1DISCUSSION Introduction-Implementationofprogramassessmentencompassestherealtime activity of data collection, in relation to executing the program, with the aim of making opportune corrections and/or modifications through process theory. This discussion will elaborate on the significance of program assessment to its implementation. Discussion-Thetwomainprocessesthatareinvolvedinthisstageprogram monitoring and process monitoring.Program monitoring is typically developed by team members, having prior experience, in addition to seeking inputs from the program staff that have the responsibility of scheming and enactment of the program (Issel & Wells, 2017).The primary importance of the programme implementation assessment level is to ensure delivery of the program, with respect to parameters predetermined, at the time of planning. While process monitoring helps in successful implementation and evaluation, program monitoring encompassestheproceduresforqualityimprovement.Anothermajorobjectiveof implementation assessment focuses on delivering managerial assistance and supervision of programme operation. Quality improvement methodologies also help in providing necessary data, based on which modifications can be made in the program delivery procedure (Alles et al., 2018). Another essential aspect of is the support it provides in making informed decisions related to service utilisation or organisation plan. One common example is creation of a well- designed rubric that helps in assessing the set of characteristics that will be examined among students, entitled with the task of writing a capstone project. Conclusion- Hence, by showing adherence to the steps of process monitoring and program monitoring all complexities that are associated with development of efficient and effective assessment plants can be made less time consuming,less arduous, and successful.
2DISCUSSION References Alles, M., Brennan, G., Kogan, A., & Vasarhelyi, M. A. (2018). Continuous monitoring of business process controls: A pilot implementation of a continuous auditing system at Siemens. InContinuous Auditing: Theory and Application(pp. 219-246). Emerald Publishing Limited. Issel, L. M., & Wells, R. (2017).Health program planning and evaluation. Jones & Bartlett Learning.