
EAPA3004 - English for Academic Purposes


Added on  2021-04-24

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Spring 2018English for Academic Purposes 1 (EAP 1) Portfolio (EAPA3004)Name:Student Number:Tutor name:This is your EAP 1 Portfolio which must be submitted on Wednesday 25th April by 2pmvia the student portal. Please save a copy on your computer and back it up regularly(e.g. by saving it on your computer / in the cloud (e.g. Google Drive) / emailing it toyourself. You will receive a printed copy which you should bring to all lectures andtutorials. However, at the end of the course, you need to submit a completedelectronic copy. Please refer to suggested word counts for each task included withinthis portfolio. Assessed Learning Outcomes (LOs):1.Produce cohesive and coherent elements of academic writing.
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2.Read, compare and summarise written academic texts.WeekContentsPageLearningOutcomeSection 1: Portfolio Evidence(These tasks will often be drafted in class but must be submitted on Wednesday 25th April by 2pm. They are designed to inform the written task in section 2. Suggested word counts are included are in brackets.)1Portfolio evidence I: Self-evaluation checklist3LO 1 & 24Portfolio evidence II: Summarising(recommended word count: 100)4LO 1 & 24-5Portfolio evidence III: Outline(recommended word count: 100)6LO 26Portfolio evidence IV: Paragraph structure(recommended word count: 250)7LO 29Portfolio evidence V: Self-assessment(recommended word count: at least 100)8LO 1 & 2Section 2: Written Task(The written task should be developed throughout the semester but completed in weeks 7-10.)1 - 10Academic writing [compare and contrast essay relevant to higher education](word count: 750 words)10LO 1 & 2version 1.0 2
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Total word count: Written Task (750 words) + Evidence (Approx. 850 words)(+/- 10%)Section 1: Portfolio Evidence ISelf-evaluation checklistBelow is a list of the skills you will need when working on extended pieces of writing duringyour university career. The work you do on the EAP 1 course will help you develop theseskills. Tick the appropriate box for each skill, according to how well you think you can do this atthe beginning of this course. Look again at the checklist throughout the course in order toidentify areas for independent study.SkillsDo not knowabout thisFind thisdifficult/ can’tdo thisCan partiallydo thisCan do thiswellLooking for informationIdentify which books/journals/websites to useSelect relevant parts of a textUsing sourcesAcknowledge sources of informationAvoid plagiarismPlanning/ writingBrainstorm ideasPlan written workLink ideas effectivelyParaphrase & summarise ideasWrite an introductionWrite a conclusionPersonal studyWork independentlyManage my timeOral presentationDiscuss written work in a tutorialITAccess the internetUse search enginesCreate word documentsversion 1.0 3
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Section 1: Portfolio Evidence IISummarising (recommended word count: 100)1.Find a text on university fees in the country of your choice (around 200 words) and paste it below, in part 1. Then, read the two texts and highlight the main points.PART 1:Text 1:University fees in EnglandText 2 (paste your text below):University fees inNigeria“University tuition fees in England will rise to £9,250 per yearfrom 2017 and the increase could apply to students who havealready started courses. The inflation-linked rise represents a2.8% increase and if that continued would mean fees risingabove £10,000 in the next few years. Universities face thedilemma that under consumer protection requirements theywill need to announce the £9,250 fee before the beginning ofthe next application cycle in early September. However, untilformally changed by Parliament, universities are not allowed tocharge a fee higher than £9,000, which is the current limit.The government says the increase can apply to students whohave already begun courses - but this will depend on the termsof student contracts in individual universities. The fees willincrease in subsequent years. Royal Holloway and theUniversity of Kent have to still to decide on whether to chargehigher fees for current students, but expect to apply them tonew students starting in 2017, if the fee limit increase goesahead. The University of Surrey will not increase fees for itscurrent undergraduates, but fees will increase each year forstudents starting in 2017.Universities minister Jo Johnson has published a statementsetting out plans to link higher fees to better teaching. LiberalDemocrat university spokeswoman Baroness Lorely Burt said:"Linking fees to teaching quality in this way is unacceptable.Enabling any university that scrapes a 'meet expectations'rating to increase fees by 2.8% shows that this isn't aboutteaching quality at all. If universities need further support thenlet's have a proper discussion about where that money comesfrom, rather than pretending that this is somehow a quid proquo for providing the quality of teaching students shouldalready be able to expect". Sir Peter Lampl, chairman of theSutton Trust education charity, said the fee increase will add tostudent debts that we have shown to be by far the highest inthe English-speaking world. A real concern is that the removalof maintenance grants will almost certainly deter poorerstudents, who now face debts of over £50,000 on graduation”.From: Coughlan, S. (2017). University tuition fees rise to £9,250for current students –BBC News. [online] BBC News. Availableat:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-36856026 [Accessed19 Jan. 2017].“Ibadan – Contrary to popular belief, the fees being paid in the country’s private universities are still relatively low, the Pro-Chancellor of Lead City University, Ibadan, Prof. Jide Owoeye, has said. Owoeye, who is also the Chairman of the university’s Council, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ibadan that the fees being paid in private institutions were relatively low compared to their public counterparts which receive billions of naira in government subvention. He said: “ The cost per head of student in University of Ibadan or University of Lagos for example cannot be less than N700,000 when you are talking about Arts courses or Basic Social Sciences courses. “ But when it comes to courses like Medicine, Engineering, government is spending nothing less than N1.5million on each of the students, but the students do not know this because they are not paying. “ Those students that attend public universities are not attending for free. Somebody is paying. It is you and I, the tax payers, that are paying because that money could have been spent on something else like electricity, but it is a function of opportunity cost.’’ According to Owoeye, only very few private universities in Nigeria charge over one million naira in fees for certain courses. “ In our own case, the highest fee is about N500,000; we have fees as low as N100,000 in the Faculty of Arts for courses like Performing Arts as well as English and Literary Studies. “ But people don’t know because they don’t come and find out in the belief that private universities must be expensive. “ We really must thank JAMB Registrar, Prof. Dibu Ojerinde, who has made it possible for people to find out what is happening in private universities. “ We have state universities which charge higher fees than ours. But we think quality can be guaranteed if resources are well managed and if you have good enrolment. “ Go to Ghana, you pay an average of 6,000 dollars as school fees. Ghana is a third world country, it is not as developed as Nigeria. “ Theuniversities in Ghana are not as developed as those in Nigeria. “ The best public university in Ghana is Legon (University of Ghana, Legon), but it cannot match our own premier university, University of Ibadan. “ Yet people run there for reasons I cannot understand; it may be they don’t have the information they need,’’ he said.(NAN)”From: Vanguardngr.com, 2018.Fees in Nigeria’s private universities still low, says Pro-Chancellor - Vanguard News. [online] Vanguard News. Available at: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2015/09/fees-in-nigerias-version 1.0 4
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