
Indigenous Issues in Australian Society


Added on  2020-02-12

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Indigenous Issues in Australian Society_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1Background.................................................................................................................................1Findings: .........................................................................................................................................4Discussion and analysis of finding..................................................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTION Indigenous people also popularly characterized as first people or autochthonous people ornative people, who are known to be the original inhabitants of a specific region. Thesecommunities are distinct from the recently settles societies in different region (Singer, Hoang andOchiai, 2015). It has been observed that this set of people are often prone to scourge in respect totheir sovereignty, accessibility and economic well-being. In pursuance to the same, theindigenous people have been special piece of concern for human rights activists at internationalas well as national level. Article 11 envisaged in International Covenant on Economic, Socialand Cultural Rights specifically provides for the Right to adequate housing. With the changingtimes and growth the living conditions, the process of urbanization of aboriginal people hascommenced, resulting into increasing migration of people to the urban lands. However, in spiteof various effort majority of people from these communities reside in rural areas (Christensen,2016). The government of the nation has launched various campaigns and policies in order tosupport the growth of these communities. Therefore, the present report purports to assess theprimary issues which persist in this field as well as the policies enacted by the government ofnation for enhancing the living conditions of these people. BackgroundThe current approach of the government towards the well-being of indigenous people hasbeen characterized as piece-meal as well as inefficient as their exists over representation ofpeople from this community in issues of homelessness as well as overcrowding (Solonec andSeery, 2015). The living conditions of these people is highly squalid in nature and most of themdo not have an option of going anywhere else. It has been observed that in New South Wales oneof the families from this community has been forced to reside in a condemned house as they donot have any other alternative. The family is living in the house along with their dog in a de-commissioned house, which has been listed for demolition. There many such families which areliving in such dilapidated properties which are either listed for demolition or requires instant re-furbishing. The advocacy groups as well as the government has undertaken various measures forimproving the living conditions of these people. However, the process is extremely slow and thefamilies are made to await for more than 12 months for being upgraded to houses with betterconditions (Kennedy and Hall, 2016). It has been ascertained that the homeless population of1
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Australia, comprises 28 per cent of Indigenous people alone. Particularly in the NorthernTerritory 90% of the homeless people can be characterized from indigenous community. Infurtherance to the same it has also been determined that these people have three times higherprobability to live in accommodations which are overcrowded. Overcrowding constitutes to be another major issue which the Aboriginal communitieshave been facing. This issue can be evidenced from the fact that a 3- bedroom accommodation isbeing shared by people which could be even up to 17 in number (Posthumus and Kleinhans,2014). This issue in turn has led to arising of a wide range of other problems having an impact onvarious aspects of these peoples' life. The probability of these people living in a over crowdedhouse is 5 times higher than other Australians. It has been observed that on an average about 8people find accommodation in a single bed room. In the year 2006, it was declared by the UNthat Australia accounts for the worst housing in respect to indigenous people. The primaryreasons which have been identified for causation of overcrowding could be classified as eithertemporary or permanent. Overcrowding can be determined as the major issue in Aboriginal communities. Withtime the rate of population in Australia is increasing (Aiken and Leigh, 2015). This is causingissues in order to get place for their stay. As per the tin sheds and houses in Alice Springs, ateach house, it can hold up to 10 people on an average. However, the issue of population hascaused them to sometimes stay up to 17 people. This has raised the issue related with privacy andthe rate of noise pollution has also raised. With remoteness the rate of overcrowding increases.There has affected about 13% of adults in many of major cities. 48% in remote areas and 20% inregional areas. Further, there are about 2/3 of the Aboriginal people who live in overcrowdedhouses. As per the condition that has raised due to over crowdedness, there are about 30 of thepeople who are living in one house. Further, in Australia there is no proper consistent or clearand holistic housing structure. Statistic: Palm Island which the largest community of Aboriginal has about 17 people who livein one house (Anderson and Collins, 2014). As per the probabilistic calculation, it can be statedthat about 5 times higher Aboriginal people live in houses that are overcrowded whencomparison made with proper who are non Aboriginal. Further, as per a study conducted, it isidentified that about 7.5 of people stay in one bedroom. There are about 90% of the people whoare homeless and are Aboriginal. Another set of issue that faced by these people is low rate of2
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