
Digital Marketing Analytics and Strategy


Added on  2022-12-26

18 Pages3874 Words26 Views
Digital marketing Analytics
and Strategy
Digital Marketing Analytics and Strategy_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
Objectives ...................................................................................................................................3
To examine consumers' engagement with website in different countries...................................3
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................16
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A way or process via which companies promote its brand in order to connect with potential
customers and when this process is being done with internet then it is known as digital marketing
(Kannan, 2017). All marketing functions such as researching about customers, markets,
attraction of customers, promotion of brand and providing products with internet is counted in
digital marketing. The reason of making use of digital marketing to the great extent via some
platforms such as Facebook, pinterest and others is global reach, providing value to customers
and measuring effectiveness. It helps companies in knowing all those that customers exactly
This present study is based on Google Merchandise store that wants to identify level of
customers' engagement in different countries. One of the main reasons of knowing engagement
level of customers all around the world is to know that which country is effective and highly
engaged. It will further also discuss some areas where companies of less engaged with customers
require more focus with the help of Google merchandise store. On the basis of interpretation of
data, better decision can be made. Objective of conducting this research is:
To examine consumers' engagement with website in different countries
For analysing consumers' engagement rate, it is important to have appropriate data of
different countries and via websites, authenticate data have been gathered. Dataset that is
available on Google merchandise store of 1 year from 1st Jan 2020 to 31st Dec 2021 will be taken.
For interpretation and better results all appropriate information of each country such as: bounce
rate, revenue, number of users will be used. For data analysing, SPSS tool will be used and will
help out in knowing customers engagement rate and generation of revenue. So, overall it can be
said that data analysis plays a vital role and selection of tools and type of data analysis depend
upon the type of data and topic. Decision will also be taken in the best and effective manner.
Regression analysis
For this regression analysis it is important to identify or select appropriate variables so, as
per the objective, average session duration and bounce rate has been selected. Each average
session duration of country varies this duration is directly associated with bounce rate. Changes
Digital Marketing Analytics and Strategy_3

in bounce rate affect session duration. So, by knowing relationship, analysis can be done and
customers' engagement level can be known.
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
avgsessionduration 142.1720 33.44263 50
bouncerate .56 .056 50
Pearson Correlation avgsessionduration 1.000 -.717
bouncerate -.717 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) avgsessionduration . .000
bouncerate .000 .
N avgsessionduration 50 50
bouncerate 50 50
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change df1
1 .717a .515 .505 23.53994 .515 50.898 1
Model Summary
Model Change Statistics
df2 Sig. F Change
1 48a .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), bouncerate
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
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