
Role of Strategic Management in Developing Organizational Behavior


Added on  2023-01-03

41 Pages10645 Words53 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPhilosophy
Research Dissertation
(An investigation over the role of strategic
management in developing favourable
organizational behaviour)
Role of Strategic Management in Developing Organizational Behavior_1

The existing study aim to evaluate the role of strategic management in developing favorable
organizational behavior. However, it is a wide area of investigation which is imperative in
enhancing individual recognition in relation to the specific subject. In the context to this present
research the analysis is being executed over the study of Cadbury, thus it is a large and popular
British multinational confectionary business company which is entirely owned by Mondelez
international since 2010. Therefore, the company is working for the motive to increasing the
profitability of the business, thus, the suitable assessment of strategic management helps the
business in developing the suitable organizational behavior. In this present study, quantitative
study is being considering by the researcher, as it is effective in conducting the detailed analysis
as in this information is gather within actual facts and figures. In addition to this, here, both
primary and secondary research are involved to gather information. However, primary research
is executed to gather specific data as in this information is mainly accumulated via questionnaire.
Whereas, secondary research is imperative in conducting descriptive view as in this data has
been gather through books, journals, articles and so on. Furthermore, data analysis is being
executed via the support of thematic analysis as here themes are designed over the questions of
questionnaire. At the end, conclusion of the project states that, the suitable assessment of
strategic management is imperative for Cadbury in enhancing the organizational behavior and
developing the operations of the business. After, that recommendations are provided to make
suitable suggestions to generate suitable decision to enhance the operational ability of the
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Table of Contents
Title of the Research........................................................................................................................1
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................1
Overview of the Research............................................................................................................1
Background of the Research........................................................................................................2
Rationale of the Research............................................................................................................3
Research Aim...............................................................................................................................3
Research Objective......................................................................................................................3
Research questions.......................................................................................................................4
Research Hypothesis....................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Literature Review...........................................................................................................5
Chapter 3: Methodology and data collection...................................................................................9
Chapter 4: Results and Findings....................................................................................................12
Chapter 5: Analysis of the Results.................................................................................................28
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Chapter 6: Conclusion...................................................................................................................29
Chapter 7: Recommendation.........................................................................................................30
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Title of the Research
An investigation over the role of strategic management in developing favorable
organizational behavior.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Overview of the Research
The present study initiates to conduct an analysis over the aspect of investigating the role
of strategic management in developing favourable organisational behaviour. Therefore, the study
states two aspects i.e. strategic management and the organisational behaviour, thus these two
aspects are relay overreach other and create value for the businesses in the manner to generate
more outcome (Aguinis, Edwards and Bradley, 2017). Organisational behaviour is one of the
most imperative aspect of business which helps in guiding and directing the actions taken by
employees toward accomplishment of organisational goals. Whereas strategic management is the
major consideration of the business to aid the organisational operations in right direction to
enhance the profitability and progress. In the contemporary era, strategic management is defined
as the management system in which the resources of an organisation are managed in the manner
to attaining the desired business objectives (Tangthong, Trimetsoontorn and Rojniruttikul, 2015).
The project is initiated to explore the potential role of role strategic management in increasing
the operations of the business, therefore, it is one of the major issue for the business strategists is
to understand the competitive environment and the interpretation of the influence of the
competition within business (Kimberley, 2019). For better understanding regarding the subject a
study on Cadbury is conducted, therefore, it is a large British multinational confectionery
company which has its operations all around the globe and manage its resources effectively to
gain growth and success. Moreover, it can be said that it is important for the businesses to
manage the culture of the business as it has its major contribution over increasing effective
organisational behaviour (Ajagbe, Inelo, Udo, UDUIMOH and AKPAN, 2016). Thus, Cadbury
is facing the issue of regularly changing the norms and policies of government bodies in relation
to regulatory control, custom and practices in the country, thus, these areas widely affects the
composition, production, packaging, labelling, distribution and sale of the Group’s products; the
Group’s property rights; our ability to transfer funds and assets within the Group or externally;
employment practices; data protection; environment, health and safety issues; and accounting,
Role of Strategic Management in Developing Organizational Behavior_5

taxation and stock exchange regulation and involve actions such as product recalls, seizure of
products and other sanctions and so on. However, it is important for Cadbury to be concern over
strategic management so that suitable tactics and strategies can be created to assist the operations
in the manner to attaining growth (Smith, Yellowley and McLachlan, 2020).
Background of the Research
Strategic management plays an important role in adding the functions of the business like
production, operations, marketing, finance and human resources. In the increasing competitive
business era, organisations are in the rush to gain more progression and advancement and in the
race of business growth the organisations are facing the issue of strategic management as it is an
important task to be performed by the management to manage the resources for the better
implementation of the business operations and lead towards developing the organisational
behaviour (Angwin, 2015). The study further investigates the way in which suitable strategic
management aid in affecting the effective organisational behaviour and together the aspects of
strati management and organisational behaviour helps the business in assisting the operations in
right manner to gain growth and success. Cadbury is mainly known as Cadbury’s and Cadbury
Schweppes; thus it is recognised as well-known British multinational confectionery company
which is wholly owned through Mondelez international since the year of 2010. It mainly
recognised as world’s second largest confectionery brand after Mars. The headquarter of the
business is in Uxbridge, London England. The company was founded by the potential efforts of
John Cadbury in the year of 1824. Therefore, the company is operating in around 50 countries all
around the globe (Larcker and Tayan, 2015). The company is mainly having its wellness within
market due to the presence of its Dairy milk chocolate, the crème egg and Roses selection boxes
and many other confectionery products. The company is having around 71657 employees who
are putting their strength and knowledge in the growth operations of the business
(Shanmuganathan, 2018). The company is seeking for gaining more progression and
development and for this, it is important for the businesses to manage its resources and assist
effective organisational behaviour as these two aspects helps the business to attaining its
strategic objectives which directly affects the growth of the business (Ansoff, Kipley, Lewis,
Helm-Stevens and Ansoff, 2018).
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Rationale of the Research
The study into actual recognition is based on the aspect of evaluating the role of strategic
management in developing favourable organisational behaviour. Therefore, the study mainly
executed to enhance individual idea and knowledge in relation to the aspect of strategic
management and how it helps in developing suitable organisational behaviour (Lasserre, 2017)..
The major intention of executing this study is to develop better understanding about the issue of
strategic management as businesses in the modern era are facing the issue of strategic
management and fail to create suitable tactics for effective implementation of the business
operations, therefore, the study helps in developing the ideas about the aspect of strategic
management and developing suitable organisational behaviour (Schilling and Shankar, 2019). In
addition to this, there is an another reason behind executing the study is the personal interest of
the researcher as the investigator wants to explore own skills and idea in relation to the specific
subject as the researcher is having personal interest in the similar field to know enhance ides
about strategic management and how it leads to developing suitable organisational behaviour
(Argyres, De Massis, Foss, Frattini, Jones and Silverman, 2020). The study creates personal as
well as professional benefits for the researcher, therefore, the study helps the researcher in
gaining effective academic records and professionally the investigator can aid future benefits in
terms to career growth in the field of management.
Research Aim
The potential aim of the analysis is “To investigate about the role of strategic management
in developing favourable organizational behaviour. A study on Cadbury”.
Research Objective
The objectives of the research that aid the study in the direction to explore recognition about
the variable are associated as under:
To study about the importance of strategic management within an organisation.
To explore about the impact of organizational behaviour on productivity of employees
within Cadbury.
To ascertain several ways in which Cadbury can use strategic management for creating
favourable organisational behaviour.
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Research questions
The key questions of the research that are widely based over the specific aim and objectives
of the research are associated as below:
What are the importance of strategic management within an organisation?
How organizational behaviour affects the productivity of employees within Cadbury?
What are several ways that can use by Cadbury as the tool of strategic management for
developing favourable organisational behaviour?
Research Hypothesis
Hypothesis 1: There is significant relationship between impact of organisational
behaviour or the productivity of the business.
Hypothesis 2: There is no significant relationship among the influence of organisational
behaviour the productivity of the business.
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