
Disability is Not Inability


Added on  2022-08-20

7 Pages1781 Words14 ViewsType: 14
Media representation of people with disability in society
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The media representation chosen here for matters of disability is Today's Kids in Motion
and the movie Citizen Sam. The magazine Todays Kids provides an effective display of a
glimpse into the life of children who are living in the society. The magazine was published by
the Canadian Abilities Organization. The magazine Is titled "Role into Spring" and it offers a
wide range of techniques where individuals who have disabilities are provided with a variety of
options that allows them to advent more in their lives. The magazine thus portrays a good
concept of disability studies (Briant & Philo 2013). This can be seen in terms of the information
that various readers can easily access the magazine. According to the contents of the magazine,
there is a good accommodation for people who have disabilities. The magazine has also
effectively guided how children who live with a disability in the society can easily cope with the
stress that they usually face while dealing with their living conditions. The magazine is a very
good disability medium as it provides a form of hope to children that have a learning disability is
schools (Briant & Philo 2013). It has effectively highlighted the technological capabilities that
are available and parents can utilize them to enhance their disabled children's performance and
thus interact happily with other normal children in the society.
The second media representation of the disability study is the Citizen Scan, A Canadian
movie. The movie revolves around an inspirational story of Sam Sullivan, who is a Vancouver
city councilor and is running for a major position. As seen in the film, politics have been
displayed to him as a pure hell and he has also been faced with serious difficulties in terms of
running its major campaigns. The councilor is physically disabled and operates from his
wheelchair. This movie is also a good representation of people with disabilities as it has
effectively highlighted that people with disabilities can also compete politically with other
normal people in society. The movie is a good representation of people with disabilities as it also
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illustrates a sense of independence that the disabled people can attain in case they become
determined and operate beyond their disabled state (Beckwith et al., 2016). This movie, however,
is not very effective in highlighting the effective ways in which Sullivan faces as he faces his
opponents in the political arena. As seen from the movies, there is a piece of clear evidence that
people with disabilities are quite limited in terms of counteracting the rocky challenges which
they face while participating in politics. This two media representation provides an effective and
a good illustration of the plight of people with disability in society. They are good media
representation and it is agreeable that they are very important in addressing issues that the
disabled people face in society. The two sources provide a direct and one on one analysis of the
life of the disabled and how they can use their conditions to rise in the ranks in various arenas as
other normal people in the society do.
Even though both media sources attempt to talk about people with disabilities in society,
there are evident shortcomings of the sources. The sources somehow to not attain certain
standards. Some of the notable standards descriptions for people with disabilities have not been
described in the media sources. The magazine. Today's Kids have not effectively utilized some
of the disability standards procedure that making it limited to some extent regarding the
information accessible to people with disabilities in society in general. No meaningful text
images have been provided in the magazine to make it very suitable for disabled people in
society (Beckwith et al., 2016). The online versions of the magazine do not have images that
have editable options. This will enable people reading the online magazine to comment on the
images that have been incorporated in the magazines. This is one of the notable limitations of the
magazine. The magazine has also been crowded and every portion has not been effectively
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