
Post-Graduation Communication Course Admission


Added on  2020-05-16

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Running head: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONEffective Business CommunicationName of the Student:Name of the University:Author’s Note:
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2EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONDiagnosis and ReflectionThe main purpose of this report is to identify and analyzes the outcomes of variouseffective communication tools. The main objective is to see the findings of these communicationtools and to see their usages in the day to day work life. In particular, the emphasis has to begiven to those communication tools that will help to communicate for the business purposes.These tools will help to detect the areas of strength, weakness and the area of improvement of theresearchers. This report helps to identify the interpersonal skill that is needed by them in order tosurvive in any business organization (Evans et al., 2017). This report mainly deals with fivediagnostic tools that will guide the researcher in understanding the effectiveness of thecommunication for business purposes.In order to develop a proper understanding of my communication progress, I have made useof five diagnostic tools. One of the most important and helpful parts of this effectivecommunication tools is that one needs to solve several questions. The results or the outcomes ofthese questionnaires help to determine the kind of personality and the kind of confidence levelthat the researchers possess. It is through the usage of these communication tools that theresearcher can form a clear idea about the strengths that they have and use them for their futurebenefits in several professional grounds like meetings, dealing with the internal and the externalclients and several other such grounds. The five different communication tools that have beenused are as followsPeople SkillsVerbal CommunicationSelf-perceived communication competence (SPCC)
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3EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONThe Non-verbal Immediacy Scale Self-report (NIS-S)Presentation skillsPresentation SkillsThese tests have really been very helpful as they helped me to determine the areas of mystrength and also the areas of my improvement. As I believe that self-analysis is one of the mostimportant ways that I should follow if I want to survive in the business organization. It reallyhelped me a lot to get an understanding of the different ways and patterns of communication thatis possessed by every individual. The Non-verbal Immediacy Scale-Self-analyses is consideredto be the most updated and clear communication assessment tool.The people skills tools are generally the testimonials of how people behave and interact.It basically talks about the soft skills that are needed for the business organizations. It not onlyemphasizes on the personal attitude or the behavior of the person but also the way this behavioris accepted by the other people (Tuna, Gulez, & Gungor, 2013). The main idea of this effectivecommunication tool is to help the researcher get an idea about his qualities of social interactionparticularly in case of a business organization. The main tenants or the outcomes of this tool areThe ability to understand and comprehend that the other people are sayingThe ability to interact with others with proper respect The ability to work for building a proper communication and a good rapport with all thecoworkers The ability to build trust among the employees, initiate moderate behaviors, and beingless impulsive. This, in turn, will help in initiating agreeableness.
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4EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONSPCC is a tool that helps to determine the extent of the willingness of an individual tocommunicate with others and his willingness towards initiating communication, particularly inthe business grounds. There are various kinds of people than a business person has to goconverse with. So, it is of utmost importance for an individual to know how much competition heis in speaking with the different kinds of business clients or the stakeholders. There areparameters like speaking with a friend, talking in a small meeting or speaking in a large meetingor speaking in a group of strangers.Presentation skills talk about the level of confidence that is present within an individual toconduct the presentations or the seminars in any business meetings. So, it is of utmostimportance that the researcher undertakes this particular tool in order to understand the level ofconfidence that one has. Delivering presentation in front of so many people can often be a greatchallenge, especially for those people who have a little less confidence level than others(McQuail & Windahl, 2015).I have been greatly influenced by the results that I have received from the usage of thecommunication tools. This has really helped me a lot in order to identify my areas of strengthand weakness. I will be now able to nurture my strengths to a greater extent so that I can usethem for my betterment. This is of immense help because this will really help me to work on myweaknesses as well. Identifying the areas of strength and the areas of weaknesses are really veryhelpful for the future days in my professional lives because it will help me to find out severalmeans of coming up with those areas of weakness (Gelles, & Haeupler, 2017).The result that I have got from the analysis of the nonverbal immediacy self-reportshows that my positive feeling towards the people is high. This is because my score is 169 which
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