
Influencing Police Performance


Added on  2019-10-01

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Running Head: Dissertation ThesisResearch Report: Investigate factors affectingthe effectiveness of police performance inHong Kong
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Dissertation ThesisAbstractThis research report reflects the results of a study that has been undertaken on the various factors influencing the performance of the police force in Hong Kong. The police force is one of the key authorities that have been entrusted with the duty of providing protection and safety to the society against any criminal or antisocial activities. However, there are various advantages and disadvantages of working as a policeman in the civil society. This is because there are various adverse forces in the society and community that actas barriers or hindrances to the normal functioning of the police force. The research has endeavoured to find out these major influences that act as deterrents to the seamless functioning of the police force in Hong Kong. The methodology of the study consisted of a literature review procedure that delved into various sources of information such as authentic websites, journals, reports, etc. for gathering essential information which the analysis of the study was based upon. The study also included a primary research process that was undertaken on 100 policemen in different districts and localities of Hong Kong. They were administered with interview questionnaires such that qualitative information can be collected from them on the various challenges they face in their professions on a daily basis. Finally, the findings of the literature review were compared with that of the qualitative interview results and the existing research gaps have been identified. Based on the conclusions of the study, the plausible recommendations have been offered to the police force personnel such that they can offer even better social security and protection to the people by trying to mitigate the major challenging factors that might prevent them from performing as per their capabilities and expectations of the public.1
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Dissertation ThesisAcknowledgementsI hereby acknowledge that the said research thesis is solely my own creation and has not been copied or abridged from any other source. I would like to thank my professors, colleagues, family members and the Hong Kong police force for their assistance in this project. It would not have been possible for me to undertake the research and finish it successfully, without their extensive support and encouragement.2
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Dissertation ThesisTable of ContentsAbstract......................................................................................................................................1Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................2Chapter One- Introduction.........................................................................................................5The Problem...........................................................................................................................5the functions of police personnel...........................................................................................5Rationale of the study.............................................................................................................6Significance of the study........................................................................................................7Objectives of the study...........................................................................................................7Chapter Two- Literature Review...............................................................................................8Introduction............................................................................................................................8Research questions...............................................................................................................16Chapter Three- Methodology...................................................................................................17Research Approach..............................................................................................................17Data collection methods.......................................................................................................18Qualitative data collection................................................................................................18Quantitative data collection..............................................................................................19sample..................................................................................................................................20research instrument..............................................................................................................21Data analysis methods..........................................................................................................23limitations.............................................................................................................................243
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Dissertation ThesisChapter Four- Findings............................................................................................................25Qualitative Research Findings:............................................................................................25Quantitative Research Findings:..........................................................................................28Chapter Five- Discussion.........................................................................................................43Chapter Six- Conclusions.........................................................................................................46Reference..................................................................................................................................494
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Dissertation ThesisChapter One- Introduction THE PROBLEMThe problem that the said research addressed encompassed the various factors that influenced the effectiveness of the performance of the police force in Hong Kong. The main purpose behind the development of the police force by the government is to ensure there is social law and order within the society [ CITATION Jes15 \l 16393 ]. The police force is entrusted with the responsibility of tackling various situations within the society such as crimes, violence, acts of theft, burglary, terrorist activities, sexual harassment against women and a host of other activities. The traffic police are in charge of establishing law and order related to the flow of traffic within the city such that there are no unnecessary traffic jams andaccidents due to the non-observance of driving rules and guidelines. But, on many occasions the policemen and policewomen are not able to perform their duties effectively because of various factors such as lack of proper infrastructure, management, scarcity of modern equipment and political biases. The police personnel are trained and developed with the oath to dedicate their lives to the welfare and protection of the society at all costs. But, on various occasions they are not able to stay true to their promises. Some of these factors are induced by the social and political system of the country while the others depend on the personal ethics and honesty of the police personnel [ CITATION TAN10 \l 16393 ].THE FUNCTIONS OF POLICE PERSONNELThe Hong Kong police can be considered as the gatekeepers of the entire criminal justice infrastructure and they are also the main commanding agents in the domain of ensuring social stability, performing restoration of order and controlling the various problemsin the society[ CITATION Kam10 \l 16393 ].They are also entrusted with the powers related 5
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Dissertation Thesisto criminal law by the government and they are also empowered to play the role of crime fighters such that they are able to successfully suppress the various criminal activities. The police personnel are also empowered to enforce the various laws and protocols related to the compliance[ CITATION Ang121 \l 16393 ].They have the power to stop and search any person if they suspect something illegal. They can question any person regarding any act of offence or crime and undertake a thorough search on any person that they suspect to be associated with an anti-social or illegal act. According to Section 49 of Public Order ordinance, any police personnel from the Hong Kong police department might ask a person tofurnish his or her identity proof for the purpose of inspection. If that person is not able to produce the required ID proofs, then the police have the authority to impose a fine of around $10,000 or recommend an imprisonment of that person for a minimum period of 6 months. Thus, the primary function of the Hong Kong police force is to maintain law and order in the country and play the role of a peacekeeper in the society and intervene in any situation that might pose threat to the safety, security and sustainability of the society[ CITATION Law18 \l 16393 ].RATIONALE OF THE STUDYThe rationale behind conducting the research study has been to understand the role played by the Hong Kong police force in protecting the social law and order of the nation over the years. It is necessary to understand that the reason that the common people are safe and secure today inside and outside their homes is due to the pivotal role played by the policepersonnel in tackling various challenges and ensuring that they offer their ethics, dedication and sincerity in upkeep of the overall social security and stability. But, there are many occasions where the police personnel have displayed inefficiency to successfully deal with 6
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Dissertation Thesisvarious cases of crime or other forms of violence in the society. The research has been undertaken in order to delve deeper into these loopholes that have made the job of the police unsatisfactory at times. The identification of the problem areas would help the police department and the government of Hong Kong in devising quick and prudent strategies such that the police personnel are adequately backed up and supported with the necessary requirements that could be strategic power or material equipment such as modern weapons and ammunition to curb the occurrence of various unlawful activities.SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYThis research study has been executed for examining the roles played by the police personnel of the Hong Kong police department in ensuring the observance of law and order in the society. In course of the research study, it was observed that there are many situations where the police personnel have not been able to showcase or demonstrate their expected level of competence. This is because of various factors that restrict them on many cases from playing the expected role in solving the case by identifying and arresting the convicts as per the rules and regulations pertaining to the penal codes. These factors are in the form of lack of adequate leadership and management on certain occasions, scarcity of modern state-of-the-art equipment and technology to fight criminal and terrorists that use highly advanced categories of weapons and ammunition. Often the police personnel are not able to take the necessary actions due to the pressure of various political parties. Hence, the research has beenconducted with the intent of revealing the major challenges that act as barriers to the functioning of the police units within the country along with the various positive outcomes that the society has gained from the presence of the police force.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe research has the following objectives that it endeavoured to achieve:7
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