
Effect of Creatine on Squat Performance


Added on  2022-08-15

36 Pages10882 Words11 Views
Effect of Creatine on Squat Maximal Strength Performance
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Author Note
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1....................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................3
1.2 Aim of the Study..............................................................................................................6
1.3 Research Question............................................................................................................7
Chapter 2: Review of Literature.................................................................................................7
2.1 Review of Literature........................................................................................................7
2.2 Literature Gap................................................................................................................15
Chapter 3: Methods..................................................................................................................16
3.1 Research Design.............................................................................................................16
3.2 Research Philosophy......................................................................................................18
3.3 Research Approach........................................................................................................18
3.4 Description of the Experimental Study..........................................................................19
3.5 Research Hypothesis......................................................................................................21
3.6 Data Analysis.................................................................................................................21
Chapter 4: Result and Discussion............................................................................................21
4.1 Result..............................................................................................................................21
4.2 Discussion......................................................................................................................22
Chapter 5: Conclusion..............................................................................................................25
5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................25
5.2 Limitations and Future Research...................................................................................26
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Appendix 2. : Control Group Data...................................................................................32
Appendix. 3: Intervention Group Data.............................................................................33
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Chapter 1.
1.1 Introduction
In the human body there are various type of energy systems that helps to provide
energy during the performances of the work and different types of bodily movements of the
human body. In this regard, it can be stated that without these energy producing systems of
the body human body are unable to perform any type of movements. These energy systems
of the human body can be divided into two categories and they are mainly aerobic and
anaerobic energy systems. According to the study of Hummer et al. (2019), it is stated that
the use of aerobic energy system is mainly associated with such exercises that requires
prolonged exercise as these types of exercises generally use oxygen for producing a huge
amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). On the other hand, in case of producing a huge
amount of energy resources that is ATP in a quick amount of time, the creatine phosphagen
system comes into play. Therefore, it is stated that the enhancement of the free creatine
storage and creatine phosphate storage in the body can help the use of creatine phosphagen
system for a long period of time during the anaerobic exercise where the individual has to
produce a huge amount of ATP within a short time period (Wang et al. 2018).
In another study by Franchini, Takito and Kiss (2016), it is observed that during the
performances of the short duration exercises the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-
phosphocreatine (PCr) system is the primary energy source for muscular work. After a few
moments when, the Pcr becomes exhausted, the intensity of the performances of the athletes
generally deteriorate due to the low amount of ATP production in the body as after the
exhaustion of the Pcr system, normal aerobic energy system starts to produce ATP and it
takes time. In recent times, around the world, the development of sports science has opened a
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wide paths for the athletes for improving their performances by using supplementation within
the prescribed limit. In this regard, it is very crucial to mention the fact with the
advancement of time the cases of supplementation consumption among the athletes are
enhanced. As a consequence of this immense popularity of this supplementation program,
creatine supplementation also has gained immense popularity among the athletes in different
countries of the world (Jones 2014).
The creatine supplementation has become very popular among the athletes of
different sports. Creatine is generally found in the human body to provide a lot of ATP in a
small amount of time and along with this also support the fast movements of the body by
supplying ATP to through the ATP-CP system and this energy system based on the creatine
phosphate is mainly termed as creatine phosphagen system and this system supplies energy to
the human body during the short duration exercise by producing ATP from the stored
glycogen of the human body. Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) is phosphorylated with the help
of phosphocreatine and converted into ATP which is used for muscular movement of the
body. The creatine phosphate system of the body is a severe procedure for the production of
the metabolic energy and lasts for ten seconds to being exhausted (Bachl and Faigenbaum
The use of creatine as a supplementation is mainly associated with the performance
improvements of the players or athletes and thus their performance is gradually improved due
to the consumption of this creatine supplements in their body. According to the study of
Lopes-Silva et al. (2018), it is stated that this creatine supplementation is mainly used as
ergogenic aids and thus it is quite natural that the this ergogenic aids are mainly associated
with the improved performances of the athletes, improved ability to recover from the injury,
enhanced efficiency perform work and enhanced ability to adopt to a specific type of training
and exercises. Therefore, it is reported that the increase in the dietary availability of the
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creatine and creatine phosphate in the daily diet of athletes or sports persons, the total
creatine (TC) and phosphocreatine (PC) concentrations in the body muscles gradually
enhances. In this regard, it can be stated that the enhanced availability of the PC will cause
improved cellular bioenergetics of the phosphagen system and thereby the level of high
intensity exercise performance is also improved (Whinton 2017).
Combination of the nutritional supplements and exercises in the human body is
associated with the betterment of the performances and in this context, it can be stated that
creatine is one of the most common and popular natural supplements designed to enhance the
strength and power capacity related to the exercises. The effect of creatine supplementation
has both long term and short term effect in the body of the individuals. In this regard, it can
be stated that the use of creatine supplementation can enhance the work performances in
terms of strength and power when they are used for a long period of time. While performing
severe level of e exercise, the chances of developing fatigue among the athletes are very
common due to intensive muscle contraction and as a result enhancement of the hydrogen ion
concentration in the body takes place resulting from the dissociation of lactic acids produced
due to the fatigue condition of the body of the athletes (Aguiar et al. 2013).
As a consequence of this scenario, decrease in PC level in the body is reported by the
researchers and in this context, it can be stated that the in order to mitigate the bad impact of
the high intensity exercises, the high level of PC in the body must be maintained and it is
reported that in the contraction process of skeletal muscles of the body the role of PC is very
crucial as it helps in the process of muscle energy metabolism. The use of creatine
supplementation can enhance the work performances in terms of strength and power when
they are used for a long period of time. While performing severe level of e exercise, the
chances of developing fatigue among the athletes are very common The presence of creatine
in the body improves the conversion process of ADP to ATP and thereby improves the
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cellular homeostasis during the high intensity exercise or body movements by using the
hydrogen ions produced during the procedure of creatine kinase reaction (Wang et al. 2016).
Creatine is a nitrogenous molecule along with having an amine structure and in daily
diet one individual only can have 1 gm of creatine. However, there are a lot of external
sources that can supply adequate amount of creatine to the body of the individual. In this
regard, it can be stated that meat, fish and other animal products are capable of providing
creatine to the body of the individuals. In this regard, it can be stated that the normal daily
consumption of either endogenous or exogenous sources is capable of replacing only 2g of
creatine to catabolized creatine and some part of this component is also excreted from the
kidneys as creatine. One-half kg of uncooked, fresh steak has about 2 g creatine. It is stated
that in a body of a 70 kg male approximately there is almost 120g of creatine and it is in
incorporated in the 95% skeletal muscle of the body. Total creatine exists in the muscles as
both free creatine and phosphocreatine. Therefore, 60 per cent of total creatine is
phosphocreatine and rest of the part is free creatine in the body. Therefore, it can be stated
that creatine is a crucial source of chemical energy for contraction of muscle (Hall and
Trojian, 2013).
1.2 Aim of the Study
Scientific Literature suggests that creatine may enhance performance up to 15%
during high intensity exercises. ATP is a limiting factor in high intensity exercise because it
runs out fast when you are working at a high intensity. About 95% of creatine is stored in the
muscles in a molecule called creatine phosphate, the more creatine you have the more energy
you muscle cells can produce. Therefore more creatine you have the more energy you will
have; however not everyone has the same amount of effect on it, therefore this study aims to
investigate the effect of creatine on leg strength.
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1.3 Research Question
1) Is there any effect of creatine supplement consumption on the performance of athletes
performing squat?
Chapter 2: Review of Literature
2.1 Review of Literature
The trend of supplement consumption for improving the performances of the athletes
is very popular around the world and players of different sports are quite accustomed to these
practices. However, it is very important for all the players to know about the limits of the of
supplement consumption, otherwise they should be found guilty for the action of doping. In
this context, the amount of supplement consumption for improving the performances of the
athletes is very crucial. Around the world, the consumption of creatine supplements for
enhancing performances of the short term high intensity exercises are very popular and in
recent times, most of the athletes are taking creatine supplements for enhancing their
performances. The use of creatine supplements are most common among the athletes who
are engaged in high intensity sports or exercise as Creatine is responsible for providing a
huge amount of energy at a minimum amount of time (Cooper et al., 2012).
In recent times, most of the athletes are using ergogenic aids for maintaining the
condition of the body and along with this, such supplements also allow them to recover in a
quicker manner as well. In this context, the issue of physical adaptations during the long term
training processes are also mentioned. The use of ergogenic aids has enhanced a lot and thus
it has become very important to examine the efficacy of those ergogenic aids as a part of the
performance improvements. In various studies, the researchers have identified the fact that
the use of the creatine is one of the most popular ergogenic aids among the athletes of all
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