Retrieving and analyzing data from secondary sources is an important part of decision-making in business and economics. For this assignment, you will research oil price changes and the impact on the economy. Start your research by retrieving historical data (1980-2016) on oil price and growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP) from FRED (St. Louis Federal Reserve) at Use the real GDP percentage change from the preceding period, the seasonally adjusted annual rate (A191RL1Q225SBEA), and the Global Price of West Texas Intermediate (POILWTIUSDQ). In addition, review articles on topics related to oil prices and the impact on the economy; the CSU Online Library would be a good resource for this research. You are required to locate and use information from a minimum of three reputable sources. Analyze the data you retrieve to determine the relationship between oil price and real GDP growth rate. You are required to write a minimum two-page