
Managing Software Project Delays


Added on  2019-10-01

3 Pages545 Words167 Views
Discussion 1: Managing delaysThe Brooks Law says that ‘adding manpower to a late software project will make it later’(Brooks, 1986). The software projects are measured in three ways one of them is man-month.It is the productivity of one person in one month. The late projects have problems related toindivisible tasks and communications. When the tasks related to software are indivisible, thatmeans that there are interdependencies in the tasks. This makes the division difficult. Thedebugging is often sequential and the process of testing and fixation is iterative. Also, thesoftware projects requires significant amount of communications. This is because peopleneeds to be trained that involves linear cost as one person cannot be trained with other inparallel. Also, there are a lot of intercommunications that happen among group, betweenperson to person, in the e-mails. These are incontrollable. The good communication is vitalfor the projects. Therefore, these problems need to be managed.For managing them, the various concepts can be used related to management. Two of themhave been discussed below:Trimming the task: If the project managers trim the task carefully and they eliminatethe non-essential tasks, they can deal with the indivisible tasks. Then, these tasks canbe rescheduled. Even if there are interdependencies in the task, and the tasks aretrimmed, the tasks that are a waste of time can be avoided. If this concept is applied inpractice, then the problem of indivisible tasks can be solved and the project can besaved from getting delayed. Formal Meetings, Informal discussions and project workbook: If the formal meetingsare conducted, the misunderstandings can be reduced. All the project members candiscuss their issues, solve them and find a solution mutually. The overallunderstanding of the project enhances too. Everyone gets a chance to speak in the
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