
Digital Marketing Strategies and Analytics


Added on  2020-03-16

90 Pages24858 Words156 Views
Running head: DISSERTATION
The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Buying Behavior
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................4
Research background...................................................................................................................5
Research Objectives.....................................................................................................................6
Research Question.......................................................................................................................6
Purpose and rationale of the study...............................................................................................7
Organizational structure of study.................................................................................................7
Chapter 2: Literature review............................................................................................................9
Define Key Terms and Features of Digital Marketing................................................................9
Critical review of relevant theories/models...............................................................................10
Critical review of recent and past empirical studies..................................................................12
Impact of digital marketing on the purchasing behavior of consumer......................................13
Important factors that influence consumer behavior.................................................................16
Determine consumer buying attitudes towards other consumer feedback from online.............22
Conceptual Framework..............................................................................................................22
Hypotheses Definition...............................................................................................................23
Chapter 3: Research Methodology................................................................................................24
Research Onion Framework......................................................................................................24
Research Philosophy..................................................................................................................25
Research Approach....................................................................................................................26
Research Design........................................................................................................................27
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Research Strategy......................................................................................................................29
Data Collection Method.............................................................................................................30
Sampling Method.......................................................................................................................31
Ethical Consideration.................................................................................................................33
Data Analysis Method...............................................................................................................36
Conclusion of RM......................................................................................................................38
Chapter Four: Data Analysis.........................................................................................................39
4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................39
4.2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents............................................................................39
4.3 Reliability and Validity........................................................................................................45
4.4 Sample Adequacy................................................................................................................47
4.5 Multicollinearity..................................................................................................................48
4.6 Correlation Analysis............................................................................................................48
4.7 Regression Analysis.............................................................................................................49
4.8 Tests for Objective 1............................................................................................................50
4.9 Tests for Objective 2............................................................................................................55
4.10 Tests for Objective 3..........................................................................................................60
4.11 Tests for Objective 4..........................................................................................................65
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation...........................................................................................69
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................69
5.3 Recommendations................................................................................................................72
Survey through Questionnaire...................................................................................................74
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Chapter 1: Introduction
The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior.
Under 21st century, the digital marketing is perceived by consumers from another point of view
of digital marketing progression and the digital media development. Further, online and e-stores
have to transform several consumers into prospective customers. The essential segment of digital
marketing has an impact on buying process of customers (Armstrong, et. al., 2015).
In acurrent business era, theconsumer is greatly impacted by digital marketing. There is a large
number of user in digital media which has influenced many corporations to interact with
potential customers and assess their needs in significant e-communication atmosphere.
Furthermore, thebehavior of shoppers and consumers are impacted by different psychosocial
qualities. These are payment method, company image, buying inspiration, statistical variable,
company branding links with digital marketing, user-friendliness of theonline portal message and
digital interaction kind of e-stores (Stephen, 2016). This research emphasizes the impact of
digital marketing on the consumer buying behavior.
In thecurrentscenario, the online atmosphere is perceived by customers from a new viewpoint in
a commercial manner. Further, development and origin of online stores have moved forward
customers into end users. The essential role of social media has changed the mode of
communication between consumers and marketers. Along with this, informational society factor
may affect the product evaluations and decision procedure of consumers (Keller, 2016). It is
analyzed that social media facilitates a new mechanism to obtain product data via peer
message.Social media gives power to theconsumer to persuade the other customers via review of
products and services.Customers are also persuaded by different psychological characteristics
such as purchase motivation, income, ademographic variable like disposable income, sex and
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age, and presence of brand and company, online and physical stores, and workplace payment
mode. Under this research, thereader can understand the impact of social media on consumer
buying behavior (Arli, et. al., 2015).
Research background
From the study of Lamberton and Stephen, 2016), it is analyzed that social media marketing has
an essential impact on the buying behavior of consumers. Since, digital technology provides
power to consumers to assess the features of products with unfavorable and favorable reviews.
Another research depicts the key characteristics of consumer buying intention by digital
marketing medium. It is also assessed that there are different factors which may impact on the
consumer buying behavior with respect to optimum price, brand loyalty, characteristics of
theproduct and its quality and features.
Digital marketing is practices of thechannel which is used to arrive at the target market. There is
adifferent channel of social media such as amultimedia advertisement, e-marketing, interactive
marketing, and online search engine advertisement. Digital marketing is used as a new form of
marketing activities and facilitates new opportunities for thecorporation to deal with themarket.
Marketing practices can be conducted through adigital medium as it makes able the advertisers to
directly interact with targeted customers in a rapid speedin spite of geographical areas (Poncin
and Mimoun, 2014).
In thecurrent scenario, digital marketing is dealing with challenges and indirectly communicate
with the consumers. Therefore, it can be stated that digital channel is effective advertisement
channelto link with customers as it is atrend with respect to direct and one to one marketing.
Digital channel is emphasizing on paying more attention towards customers. A recent
development has taken place in themobile market while considering digital channels. Indian
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mobile market is one of leading market due to a large number of middle-income consumers
(Hudson and Thal, 2013). It is estimated that company can reach the millions of customers in
theupcoming period. Therefore, research was conducted to access digital channel advertisement
and its impact on business. The development and extensive practices of internet technologies
may have changed the way of communication within society as it may impact on both personal
and professional life.
Along with this, digital media is akey performance indicator for this change. It is emerging as
new communication tools. New communication techniques emerge via developing technology as
it is called digital marketing. There are different digital channels to intellect with customers such
as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and another social network. It is anonline and virtual way to
communicate with customers like microblogs, websites, and search engines (Mohan, et. al.,
2013). This new communication tool is different from traditional communication tools such as
printed, visual and audio communication techniques.
Research Objectives
The main aim of this research is to assess the impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior.
Following research objectives are used for accomplishing the main aim of this research:
To assess the factors which may influence the consumer purchasing behavior?
To evaluates the attitude of consumers with respect to consumer feedback from online
To identify digital marketing to enhance the brand awareness and communication among
To investigate the innovative ideas regarding digital marketing to the world
Research Question
What is theimpact of digital marketing on the purchasing behavior of consumer?
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Which factors can affect the consumer purchasing behavior?
How can digital marketing make changes amid consumers at the time of purchasing
What can motivate the buying behavior of customer?
Purpose and rationale of the study
The research issue is theimpact of digital marketing on the consumer behavior which is highly
influenced by consumer sentiments. The key purpose of this report is to find the character of
consumer behavior and external environment factors which entails media and social marketing
factors. This research is beneficial to understand the family members, thecircle of friends and
working piers is highly affected by digital marketing. It is also significant to make acomparison
between ideas and information with each other (Dennis, et. al., 2014).
Although, there isa high number of digital users yet digital marketingis still polarizedfor
thecompanyto capitalize their business. Moreover, it can be stated that adopting digital marketing
strategy is effective to gain the business productivity and enhance the innovative advertising.
This project is also effective to gain knowledge about the impact of digital marketing on
consumer behavior. It is analyzed that digital technology enables the company to acquire
appropriate information which is effective to purchase and make afeasible buying decision
(Schivinski, and Dabrowski, 2016).
Organizational structure of study
For attaining the research study in a methodological way, the following research is used:
It is the initial chapter of aresearch study in which researcher has discussed thetopic of research,
thebackground of information, aim, and objectives of research, thesignificance of research, and
research question. This is used to make a knowledge base and well-defined understanding about
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research matter. This first chapter also facilitates depth knowledge regarding research limitation
which could be faced by a researcher to complete the research in a specified time period. Thus,
the information of this chapter is beneficial for a researcher to assess the direction of study and
discover the research concern effectively (Eastman, et. al., 2014).
Literature Review
This is second chapter of research which demonstrates the literature review and performed to
discover the research concern by applying different theories and concepts. The researcher can
enable to analyze the current knowledge associated with research issue. It also assessed that to
what extent, theresearcher can explore the information till the date. For this assessment, different
journals and articles are accessed as it aids to make conceptual comprehension associated with
research concern. It is beneficial for theresearcher to assess the knowledge gap and builds the
base for implementing primary research techniques (Leeflang, et. al., 2014).
Research Methodology
Research methodology chapter discusses the different techniques, methods, and modes to
complete the research in systematical and ethical manner. Along with this, different purpose,
research design, strategies, sampling, data gathering technique, approaches, and data analysis
methods are explained by aresearcher in this research. These are also justified by a researcher to
make sure the reliability and validity of theresult. Under this, research methods are justified as
per the research objectives and topics (Dehghani, and Tumer, 2015). It is essential to attain valid
conclusion and reach aspecified result.
Data Analysis and Findings
Under this research part, researcher analyses the gathered facts and figures. It facilitates an
effective platform for theresearcher for classifying the pooled information and assessed them in
against each objective. This chapter also aids the researcher to organize and assess the
information logically by exercising the appropriate data analysis technique. By using this,
theresearcher will enable to collect the data in a methodological manner and getting appropriate
results (Jin, and Phua, 2014).
Conclusion and Recommendation
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