional sector that
can be shown in resume
It provide aridity in work of a person.
© Quality of a journal will be depend
on these references
It can be misleading and also consist
inadequate information.
Benefit(s) of this skill to me- This skill allow me to
carry out secondary
research on basis of
which I can complete
my assignment.
2 Academic Skill 2 Strong points (advantages) Weak points (disadvantages)
(a) Reflective writing It provide support support to
understanding and presentation
It is not useful as it can be write after the
event has been done and a person lost their
(b) It enhance engagement of students. It is based on emotional and inferential basis.
© Focus and directing to leaning It is not comprehensive for a person in order
to record information.
Benefit(s) of this skill to me  It is one of important
skills for me as it will
improve my learning
and also allow me to be
more engaged in a
3 Academic Skill 3 Strong points (advantages) Weak points (disadvantages)
(a) Paraphrasing skill It allow to express ideas in own
words and also increase
It can results into unwittingly change of
original meaning.
(b) It is flexible for future as it is difficult
for a person to reach to it.
In this, original context is more better ass it
can be expressed into concise and clear

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© It allow users to express their views
in less words than original.
Benefit(s) of this skill to me It provide me various
benefits as it allow me
to express other views
in my own words.
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Appendix 9: Employability Skills:
No. Specific skill you’ve acquired during
lessons or workshops
How does it raise your chances of getting your
desired job?
1 Communication skill
It will increase my changes of getting my designed job as it is
most demanded skills in any job. It allow to work without
2 Time management skill
It allow to complete work on time.
3 Decision making skill
It helps to make decision at workplace.
4 Problem solving skill This skills required for purpose of solving problem at workplace.
5 Presentation skill On basis of this skill, I can made presentation.
6 Creativity skill It allow me to complete work in unique manner.
7 Critical thinking skill It allow me to understand situation in effective manner and also
to handle it.
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Appendix 10: Notes on Reflection (3 sessions)
Provide details of your OBSERVATIONS, EXPERIENCES and LESSONS learnt, and how
these changed your PERSPECTIVE and made you a better person.

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Appendix 11: Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV)
NAME: Stefan Salvatore
ADDRESS: 179, Fox street, London City, United Kingdom
PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: I am a self motivated person who is lookng for job where I
get learning and developing opportunities.
EDUCATION (Name and year of Institution attended):
Graduation in Business Administration at Oxford University, 2020.
Diploma in business management in the year 2018.
Diploma in computer and data science.
1.5 year experience as Marketing executive in H&M.
Aldi Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
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Appendix 12: An Action Plan for achieving a specific academic or professional goal of your
Pick any goal from the following list and create an Action Plan for achieving it:
Completing your studies (diploma or degree) within a record time.
Completing your Research Report (IBL) within a specified period of time.
Finding and completing on time a Work-Based Learning Placement within the
specified period of time.
Seeking and finding employment (a job) at the end of your studies.
Any other appropriate goal within the academic or employment environment.
Action for Achieving a Specific Goal
My Name:
Course enrolled for:
Level of study:
Goal to be Accomplished:
Actions I need to take:
Resources / support / backup that
I need:
Success criteria or indicators:
(How will you know when you’ve
achieved the goal)
Review / evaluation:
Appendix 13: Optional: Cover Letter
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Appendix 14: Photos or samples of work produced in class (during lessons or workshop

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