
Early Childhood Education and its Impact on Behavioural Patterns in Adolescence


Added on  2023-04-17

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Early childhood education
And its Impact on the
behavioural patterns in
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Early Childhood Education and its Impact on Behavioural Patterns in Adolescence_1

Child’s Name: .......................... Date: .................................... Observer: ...............................
Focus A Learning Story
Taking an Interest
Early childhood education is also known as
nursery education where the infants or the
toddlers are educated on from the birth up to
a certain age of let's say 8 years, which is a
critical stage of growing up. This education
gives the children the learning which are based
on the development of care and education
based on integral part of human nature and on
human society. This processed is been taken
places for a long period of time and has
emerged with time across different cultures
and different counties (Feller et al,2016). The
education is also reflected in the families and
in different communities as the education on
child caring and on child development is
spreading day by day.
During the initial stage, a toddler spends the
maximum time by sleeping which helps in the
maturation of the brain as well as on the body
and the nervous system. Moreover, sleeping
covers all the functions of the body which
starts framing from the initial days. A normal
child sleeps twelve to sixteen hours a day and
with a gap of few months, the sleeping order
changes in a decreasing manner. Sleep can be
described as a biological expression but it is
subjected to the behaviour of the child
through the day, it turns out to be habit of the
child if he/she is not provided with proper
amount of sleep.
Meal Time
Meal is an important part of any human
beings. So similarly, meal is also a crucial part
of an infant as it tends to become a routine in
their life. Meal does not mean giving the child
only with food but it actually means providing
the child with the proper nutrition which their
body demands at that age.
By the age of 9 months, a child tends to
understand the tastes and quality of the food.
Around that time, a child needs a lot of iron
rather than protein which does not imply the
ratio to be different in terms of food. So a
healthy combination of food tends to make a
child more powerful and more active. Most
importantly right quality of food and right
quantity of sleep helps the body to adjust and
grow strong.
Being involved
The inauguration of the kindergarten long back
started from the spreading of such awareness
based on children, where in this phase
children are not taken much care. So many
countries like India, Europe, Brazil, China and
much more. Have evolved on the education
based on nursery training to the children. In
kindergarten, mostly the children are taught
by playing, by some outdoor games, by making
cartoon videos which shows up important
messages which they might learn like
emotional or based on social obligations. So
the students are involved in all the activities
are which are performed in the lower schools.
Early Childhood Education and its Impact on Behavioural Patterns in Adolescence_2

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