
Support System for Successful Ageing


Added on  2019-10-01

11 Pages2208 Words212 Views
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TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3DISCUSSION..................................................................................................................................4CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................92
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INTRODUCTIONThe physical, social and the mental wellbeing in the older age is termed as successful ageing.Successful ageing reflects the changing view on ageing in the Western Countries; these are thecountries where the stigma remains associated with the old age has led to the situation where theorder aged people are considered as the burden on society. It is acknowledged in the researchesthe number of older adults is growing at a high level and is contributing to the society.Psychology of a person plays a very important role in the matter of ageing. It is required that thepeople who are moving towards ageing should ensure that they should accept the change andshould work towards to adopt the practices which could help them in remaining healthy and fit.The report is prepared in relation with delivering the information related with health, well beingand illness. It will help in evaluating the role of psychology in the matter of ageing. 3
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DISCUSSIONAccording to Psychology and Ageing it is being analyzed that psychologists have made asignificant contribution in evaluating the aspects of ageing and the role played by the psychologyin the matter of the same. While addressing the mental health needs of the adults of the olderadults it was evaluated that people of 65 years of age and the older are termed as the fastestgrowing segments in the total population (Nicholson Jr., 2009). With the help of the studies itwas evaluated that the immigrants and the members of an ethnic and the racial groups were inthe section of increasing number of the older adults. Studies suggested that there wereapproximately 5 million of the adults who were at below poverty level; these adults wereclassified into the section of near poor. There are many of the older adults who enjoy good mental health. However, an anticipation iswas made that most of the older adults facing the mental health issues and behavioral issues willalmost be quadruple, from the four million in 1970 to the 15 million in 2030 (McMahon &Fleury, 2012). Critical Analyses Of Factors Affecting Health, Well-Being And Illness Through The LaterLife CourseMental health in the older aged people includes anxiety and depression has an adverse effect onphysical health and ability to function (Gillsjö & Schwartz-Barcott, 2010). There are certainother health issues which causes lifelong anxiety and depression these issues includes copyingwith the physical problems related with the health, affects the caring for the spouses, dementia,physical disability, grieving the death of the people whom they loved, and managing the familyconflicts (Schumacher, 2009). These are certain set of aspects which could lead to the lifelonghealth issues among the older aged people. It is necessary that people should work towards toprovide them the support so that they could deal with anxiety and depression and could manageto remain healthy and fit (Fullen, 2016). In this case it is required that a trial should be made thatthe psychology of the older aged people could remain positive so that they could move towardsto live healthy life. 4
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