
Digital Marketing Assignment - Argos


Added on  2021-02-19

23 Pages6467 Words77 Views
Professional DevelopmentMarketing
Digital Marketing Assignment - Argos_1

Digital Marketing Assignment - Argos_2

INTRODUCTIONThe digital marketing refers to concept of promoting and selling of goods or services withthe support of online promotional tools like social media. The organisation undertaken for thisreport is Argos which has commenced its business operations from the year 1972 and deals inretail industry which provides consumer goods. This report will discuss about the opportunities,threats and influence of digital platform. It will evaluate about the crucial digital tools, platformsand sources which will compare and contrast brick and mortar and other non-digital channels.Apart from this, report will focuses on manners through which digital marketing operations canbe performed and builds multi-channel capabilities. The last part of this project explains aboutthe methods of managing and measuring digital marketing practices appropriately. TASK 1P1. Overview of digital marketing and comparison between online & offline marketing concept It refers to as a marketing of products or services with the help of digital technologiesusually by using internet which includes displaying advertisements, mobile phones and othermedium (Todor, 2016). Digital marketing is a broader concept which involves severalpromotional methods that get deployed to approach the customers resides over several differentgeographical location. ARGOS is a British Catalogues retailer performing its business practiceswithin UK as well as Ireland in order to offer services using both the channels i.e. by maintainingthe online channels and physical stores. After entering into the digital world for promoting brandand offering product or services ARGOS has experiences a greater success by becoming capableof maintaining larger number of customers base. This is all become possible due to increase indigital marketing landscape within United Kingdom.Digital marketing landscape is basically a continuous evolving digital media andadvertisement which includes influencer search engine optimization, video production, socialmedia marketing, search engine marketing, podcasting, e-mail production etc. The currenttechno-driven world get more closure to advertising landscape that continuously brining changesin way through which digital advertising is performed. Hence in current digital sphere most ofthe businesses as well as consumers started interacting over the online channel which was notthere few years back (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Now it becomes necessity for all thebusinesses to offer services online or interact with customers using digital platform which1
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increases the reach of businesses to its consumer in virtual world . The digital world of UK isempowering due to advancement in mobile connectivity, broadband speed, data analysis andcloud computing. E-commerce is UK is booming in term of retailers, banking and travellingindustry by ramping the digital sale. UK is the second most advanced digital nation in worldwhich provide several growth opportunity to the companies who want to expand its customerreach digitally. This also supported ARGOS to improve its marketing practices by adoptingdigital channels for performing their operations and serving customers effectively (Tapp, 2014).It brings drastic change in the marketing actions which results into greater market success andachieving competitive edge. The difference between the online and offline channels whichARGOS use can be better understood using marketing mix that is explained below:Marketing MixOnline marketingOffline marketingProduct In online marketing the customers ofARGOS can see the details about theproducts, demos regarding the usageof particular items and review fromexperienced customers which is notpossible in offline marketing (Saura,Palos-Sánchez and Cerdá Suárez,2017).Using offline marketing, productscan be demonstrated effectivelyas customer can smell, touch andtaste the products in effectivemanner (Stephen, 2016). PriceProduct's price includes cost ofpromotion and distribution along withproduction which is very low in onlinepractices as compare to offline. Hencethe price of product is low at onlinechannels of ARGOS as compare tooffline i.e. it kept at discount basis(Tapp, 2014).For offline marketing ARGOSfollows differential marketingstrategies i.e. the product price ofIreland stores is different fromthat of UK stores (Todor, 2016). PlaceARGOS is a subsidiary brand ofSainsbury which offer its servicesusing online platform i.e. using socialThe ARGOS Ltd operates around850 physical stores all over theUnited Kingdom and Ireland in2
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media channels and by maintaining itsown website of direct selling. Inaddition to this it uses 600+ skychannels over television for marketingits products (Stephen, 2016). order to offer product or servicesphysically to its customers (Ryan,2014).PromotionPromoting a brand over internet isconsider to be more effective practicesas it help in approaching largernumber of customers at lowestpossible cost. ARGOS usesTelevision, mobile advertisements andsocial media platforms such asFacebook, Twitter etc. for promotingits product or services with the help ofonline marketing (Ryan, 2016).In order to promote its product orservices through offlinemarketing ARGOS is muchfocused toward Word-of-mouthpublicity which mainly work withhigh quality services offered tocustomers (Todor, 2016). Inaddition to this it promotesARGOS products with the help ofprint media, banners, newspaperads etc.PeopleIn Online marketing employees withexpertise in technical skills arerequired in order to maintain thewebsite of ARGOS so that customercan access and make payments onlinewithout any breakdown of network(Taiminen and Karjaluoto, 2015).For offline marketing theemployees with betterpresentationandcommunicational skills arerequired who are able to representthe product effectively in front ofcustomer and influence them topurchase for the same.ProcessFor purchasing products onlinecustomers have to first create theirprofile over the ARGOS website thenthey can access the products availableand add into cart for purchasing whichthen delivers to their home (Levy andGvili, 2015).In order to make offline purchasethe customers have to visitphysical stores of ARGOS wherethey can choose as per their needand purchase it from cashcounter.3
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Physical evidenceOver the website of ARGOS theproducts list are arranged in severalcategories which make it easier forcustomers to visit the product of theirchoice (Royle and Laing, 2014). Inaddition to this there is a help boxwhere instructions are given regardingthe manner in which webpage must beused.The products within the ARGOSare arranged in a manner thateasily get visible to customers. Ita specious hall where all theproducts are arranged and lightmusic is there for delightingcustomers (Lamberton andStephen, 2016). Hence from the above mentioned information it has been cleared that both the channelsare effectively for a business but digital marketing proves to be more beneficial as it support incutting down the cost, improving the operational efficiency, reducing the time of operations andincreasing the organisational approach to customers. P2. Consumer trends and insight which fuels up the digital marketing growthDigital marketing is growing at rapid pace because of several benefits it grant tocompanies and customers as well. This support in reducing the distance for the customer as theycan now purchase their products online at anytime any-place and get it delivered directly to theirhome (Stephen, 2016). In addition to this it also reduces the promotional cost of products byspreading information digitally despite of assessing several other channels and paying to thirdpart for promotions. There are number of consumer trends that are getting increased in digitalmarketing that attracted ARGOS to adopt this method of performing marketing in order toimprove its performance. Most prevailing trends are mentioned below:Chatbots:- It support up-to a great extend in enhancing the customer experience bykeeping the marketer engaged with targeted customers without directing much efforts. Itprovides benefit of getting real-time assistance for the users by performing conversationwith human through artificial intelligence. It work like a driver for the growth of onlinemarketing for ARGOS as it is now in more demand because like to access digitalplatform for fulfilling their purchasing need which contribute toward enhancing thedigital existence. Apart from that it also contribute toward solving the problems thatcustomer are facing by providing them suggestions or resolving their issues (Kotler and4
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