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Diet Analysis Project: Tables and Analysis Questions


Added on  2023/05/31

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This article provides a detailed analysis of the diet of an individual based on tables and analysis questions. It includes information on energy balance, macronutrient intake, and micronutrient intake. It also suggests changes that need to be made to the diet to better meet the recommendations for energy, macronutrients, and micronutrients.

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Diet Analysis Project: Tables and Analysis Questions
Table 1. Energy and Macronutrients (10 pts)
Average Eaten Target
Energy 1814 kcal xxxx
Carbohydrates (% of calories) 40 % 45-65 %
Total Fat (% of calories) 43 % 20-25 %
Protein (% of calories) 17 % 10-35 %
Dietary Fiber 23.1 g 28-34 g
Protein (grams) 77.8 g xxxx
Table 2. Micronutrients (40 pts)
Vitamin Average
Eaten RDA/AI Mineral Average
Eaten RDA/AI
Thiamine .9 mg 1.2 mg Calcium 513.4 mg 1000 mg
Riboflavin 1.2 mg 1.3 mg Copper .3 mg .89 mg
Niacin 27.3 mg 16 mg Iron 8.8 mg 8 mg
Acid 9.6 mg 5 mg Magnesium 94.1 mg 400 mg
Vitamin B6 1.8 mg 1.6 mg Manganese .9 mg 2.3 mg
Vitamin B12 3.2 μg 2.4 μg Phosphorus 630.6 mg 700 mg
Folate 197.5 μg 400 μg Potassium 1440. mg 4645 mg
Vitamin A 3161.5 IU 3000 IU Selenium 43.8 μg 55 μg
Vitamin C 57.8 mg 90 mg Sodium 2723 mg 1.5 mg
Vitamin D 30.9 IU 600 IU Zinc 3 mg 11 mg
Vitamin E 5.4 mg 15 mg
Vitamin K 48.1 μg 120 μg

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Energy Balance
1. (10 pts) Cronometer uses the Mifflin-St Jeor equation for estimating energy expenditure
(“Calories Burned”). How do the provided energy needs from Cronometer compare with the
calories you consumed, on average, in Table 1? Are you in energy balance, positive energy
balance, or negative energy balance based on the Mifflin-St Jeor estimate? Include the numeric
values in your answer.
The Mifflin- ST Jeor equation For Men is : 10 x weight (83) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5
x Age + 5 f. Based on the desired kcal for my body which would be 2323 kcal, I only
consumed on average of 1814 kcal during the three day time span. Hence, I am
consuming lesser calories as compared to my requirements. Hence, I am in a state
of negative energy balance with a deficit of 509 calories.
(15 pts) Calculate your energy needs using the Estimated Energy Requirements (EER)
equation that you learned about in Chapter 11 of the text. You will need to convert your
height and weight to the appropriate units. Be sure to include your work. How do your
calculated energy needs compare with the calories you consumed, on average, in Table 1?
Are you in energy balance, positive energy balance, or negative energy balance based on
the EER estimate?
Adult male: EER = 662 − [9.53 x age (22)] + PA Active- 2822+[15.91 x wt (83) + 539.6 x ht
662-209.66+2822-(1320.53+ 998.26)= 955.55 Kcal
According to Table 1, my average energy consumption of 1814 kcal. According to the Estimated
Energy Requirements Equation, my energy needs are 955.55 kcal. Hence, in comparison I am
consuming an excess of calories. This indicates that I am in a state of positive energy balance with a
calorie surplus of 858.45 kcal.
2. (5 pts) Compare the results of the Mifflin-St Jeor estimate and the EER equation from the
text. Which do you feel more accurately represents your daily energy expenditure and why?
Upon comparison to the results presented by the EER equation, we can observe a large
level of discrepancy and lack of similarity between in the values. Further, the Mifflin-St Jeor
estimate displays less amount of difference from my average calorie intake as compared to
the huge amount of differences presented by the results in the EER equation. The given
EER equation is also known as the Harris-Benedict Equation. There has been documented
evidence suggesting that EER or Harris Benedict Equation shows high levels of inaccuracy
and error as compared to the Mifflin-St Jeor estimate. Hence, I feel that Mifflin-St Jeor
estimate accurately measures my daily energy expenditure as compared to the given EER
equation (Miniati et al., 2015).
Macronutrient Intake
3. (10 pts) Looking at Table 1, compare your average percentage (%) of calories for
carbohydrates, total fat, and protein with the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution
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Ranges (AMDRs) that you listed in the Target column? Include both your intake and the
recommendations as part of your answer.
40% of my calorie intake comes from carbohydrates, 43% comes from fat, 17% and 14% is
coming from protein. In accordance to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges
listed in the Target column, 45-65% of my calorie intake should come from carbohydrates,
20-25% should come from fat and 10-35% should come from proteins. Upon comparison, it
can be observed that I am deficient in calorie intake from carbohydrate and sufficient calories
are being derived from proteins as per the AMDR values. An excess of my calorie intake is
coming from fat than required.
4. (10 pts) Calculate your RDA for protein in grams per day using the recommendations in
Chapter 6 of the text. If you believe the RDA is not appropriate for you because you are an
active individual, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding, use those recommendations instead (found
in the Today’s Dietitian article of the Recommended Readings in Week 3 Learning Resources).
The formula for protein intake is (Weight in lbs. / 2.2 kg/lb) * 0.8 g/kg
Hence, in accordance to the calculation, the results are : (403.446/887.58)*146.4 = 66.54
Hence, according to the calculation, my protein requirements are 66.5 grams per day.
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5.Be sure to show your work. How does your average intake from protein in grams in Table 1
compare with your protein needs that you calculated?
The calories from my protein intake is 17% out of the total 1814 kcal intake, which upon
calculation, means that 308.38 kcal (17/100 * 1814 ) is coming from protein. Considering that
4 kcal are provided by 1 gram of protein, my protein consumption is 77.095 grams per day
Hence, upon comparison with the results of the previous equation which is 66.5 grams, I am
consuming an excess protein intake with a surplus of 10.5 grams.
6. (5 pts) Compare your fiber intake from Table 1 with the recommendation. Include both
your intake and the recommendation as part of your answer.
My fiber intake is 23.1 grams per day. The recommendations are 28 to 34 grams per day.
Hence, my fiber intake in less than the recommendation, with a deficit of 4.9 grams.
Micronutrient Intake
7. (10 pts) Looking at Table 2, compare your average intake of the listed vitamins and minerals
with the RDA/AIs for those nutrients. What vitamins and minerals are you lacking and what
vitamins and minerals are you get plenty of?
I am lacking in micronutrients thiamine, riboflavin, folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E,
Vitamin K. copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and zinc. The
table also indicates that I am getting plenty of micronutrients like niacin, patothenic acid,
Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, calcium, sodium. Of these, my iron consumption is just sufficient as per
the requirements.
8. (5 pts) Referencing your Nutrient Report screenshots, is average nutrient intake for any of
the vitamins and minerals putting you at risk for toxicity? To determine this, review Tolerable
Upper Limits (found here: Tolerable Upper Limits) for any nutrients over 200% on your
Nutrient Report.
Upon observation of the Nutrient Report screenshots and the values given in Tolerable
Upper Limits, it was seen my excessive consumptions of Vitamin A and Sodium, is
putting me at a risk for toxicity.
9. (50 pts) Describe what changes you would need to make to your diet to better meet your
recommendations for energy, macronutrients, and micronutrients. Be very specific! If you are
lacking in a nutrient, what can you do to increase your intake of that nutrient and if you are
getting too much of a nutrient and too much can be bad for you, what can you do to reduce
your intake of that nutrient.
Considering my intake of macronutrients, it can be observed that I am deficient in my intake
of adequate calories. A negative energy balance has been associated with loss of adequate
physical performance, reductions in the amount of testosterone, catabolism of breakdown of
proteins resulting in loss of muscles and bone density (Maniscalco et al., 2015). According to
the nutrient screenshots, my intake of carbohydrates and dietary fiber is 71% and 61%

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respectively. Since carbohydrates are major sources of energy, increasing this intake my
consumption of whole grains and fiber food sources would be a beneficial change (Ray &
Lotz, 2014). My dietary fiber intake was found to be insufficient, which if left untreated, can
lead to harmful effects like constipation, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diverticulitis and
possibilities of colon cancer (Desai et al., 2015). Increasing whole grain and fruit consumption
would be a beneficial change since they are rich in soluble and insoluble fibers (Stephen et
al., 2017). 20-25% of my calorie intake should come from fat sources, which I am exceeding
with an intake of 43%. Excessive fat intake puts one at a risk for cardiovascular diseases,
hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, obesity and also cancer (Freeman et al., 2014). The nutrient
screenshots indicate high consumption of saturated and trans fat and low consumption of
beneficial unsaturated sources like Omega 3. Hence, as beneficial changes I must reduce
consumption of harmful fats like butter, margarine and junk food and increase consumption of
omega 3 fatty acid sources like deep sea fishes (salmon, halibut, trout), flaxseeds and
walnuts. High saturated and trans fat consumption puts one at a risk for heart ailments.
Omega 3 fatty acids have been documented to yield anti-oxidants effects through reduction
of inflammation and increase of healthy high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (De Souza
et al., 2015). My protein consumption was found to be high, which may lead to renal
disorders if left uncorrected. Considering the nutrient screenshots, amino acid consumption
of phenylalanine and tryptophan was found to be in excess, which are found to be rich in
dairy and meat products. Hence, I must restrict these foods accordingly (Antonio et al.,
My sodium intake was found to be extremely high which may put me at a risk for
hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, stroke and renal disorders. I must reduce
consumption of table salt and processed foods, which are known to be rich in the mineral
(Faraco et al., 2017). Considering my high intake of Vitamin A, toxicity, can lead to symptoms
of blurred vision, skin cracking and yellowing, pain in bones and abdominal, fatigue, irritable
behavior and nausea. Dairy and colored fruits and vegetables like mangoes, spinach, carrots
are rich in the vitamin, which I need to restrict a little(Baineni, Gulati & Delhi, 2017).
Considering my high niacin intake, toxicity may increase my triglyceride levels which is
harmful for my heart health. Hence, I need to reduce intake of pork, chicken and fishes like
tuna (Schaffelner et al., 2017).
My calcium and vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone density loss, increased susceptibility to
fracture and osteoporosis. Hence, I must increase intake of calcium foods such as dairy
sources, soy and leafy greens and vitamin D rich foods like egg yolk, mushrooms and
fortified cereal or butter (Asemi et al., 2015). My folate deficiency can lead to anemia and
fatigue. Hence, I need to increase consumption of folate sources such as leafy greens, beet,
brussel sprouts and broccoli (Rosenthal et al., 2017). My Vitamin C deficiency can reduce my
immune functioning , delay wound healing and damage my teeth and gums. Hence I must
increase my intake of Vitamin C rich citrus fruits (Christie-David & Gunton, 2017). My Vitamin
K deficiency can lead to lack of wound healing and coagulation and must be managed by
increasing tomato and leafy green intake (Sankar et al., 2016). I need to consume potassium
rich foods like bananas, potatoes and spinach to prevent deficiency symptoms of palpitations,
fatigue and muscle pain (Terker et al., 2015). I need to also consume magnesium rich foods
like legumes, nuts, seeds and leafy greens to prevent deficiency symptoms of low appetite,
muscle spasms and lack of coordination (William & Danziger, 2016). Lastly, I must increase
zinc-rich food consumption like seafood, nuts and whole grains to prevent deficiency
symptoms of cognitive loss, scaling of skin and thinning of hair (Kumssa et al., 2015).
Document Page
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