
Assignment - Digital Marketing Plan


Added on  2021-02-21

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Assignment - Digital Marketing Plan_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................4P1 Overview of digital marketing and comparison between online and offline marketingconcepts..................................................................................................................................4P2 Determine the key consumers trends and insights that help in growth of digital marketing.................................................................................................................................................6M1 Evaluate the opportunities and challenges facing the digital marketing landscape........9D1 Demonstrate critical analysis and evaluation of digital marketing landscape and the impactof the growth of e-commerce.................................................................................................9P3 Assess key digital tools and hardware which are available to marketers in contrast to'bricks and mortar' and other physical channels.....................................................................9P4 Examine the development of e-commerce and digital marketing platforms as well aschannels in comparison to physical channels.......................................................................10M2 Critically analyse the use of appropriate digital tools, both hardware and software, to usein a specific organisation context to meet their marketing requirements.............................12P5 Develop a digital marketing plan as well as strategy to build multi-channel capabilities.12P6 Explain how omni channel marketing has evolved within an organisation....................14M3 Apply the tools and techniques to plan an end to end omni-channel marketing campaign..............................................................................................................................................15D2 Develop a coherent and logical digital marketing strategy and determine its implications.Generate an actionable measurement framework that can be applied in an organisationalcontext..................................................................................................................................15P7 Determine and evaluate the measurement techniques and performance metrics in digitalmarketing..............................................................................................................................16P8 Set of actions to improve performance of digital marketing ..........................................17M4 Critically evaluate application of key digital measurement techniques and performancemetrics used in digital marketing.........................................................................................18CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................19........................................................................................................................................................19
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Assignment - Digital Marketing Plan_3

INTRODUCTION Digital Marketing involves marketing of products as well as services using digitaltechnologies like internet, smartphones and many other digital medium (Armstrong and et.al.,2014). In fact, digital marketing has now extended through to non-internet channels.Furthermore, digital marketing basically is a strategy and process which usually aims atconnecting advertisers to company's ultimate audience through several digital channels.Moreover, use of digital marketing in today's era is very essential because through this thepotential customers are easily targetted. Such activities helps in increasing the overallperformance and productivity of an organisation. It also tends at increasing advantage for brandsand business because effective utilization for digital marketing helps attaining desired businessobjective. Consumers share their feedback regarding the respective company through socialmedia sources. Businesses leverage several digital channels such as social media, search engines,emails and several websites that help in connecting the perspective customers (Cluley, 2018).This report is based on ARGOS which is British based retailer operated under United Kingdomand Ireland. It was founded by Richard Tompkins in 1972. Moreover, the company operates itsbusiness activities through physical as well as online platform. It is spread around major part ofthe world with approximately 845 retail shops. The purpose of this report is to cover theoverview of digital marketing as well as comparison between online and offline marketing andalso the determination of key consumer trends as well as insights which leads to growth of digitalmarketing. Furthermore, keys tools and several channels will be covered in contrasts of bricksand mortar. However, digital marketing plan and omni-channel of marketing will be covered.Several method of monitoring and measuring digital marketing will be also considered under thisreport. P1 Overview of digital marketing and comparison between online and offline marketingconcepts.Digital marketing is term use for marketing and promotion of products and services withuse of internet (Baker and Hart, 2016). There are various methods used by organisation to marketits products digitally such as display advertising, mobile phones and other digital platforms.Digital marketing is define as a numerous channels to connect through of internet as well asdigital tactics ticks used by organisation to connect with customers. Marketing of products and
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services through digital marketing can be done by different ways such as search engineoptimization, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, online public relationmarketing. All these tools are helpful for ARGOS business in cost effective marketing of itsproducts as well as targeting large potential customers at same time. Digital marketing has powerto reach targeted customers and engages consumers by different innovative activities. Thisprovide an easy way to connect and contact with customers as well as customer's response orfeedback can also be easily identified. ARGOS company should also use different methods ofdigital marketing in order to build strong brand image in market. This will help company ingetting better exposure of marketing campaign. However, Argos has both physical as well asonline business in order to carry out its operations worldwide.Online Marketing: Online marketing or digital marketing is a strategy that basicallyutilizes internet as median to advertise as well as deliver promotion to the target customers of thecompany (Boone and Kurtz, 2013). It is basically a process that help a business organisation tocatch attention of potential customers through articles, videos, banners and many other. Suchactivities and information are placed on main page of company's website that helps in reachingthe key audiences. Online marketing media basically includes: websites, blogs, social media,email marketing, content marketing, video blogging, search engine marketing and several others.Organisation basically makes an attempt to make their product popular in the world byintroduction their products on websites, blog and other medium which essentially help inattracting the ultimate customers. Offline Marketing: It is basically a kind of advertising strategy which is publishedoffline. Moreover, the entire plan behind offline marketing is to create brand awareness with noinvolvement of websites. There are several forms of offline marketing such as print media aswell as non print media. Some of the main source of this form of marketing: television, flyers,radio, newspapers, flyers, brochures and many other. However, Argos is a multichannel retailer which make use of offline as well as onlinemarketing tools in order to effectively carry out its business operations in UK and several othersparts of the world. Moreover the major point of differences between online and offline marketingis mentioned below. Online MarketingOffline Marketing Online Marketing has several ways in order toMoreover, offline marketing usually have less
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attract and advertise customers, but it basicallyremains for less time span as compared tooffline marketing (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019).ways to attract customers. But the majoradvantage is that people do not forget thephysical description easily. It is wide in nature which means onlinemarketing is spread globally very easily.Whereas, the reach under offline marketing isvery low as compared to online advertising. Customization under online marketing caneasily be made easily when required accordingto the needs of business. Under offline marketing it takes time to makeany changes in marketing. It is less costly as compared to onlinemarketing. This form of marketing is costly because itsusually involves making banners, billboardsand many such things.Moreover, in the case of Argos the company primarily aims at making use of onlinemarketing in order to create brand awareness. This is because online marketing is quick easy andmore acceptable by customers in today's technically advanced world. Keys benefits of Digital Marketing : There are several benefits of digital marketing. Major ofthem are mentioned below: Track-able and measurable results: Digital marketing helps company's like ARGOS toeffectively measure online merchandising (Chaffey and Smith, 2017). This is basically done byadopting a strategy through it is made clear how effective the adopted campaign is and measureare taken in order to improve it. Furthermore, evaluation of detailed information about the way inwhich customers are reacting towards the strategy of advertisement adopted by respectivecompany in order to increase the overall profitability. Cost-effective method: The most important benefit of digital marketing is that it is cost-effective method of marketing. Moreover, traditional form of marketing is very difficult becauseit usually requires large amount of funds. ARGOS is highly benefited with adoption of digitalmarketing technique in order to expand its business operations. P2 Determine the key consumers trends and insights that help in growth of digital marketing.Most of the customers are now available online and they extensively make use of socialsites and search engines (Charlesworth, 2014). Moreover, this data usually helps in providing a
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