
Distributor Request Letter: Rum Distributors Limited


Added on  2020-03-16

6 Pages945 Words4521 Views
Political Science
Running Head: DISTRIBUTOR REQUEST LETTER1Distributor Request Letter and Market ProposalStudents NameInstitution Affiliation
Distributor Request Letter: Rum Distributors Limited_1

DISTRIBUTOR REQUEST LETTER2Distributor Request letterToDistribution ManagerHampden Estate Rum Tour Subject: Application for distributorship of Rum in NigeriaDear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter to notify you that my company Rum Distributors Limited iswilling to gain distributorship of your products in Nigeria. Our company has a firm marketposition in Nigeria. We have been in business for the past seven years, so we have adequateknowledge of the market situations and consumer demand in the country. I have attached all documents related to our company and our achievements with theletter for your review. We have a team of highly trained and experienced professionals who areworking hard to maintain the sales throughout the year. Therefore, I can assure you that ourcompany will provide best services and assistance to help you to resell the products in Nigeria. A short marketing proposal plan is also attached to this letter, which will give you a briefidea of the Rum market in Nigeria at present. For any further information, do not hesitate tocontact me on rumdistributors@gmail.com or you can call 0700568985.Sincerely,ManagerRum Distributor
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DISTRIBUTOR REQUEST LETTER3IntroductionThe Marketing proposal plan will focus on the strategies and methods; marketing techniques that Rum Distributors can adopt.Industry report and analysisAccording to (Euromonitor International 2012), the value of the Rum market in Nigeria grew 13% in 2013. A chart is mentioned below to exhibit export and import data of Rum products in Nigeria.Consumer behaviorNigeri' health Ministry stated that consumers in Nigeria spent nearly $4 billion on Rum products every year. The amount had increased by $1 million in the year of 2014 and became 5$ (Blythe, 2013).Market SegmentationMarket segmentation in Nigeria is Geographical Segmentation, Psychographic segmentation, and Behavioral segmentation. Rum companies can target consumers according to their geographic location and demand.SWOT analysisThe main weakness of Rum market in Nigeria is it totally depends on the economic growth of the country. Because of steady economic growth, the Rum market had great opportunities but now the market is slowing down and as Nigeria’s GDP came down to 2.9% in
Distributor Request Letter: Rum Distributors Limited_3

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