
Disability, Mental Health and Criminal Justice System


Added on  2022-12-23

14 Pages3828 Words1 Views
Healthcare and Research
Disability, Mental Health and Criminal Justice System_1

BLOG 1...........................................................................................................................................1
Women death in prison................................................................................................................1
BLOG 2...........................................................................................................................................3
Ethnic Minorities and the Criminal Justice System.....................................................................3
BLOG 3...........................................................................................................................................5
Hate crime in UK.........................................................................................................................5
Disability, Mental Health and Criminal Justice System_2

Women death in prison
Evidence have provided details that in year 2016 there were about 12 self-initiated deaths in
England women prison. This number was highest number of death which were recorded since
the year 2004. The number of tragic deaths has been increased and in response to these tragic
deaths the independent advisory panel on deaths in custody started beginning a rapid information
gathering related to reason for deaths (Bronson and Sufrin, 2019). The advisory board discussed
and also the views were being taken from female offenders related to how they can be engaged
in preventing suicide and self-harm so that the women in prison can kept safe. There was a
commitment made by professionals in this field related to preventing suicide and also safe harm
which is been caused by women safe. The reason for sharp increase in death of women was been
considered and also the reasons were kept in custody. The respondents have given five main
reasons. There has been a reduction in staffing levels which has been combined with loss of
experienced and also the staff cannot be trusted. The vacancies in treating the women with
mental health inside cell is also less.
There is also an unmet requirement of treating mental health, drug and alcohol treatments
needs. Use of drugs is also increasing and they have also become victim of bullying and debt in
custody (Breaz, 2018). This has led to an increase in vulnerability of women and also because of
this they are in high danger. It has also been evaluated that the mental health drug and alcohol
needs of women inside cell is not been met, because of this there has been an increase in the
vulnerable behaviour. This will assist in meeting out mental health drug and alcohol needs and
also if this is not being met the self-initiated death rates will be increased. The death inside of
prison is also been increasing because so many women inside cells. The women who are dying in
prison are less visible also it has been analysed that the funds which are been given to take care
of women inside of cell is not been used adequately. Research done for women in prison has
provided the details that most of the women also fear that they will be homeless when been free.
This can also be taken as one of the major reason for women inside prison. All these reasons
must be taken care of and also proper investigation must be done. The women only support
services must work adequately so that number of women who are dying inside cell can be
lowered down. Recommendations regarding meeting unmet needs of women should be also be
given to the Ministers about policy makers and operational leads across the department so that
Disability, Mental Health and Criminal Justice System_3

women can be kept safe and also they can improvise their working on women safety. The reports
about women in prison have also provided the details that recently there were 19 women who
died inside cell. So this matter was being taken beyond custody and they should make sure that
no women is vulnerable and is at high risk of danger because of which they commit suicide.
There are various factors because of which the number of deaths of women inside prison is been
increased. The major element is insufficient attention which leads to preventative work and also
the separation from family can lead to women going for suicide. It has also been analysed that
there are also various concerns which were been raised that the providers lack in providing care
to women in prison and also because of this they are been struggling. The inequality also exists
while treating the women in prison. There are chances that the mentally disturbed women are not
provided with equal care and concerns.
The staff members are being reduced and also they are not being skilled which has laid
negative impact on mind of women. This means that complex needs of women that includes
mental health, drug and alcohol needs are not being met and women with trauma also require
more gender aware care. Reduction in staff members with such skills and unskilled staff member
cannot meet their demand which led them to suicide. The ability of prison governors is also low.
This has led to insufficient building of staff and also because of this they are not being able to
maintained the women in their custody (Tadič, 2018). There are also no trusting relationships
which leads to adequate assistance to women in cell. All these factors are being leading to
women been engaged in doing suicide. The mental health care and treatment which is been
provided for addictions are been overly variable and also there is a need for greater consistency
in design, so that the acceptable standards are been met. It has also been analysed that transfer of
information between agencies and also between prison should be improved so that the women in
cell or prison can be kept safe. This will assist in making sure that applied standards are been met
(Bartlett and Hollins, 2018).
The Samaritan listeners and insiders must need to inspired so that better support and care is
being provided and given. There should also better and adequate family contact so that the
females in prison can be kept safe. Evidence has provided the details that prison arrangements
such as technology, location and other visiting arrangements are made worse for women than
men. It has also been evaluated that too many of women are been released without any adequate
support. They fear of getting homeless after getting free because of which they option for
Disability, Mental Health and Criminal Justice System_4

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