
Transnational Business Governance and Law


Added on  2020-02-12

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Transnational Business Governance and Law_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 Analysis on legal rules in implied terms related to the supply of goods and services.........31.2 Statutory provisions on the transfer of property and possession...........................................41.3 Statutory provision related to buyer and seller remedies in sale of goods contracts.............41.4 Product liability legal rules and statutory provisions for faulty goods..................................5TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................62.1 Distinguish between sort of credit agreements......................................................................62.2 Legal rules on termination rights and default notices............................................................62.3 General features of Agency and differentiate between the different types of agents............72.4 Rights and duties of an agent.................................................................................................8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................83.1 Monopolies and anti-competitive practice legislation in the UK..........................................83.2 Role of the Competition Commission...................................................................................93.3 Dominant positions within the EU common market.............................................................93.4 Instances when EU exempted potentially anti-competitive................................................10practices....................................................................................................................................10TASK 4 .........................................................................................................................................104.1 Different forms of intellectual property rights.....................................................................104.2 Principles relating to the protection of inventions...............................................................114.3 Principles relating to copyright protection and the legal rules preventing their..................12infringement..............................................................................................................................124.4 Compare and contrast the protection of trademarks and business names giving practicalexamples ...................................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................142
Transnational Business Governance and Law_2

INTRODUCTION Business laws refers to incorporated to bring ethical and legal aspects of company withdifferent types of elements (Policy Area, Business and enterprise. 2017) It also refers to differenttypes of regulatory frame work which apply on business firm. With the helps of such lawfulpractices organization can make their business more ethical and attracts more customers in theirbusiness. BL ensure that company and individuals conduct all its operations as per the law soconsumer get protected through this. The present report make analysis on different aspects ofbusiness laws and their implication. It makes Analysis on legal rules which implied to the supplyof goods and service Act and Statutory provisions on the transfer of property (Akintoye,Renukappa and Lal, 2012). Along with this it makes analysis of credit agreements and types ofagency. Furthermore, this report also make analysis on Monopolies and anti-competitive practicelegislation in the UK. At last it gives detail information related to intellectual property rights. TASK 11.1 Analysis on legal rules in implied terms related to the supply of goods and servicesBy evaluating the case it has been sassed that Ben aim is to purchase car through the cardealer's magazine. In the Magazine, it shown case the detailed description about the car whichis second hand car. When Ben visited showroom, at that time he paid £150 to show hisseriousness about the car. When the care arrived at that time Ben took a test drive and decided topurchase it immediately (Bekkers, Duysters and Verspagen, 2012). Later when Ben took hisfamily for the drive he found that car engine was heating up and demands for regular coolingdown. Then, he came to know that the car was posses by two owner instead of one and thesecond car owner used it as cab- taxi. After that, various rejection made upon the sales return andthus as per the exclusion clause within terms and conditions linked with sales. As according to, Sales of Goods Act, 1979 following are the implied terms in section 12-15. According to the section 12: As per this section seller need to require possess on theproducts or services in relation to transfer to ownership. According to the section 13: Detailed information of products needs to presented andactual quality of products should be produce, but for these products should be inqualitative nature. 3
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According to section 14: product quality should be in such a nature that it accepts byother and it should not be in faulty nature.According to the section 15 : it assesses that quality of product requires testing drivewhich was not portrayed as per the same condition.By making evaluation of the above case it has been assessed that legal obligation of partiesrequired to asses that exclusion clause is not applied on this. So Ben has right of claim damagesfor products which he had purchased (Boldrin and Levine, 2012).1.2 Statutory provisions on the transfer of property and possessionAs according to the business law there are two types of goods specific and unspecifiedgoods. Specified goods is that in which clear description about the products has been mentioned.In the above case Ben has offered detail as well as clear knowledge regrading to the products soas per the law it is specified goods. As per this unspecified product, is that in which seller doesnot provide clear information about the products (Bowyer, 2016). By assessing above case isfound that following are obligations are which made as per the Transfer of property Act, 1882.Sales should be made as per the Transfer of property Act, 1882.Seller sales only that product when he had title of products.The legal right are needed to be transferred to the buyer in relation with the product The sales of products should be made according to the mutual interest of the both partieswhich are involved in transaction. As per the given, scenario the obligation of this case are made by the both parties witheffectiveness. In contrast to this exclusion clause was not as per the statutory obligations thatrelates with Transfer of the property Act 1882. 1.3 Statutory provision related to buyer and seller remedies in sale of goods contractsAt the time of making any type of contract which is related to the sales of goods Act, thebuyer and seller both have some legal rights. With the helps of this legal rights they can protectitself from the all legal problems. Under the situation of non performance different types ofconsequences has to be faced (Campbell and Boothby, 2016)Remedies for buyersIn order to make claim on the Goods buyer have to possess the entitlement of product sohe can claim against the repair and damages which he made to carrying out and4
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