
FHSS 103 Great Ideas - Assignment


Added on  2020-04-15

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Running head: HUMANITIES HUMANITIESName of the Student:Name of the University:Author note:
FHSS 103 Great Ideas - Assignment_1

1HUMANITIES1. Explanation and Distinction between Four Academic Areas: the Humanities, the sciences, the Social Sciences and the Arts An academic area or discipline is the particular field of study or branch of knowledge,which is taught in the universities or higher education system. Many research works are takenplace as the part of the higher education system within the academic discipline (Buehl, 2017).The humanities as the academic area of study consist of the study of human societyand its different culture. It is the study of the human experience documentation and the wholeprocess of the documentation, which include the study of history, literature, anthropology, arthistory, philosophy, ethics, jurisprudence, modern and ancient languages, geography, religionand musicology (Mourssi, 2016). The narratives of the subjects of the Humanities group helpthe readers to understand the present world and the flow of life by studying the past lives ofthe others. However, by doing so, the humanities discipline helps the students andpractitioners to understand what is important and better in our present lives. The principle difference between the Humanities group with Arts and Science is thatthe Arts as an academic discipline are related to the expression of creativity and the Scienceprovides quantitative explanation of things around us. However, the Humanities disciplineemphasizes on the exchange and analysis of ideas throughout the time (Gardner & Davies,2013). The Arts as an academic discipline incorporates the physical expression of creativitylocated in the human cultures and societies and related theories. Arts as an academicdiscipline are the study of documented creative expression of human being. The expressioncould be by means of accessible mediums (Manninen & Tuomela, 2012). For example, incase of literature, the used medium is language. In the Arts group, there are different areas of
FHSS 103 Great Ideas - Assignment_2

2HUMANITIESstudy like, literature, painting, music, sculpture, theatre and dance. The fundamentaldifference between the Arts and the Humanities group is that the Arts is much focused on thecreative expression of human beings while the Humanities exert emphasis on the past andpresent studies of human experiences of its society, civilization and cultures. The Sciencediscipline is completely different from the Arts or Humanities group as this discipline isbased on mainly the testable, provable, or verified explanations and assumptions of theUniverse. Empirical evidence and observation is important factor for scientific analysis whilehumanities’ groups of subjects are depending on the documented human experience (Gardner& Davies, 2013). Typically, the contemporary science is subdivided into two parts, naturalscience and social science. The Social science is mainly the study of human societies orsocietal groups and the relationship among the individual members to its society. However,the humanities involve with more analytical and critical approaches of study where socialscience concerns with comparatively scientific approaches. However, in natural sciencesquantitative data collection method is applied where in social science quantitative approach isnot only measurement. Thus, social science is more descriptive than natural science, which isfundamentally experimental in nature (Land & Schneider, 2012). 2. Bob Brockie’s Piece and Lydia Weaver’s Responses Studying the Bob Brockie’s piece on ‘Why should the humanities be funded by theroyal society?’ and Lydia Wevers’ ‘The value of the humanities’, I think Lydia Wevers ismore accurate and logical in response to Bob Brockie’s views. Lydia Wevers is precise onher understanding of differences between humanities and science. She has pointed out animportant fact that science as an academic discipline is proceeded by Philosophy as scienceoffers methodological practices that allows to think about the world that we are occupying,which broadly even was the subject of study of philosophy (Victoria.ac.nz, 2017). Here, the
FHSS 103 Great Ideas - Assignment_3

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