
Digital Marketing: Analyzing Customer Engagement with Google Merchandise Store


Added on  2022-12-27

20 Pages3860 Words1 Views
Digital marketing
Digital Marketing: Analyzing Customer Engagement with Google Merchandise Store_1

Table of Contents
Digital Marketing: Analyzing Customer Engagement with Google Merchandise Store_2

At higher levels the digital marketing means advertising that are delivered using digital
channels like search engines, social media, websites, email and the mobile apps. Digital
marketing refers to method through which the companies will endorse the goods, services and
the brands. It uses online and internet based digital technologies like the mobile phones, desktop
computers and the other tools (Steils, 2021). The importance of digital media has been increased
after the invent of different platforms used for social interactions. Digital marketing methods
have proper combination of the SEO, SEM, influencer marketing, content marketing, campaign
marketing, e-commerce and such other activities. The present report is based on Google
Merchandise Store who aims at identifying the customer engagement in different countries
around the world. It will analyse the level of engagement to identify which country is highly
engaged and which is least engaged. It will provide the company to analyse where digital
marketing efforts are to be made for increasing the customer engagement with Google
Merchandise Store.
To analyse the consumer engagement with website in different countries
In order to evaluate consumer engagement with website in different countries, the data is
taken which consists of many things. Here, dataset is obtained of Google Merchandise store of 1
year that of 1st Jan 2020 to Jan 2021 (Desai and Phadtare, 2017). In that data of each country and
number of users is specified in it. Also, revenue, bounce rate, transactions, etc. are included in it.
So, this will enable in analysing that in which country organisation is able to generate high
revenue. The data is analysed with help of SPSS in which various test are applied in it. With that
it will give insight on which country there are large number of customers. Along with it, in this
various test such as regression, correlation, etc. is applied to find out relationship between
variables. In addition, frequency of data will be interpreted. This will show in how many
countries consumer are engaged more and what is reason behind it. SPSS will also help in taking
proper decisions. Also, on basis of that decision can be easily taken. Thus, data analysis is
explained as below
Digital Marketing: Analyzing Customer Engagement with Google Merchandise Store_3

Regression analysis
In this regression the variable chosen is bounce rate and average session duration. This is
because it will help in finding out how average session duration depends on bounce rate. Besides
that, it will be easy to evaluate how session rate varies if there is change in bounce rate of
different countries (Massara, and Porcheddu, 2018) Hence, on basis of that consumer
engagement with website will be identified.
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
avgsessionduration 142.1720 33.44263 50
bouncerate .56 .056 50
Pearson Correlation avgsessionduration 1.000 -.717
bouncerate -.717 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) avgsessionduration . .000
bouncerate .000 .
N avgsessionduration 50 50
bouncerate 50 50
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change df1
1 .717a .515 .505 23.53994 .515 50.898 1
Model Summary
Model Change Statistics
df2 Sig. F Change
1 48a .000
Digital Marketing: Analyzing Customer Engagement with Google Merchandise Store_4

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