
Developing Teams in Business- Doc


Added on  2021-02-19

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Developing Teams inBusiness
Developing Teams in Business- Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3PROJECT 1 .....................................................................................................................................3P1 Different types and benefits of teams for an organisation................................................3P2 Explain how to build cohesive teams that perform well...................................................4P3 Attributes and skills needed by a team leader...................................................................5M1 Compare the roles of the different members of the team.................................................6M2 Compared the effectiveness of different teams................................................................7PROJECT 2......................................................................................................................................8P4 Demonstrate working as part of a team towards achieving specific goals........................8P5 Demonstrate working as part of a team towards achieving specific goals, dealing with anyconflict or difficult situations as a team leader.......................................................................8P6 Review team’s overall effectiveness, together with your contribution to achieving thegoals, receiving and providing feedback to other team members..........................................9D1 Evaluate the team’s overall effectiveness in meeting its objectives, makingrecommendations for improvements....................................................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Developing Teams in Business- Doc_2

INTRODUCTIONTeam is defined as group of individuals who work together for achievement of goals andobjectives (Bedwell, Fiore and Salas, 2014). They are interdependent in terms of resources,skills, information who are seeking for combining efforts to accomplish and achieve commongoal of business. It is very important for organisation to build successful team as there is rightmix of various professional skills. This team helps in better achievement of goal and objectives.The given report is based on Chez Bruce Restaurant which was founded in 1995 at UnitedKingdom. It is medium sized restaurant providing various foods and drinks to their users orconsumers. Being part of marketing team in respective organisation for new product, it isimportant for them to develop teams. The new product is based on Arabian Cuisine theme. Thisreport highlights about importance of team, team development, leadership attributes and skill. Italso covers that employees of organisation should be able to work effectively in team. PROJECT 1 P1 Different types and benefits of teams for an organisationTeam is defined as group of people which is working together for achievement ofspecified goal (Boyatzis and et. al., 2013). This is formed with two, four or six people or morethan that for better results. As being part of marketing team at Chez Bruce Restaurant, team hasto be formed for delivering plan for new product. The different types of teams for anorganisation are described below:Formal Teams- It is created for particular purpose in systematic and structured manner.This team has to follow proper rules and regulation in order to meet expectation of each andevery members. For example, customer service where there is proper rules and regulation to dealwith them. Informal Teams- This is defined as team where there is no proper structure, rule andregulations. It is formed informally for organisation to assist team. For instance, combination ofdifferent team members for work performance.Temporary Teams- This is created for shorter period of time for achievement ofparticular task. Such team is separated after completion of task and loose importance as team istemporal. There are various types of teams which are of temporary in nature such as task force,project design, problem solving teams.
Developing Teams in Business- Doc_3

Permanent Teams- This teams are created to work together for longer period of time. Inthis team when task is completed they continue for working together to perform various tasksand activities. Cross Functional Teams- It is created with help of various team members who areworking in different areas and putting them together for performing certain task or work(Brooks, El-Gayar and Sarnikar, 2015). There is member of team for each and every team forachievement of goal and objectives. Self Managed Teams- It is the team where people who are working together withouthelp of head person or manager for completion of task. They manage each and every work bythemselves. Teams are beneficial for respective organisation to make better plan for new product.This helps in getting work in proper manner, learning of new things, use of different ideas. Thebenefits of teams for organisation are described below:Increase Productivity- When team works together then they have high chances toincrease productivity of business. Each of them work in easier and quicker way for highproductivity. As organisation set teams for achieving particular work in given time period. Increased Performance- When team is working together and try best to achieve goalwhich leads to forming of good team. This helps in increasing performance as ideas and views ofdifferent member of team is used. Skill Development- When all member of teams are working together then there isdevelopment of skills such as communication, leadership, team building, confidence and others.P2 Explain how to build cohesive teams that perform wellCohesion is defined as terms when various team members come together for achievingparticular task (Bush and Glover, 2012). It is very important for all teams to work together forspecified results. For work performance, each member of team should be assigned their roles andresponsibilities as per skills and weaknesses. Cohesive teams can be build through teamformation that is explained with help of Tuckman's Theory which is as follows:Forming- It is the stage where new team has to be formed and concerned withorientation. Though there is independent behaviour of member and looks for guidance from team
Developing Teams in Business- Doc_4

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