
Digital and Social Media Marketing: A Case Study of Tesco


Added on  2023-06-18

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Digital and Social Media Marketing: A Case Study of Tesco_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Meaning and concept of marketing..............................................................................................3
The marketing mix is and where the communications mix fits...................................................3
Meaning and concept of digital marketing..................................................................................4
Evaluation of social media marketing (SMM).............................................................................4
Digital marketing and social media marketing are all important to contemporary businesses. . .5
Two examples of social media contents that really works..........................................................5
Explaining effective campaigns of some UK companies............................................................6
Digital and Social Media Marketing: A Case Study of Tesco_2

Digital marketing states that advertisement delivered to the targeted audience through
online platform like social media, email, mobile apps and websites. This report will be prepared
on the case study of Tesco company. It is the 3rd largest retail store of groceries in the world in
terms of revenue (Saura, 2021). Moreover, this report will study the meaning and concept of
marketing. In addition to this, report will also evaluate the factors of marketing mix. It includes
product, price, place and promotion. Digital and social media marketing will be studied deeply
with an example. Some screen shots will be included to analyse effective campaign.
Meaning and concept of marketing
Marketing is the process or activity in order to stimulate demand for purchase of product
and services. It includes advertising, delivering, selling products and services to customers. In
the present dynamic environment, marketing plays very crucial role in the growth of the
company (Herhausen and et.al., 2020). Marketing is done in order to retain old customer and
attract the new one. Further, Tesco company use different type of marketing techniques like new
paper print, media advertisement etc. The aim of the marketing is to make people aware about
new product and services. Marketing is connected with all aspect of the Tesco which include
product development, sales, advertisement and distribution methods.
The marketing mix is and where the communications mix fits
Marketing mix focuses on 4 factors of that is product, price, place and promotion. Under
the head of product, Tesco offer varieties of product which include clothes, food, electronic
items and financial services etc. Moreover, product line of the Tesco focuses on fulfilling desired
needs of the customer. In addition to this it is expanded to the online marketing sector. It also
offers wide range of product of different brands, regional manufacturer and international cuisine
etc. Second p's of marketing mix is price. Tesco has maintained standard low price without
compromising the quality of goods. Due to low price, it gets higher customer base and reduce the
competition from the market (Hanlon, 2019). Place is also one of the factor which need to be
considered to established their brand in consumer's mind. Tesco products are spread worldwide
and it offers two modes of distribution online and offline. Under the promotion factor, Tesco is
taking advantage of low price. The main aim of Tesco is to create a brand image in the market in
Digital and Social Media Marketing: A Case Study of Tesco_3

order to generate more profit. Company use advertisement strategies, discounts, offers to attract
more and more customer.
Communication mix include all those tools which are used to communicate with their
potential customer. Moreover, communication can be done through advertisement, product
packaging, websites and direct marketing etc. The main objective of marketing mix is to add
some value in product (De Pelsmacker, Van Tilburg and Holthof, 2018). Communication mix
include different factors like advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations,
direct marketing and packaging. Tesco make marketing communication plan which is the
combination of different communication channel. This is done to make sure that the message of
the business reaches to the potential consumer. Advertising is one of the factor of
communication mix and also connected to promotion factor of marketing mix. As it is used to
make people aware about new offer, discount, new launch product etc. Personal selling is also
connected to place under the marketing mix. As company maintain their relation with customer
by facilitating personal selling and direct marketing. Moreover, sales promotion is related to the
promotion and pricing strategy of marketing mix. Further, it is because Tesco adopt different
pricing techniques to increase their sales and building the bond between company and consumer.
Meaning and concept of digital marketing
Digital marketing states that advertising through digital channel like websites, emails and
mobile apps. With the helps of online media channel, company can endorse goods and services
to make people aware about the brands offer by company. It can be shown in different forms like
videos, social media post and display videos. It is also called as online marketing which helps to
connect with the whole world. Tesco advertise their product to make their customer aware
related to the new product expansion, discounts, offers etc. and take immediate feedback in order
to improve (Pandey, Nayal and Rathore, 2020). Digital marketing include different type of
marketing like content, social media, mobile, email and influence etc.
Evaluation of social media marketing (SMM)
Social media marketing is used to advertise with the help of social media platform like
Instagram, Facebook and what's app etc. SMM consistently warm up potential consumer by
using social media networks for their business (Krishen and et.al., 2021). Moreover, it
encourages the customer to contribute and provide their feedback on immediate basis. Moreover,
Digital and Social Media Marketing: A Case Study of Tesco_4

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