
Domestic Violence Community Service


Added on  2023-01-11

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Violence against women is considered to be one of the major threat and complex issue in
present society. It needs urgent action for the social organisations and the government as well. it
is supplemented by rights of the women and the role of the civil society in curbing down the
nefarious practice of domestic violence especially on women. In this regards, the research is
going to design a community sustainable project with the help of a community tool box. The
primary focus of the research is vested on the participation of respondents, empowerment of the
women, social inclusion, managing conflict and the reflective practices.
Participation of the victims especially the women is a crucial part for the success of the
social work project that targets to reduce the domestic violence in Australia. In this regard,
emphasising on the marketing and promotion is crucial for the success of the project. According
to Waring and Crompton (2017) the role of marketing in a social campaign is crucial in order to
aware the common people about the benevolence and importance of the entire social work
practice. Therefore, it will be better for the project to include both the traditional media and the
social media to maximise the participants (Dragiewicz & Burgess, 2016). The traditional media
is associated with the television and radio broadcasting, theatre and art form. Moreover, the
social media practice is associated with the implementation of Facebook and Twitter and the
official website of the company for connecting more respondents and participants into the social
work project (Dragiewicz et al., 2018). As a result of that it will help to increase the number of
participants by raising the public awareness among the local communities.
Empowerment of the women is also a crucial part that this social work project tries to
put emphasis on. Most of the women who are victimised by the domestic violence lost their
confidence and succumb into trauma. Both the physical and mental vulnerability will lead
towards breakdown for the women (Hughes et al., 2015). Therefore, it is pertinent to imbue an
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empowerment practice within the social work project so that the women suffered with domestic
violence can get the encouragement to deal with the problems on their own. In this regard, Lloyd
et al. (2017) stated that academic seminars and films or songs will be effective to create a social
awareness about the safety and security of the women and alleged domestic violence as a
punishable offense. As a matter of fact, employment opportunities for the victims can create a
better practice of empowering them. Moreover, they can develop confidence to deal with the
problems in the society. Therefore, this social welfare organisation is trying to create
employment possibilities for the domestic violence victimised women.
One of the key objectives of this social work campaign is to encourage the victims by
incorporating them into the social inclusion practice. In most of the developing countries,
victims of domestic violence become isolated and social stigmas make them alienated from the
mainstream social privileges. Therefore, it is surely a pivotal part for this social work project to
establish effective measure for the social inclusion of the women suffers (Trevillion et al., 2016).
Therefore, the social inclusion programs like sharing their stories in the social media can be a
good move for the organisation. It will make the people to understand the adverse impact of the
domestic violence on a woman and her sufferings. A social awareness can be made and people
will get acknowledged with the nefarious practice of domestic violence (Miller, 2017). As a
matter of fact, the victims can achieve the opportunity to initiate a new life with the social
inclusion and does not ashamed of their sufferings. It makes them strong and empowered enough
to deal with the consequences further.
It is also important for the social work project to initiate effective measure for reducing
and managing the domestic violence permanently. In this context, a lot of strategies can be
implemented by the social work organisation in the form of training and influencing the local
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