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Effectiveness of Extracurricular Activities in Academics


Added on  2023/04/07

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This research report explores the effectiveness of extracurricular activities on academic performance. It presents findings from a questionnaire-based study, showing that extracurricular activities have a positive impact on academic performance.

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Effectiveness of extracurricular activities in academics

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The research report is based on the effectiveness of the extracurricular on the students’ academic
performance in their respective learning institutions. Research presented was conducted through
questionnaire where a sample of the concerned individual was selected for the research. The
findings showed that extracurricular activities are very effective in improving academic
performance in schools.
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i. Introduction
The research paper is based on the effectiveness of the extracurricular activities in
various learning institutions to the academic performance of students. The research was
conducted with the aim of identifying the impacts extracurricular activities has on the
academic performance following debate on the need for extracurricular activities in
learning institutions and also its influence on the academic performance in schools.
Extracurricular activities are any structured activities beyond class curriculum. There are
two types of these activities. Pro-social activities such as sport teams, dance and arts and intra-
school activities such as debates, symposiums, academic clubs and leadership. Some of the
benefits associated with participation in extracurricular activities include better GPA , high
standardized test results, regular school attendance, more confidence in students, better
teamwork ,a higher sense if discipline and better time management (Logan and Scarborough
2008). Decrease in substance abuse has been also associated with extracurricular activities
Durkheim in functionalism theory, may suggest that the reason for better academic
performance of students that engage in extracurricular activities is because they have more social
support than those who students that do not. Positive young adult development researches
(Gardener et al, 2008) suggest establishing positive relationships with individual and an
institution fosters healthy development. Functionalism theory suggests that society is a system of
interdependent parts, thus students need social relationships for optimal functionality. Students
that participate in structured activities are more likely to develop healthy social relationships than
those do not. Sports activities involve learning to work together thus developing communication,
team play, confidence and compassion among students. This equips the students with productive
skills and creates a healthy environment that favors better academic performance.
Participation in extracurricular activities by the students in most of the learning centers or
institutions is consider by most of educational psychologists to improve the academic
performance since through participation in extracurricular activities such as football and
other games helps to refresh the memory of the student hence when they embark to their
academic work, they find it easy to understand various concepts being taught in
classroom as their mind are refreshed and able to accommodate more information.
ii. Hypothesis
The research work was conducted with the mission to determine the effectiveness of
extracurricular activities on the academic performance in learning institution. The research
shows the relationship between the two variables thus independent, thus participating in
extracurricular activities and dependent variables which is student performance in school. The
expected result for the research conducted was to identify positive correlation between the two
variables thus effectiveness of extracurricular activities on the academic performance.
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Operational definition
Independent variable is defined to be the variable that can be scientifically
manipulated in an experiment performed using the data provided or collected to test for
the impact such data has on the dependent variable. Dependent variable on the other hand
is defined to be the specific variable being tested by the provided data in a scientific
experiment in determining the relation between the independent variable and dependent
Extracurricular activities in learning institutions, from the research conducted is
categorized as the independent variable since the data obtained from the sampling test
conducted is tested and measured in a scientific method in order to determine the impact
it imposes on the academic performance of students who are involved in the
extracurricular activities in their respective learning institutions.
Academic performance is categorized as the dependent variable in the research as it
scientifically tested.
Changes associated with the variables thus extracurricular activities and academic
performance which are categorized as independent and dependent variables respectively
were established through the questionnaire responses obtained from the sampled students
and education analysts based on their take on the relationship between extracurricular
activities and academic performance.
iii. The limitations
In the course of conducting the research based on the two variables thus independent
and dependent variable, the process was limited by the methods used to collect the
required data which was done through questionnaire where a sample of instructors,
students and academic analysts on the impact of extracurricular activities to the academic
performance were used as determinants through the answers they gave concerning the
variables which later was discovered that most of the students sampled never gave honest
answers thus hindering the valuation of the variables.
During data representation, thus through graphs and tables in order to test the
variables, some of the values and figures were not well recorded following inconsistency
of the responses provided during sampling process.
Inability to probe responses limited some of the additional responses that sampled
population were willing to give in accordance to the questions asked about their take on
extracurricular activities and its impacts on the academic performance of the involved
students. Questionnaire method of data collection limited their additional responses thus
not flexible to the users during research process.
To illiterate group of people, questionnaire was not appropriate for them though they
were under the chosen categories of people who were to respond to the questions asked
on effectiveness of extracurricular activities on academic performance. Such groups of
selected individual were unable to read, interpret and give clear responses based on their
understanding on the research problem hence they never had that opportunity to
participate in answering the survey questions.

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Questionnaire as a data collection method only focuses on the visual mode of
communication since ninety percent of the answers needed requires visual presentation
not taking into consideration other means of communication like gestures and facial
expression which could be used to prove the validity of the information provided by the
iv. Methodology
The research questions that were presented in the questionnaire were obtained from a
statistical study based on the extracurricular activities, according to Bakoban,
&Aljarallah, (2015). The questions were formatted in a questionnaire format which
included choices for the questions asked. The respondents were required to tick the most
appropriate answer according to their understanding on the effectiveness of
extracurricular activities on academic performance of an individual student.
Simple random sampling method was applied as each individual was randomly chosen
by chance as the whole population had an equal chance or probability of being chosen.
The sampled population included both gender thus female and male. Age bracket ranging
between 18-24 years dominated the sampled population.
Simple random sampling method used has imposed negative impact to whole
sampling process since it requires much time and resources in sampling out the
population. The sample method is expensive to use in cases where the population number
is large as it will require sampling the whole population to avoid being bias. It also
requires much time in order to generate information from the sampled group of people
thus not preferred in times where the data urgency is a factor to be considered.
The population sampled included students, educational analysts and teachers which
were used as sample representatives. (Bradley & Conway, 2016).
Nominal measurement were used in the research process to aid naming and labeling
series of variable in the questionnaire while ordinal measurement were incorporated in
sampling to provide detailed information on names used in nominal measurement.
The data was coded and sorted out using the non-scientific analysis of qualitative data
thus QDA method.
v. Presentation of data
Table 1: percentage of population who feel extracurricular activities negatively affect
academic performance
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Agree Disagree Strongly
10 10 30 0
20 0 20 10
0 0 10 0
10 10 40 40
n=1 n=4 n=4 n=1
Table 2: degree of academic performance improvement based on extracurricular activities
Respondents Yes No
Percentage 70 30
n=7 n=3
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Table 3: effectiveness of extracurricular activities on academic performance positively in
Strongly agree Agree Strongly
Males 30 10 0 10
Females 0 20 10 20
Total 30 30 10 30
n=3 n=3 n=1 n=3
Table 4: overall academics performances in percentage
Strongly agree Agree Strongly
Males 20 20 0 10
Females 30 10 0 10
Total 50 30 0 20
n=5 n=3 n=0 n=2
Table 5: sample size not involved in extracurricular activities percentage.
Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Disagree
10 20 20 0
10 10 10 0

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10 0 0 10
30 30 30 10
n=1 n=3 n=3 n=3
Analysis of the result
During the analysis of twenty questions, eight of the question was considered in the
analysis while the rest were ignored since they all rotate around either independent or
dependent variables. The sampled population included youths with age of less than 35
years and adults who are still learning.
Questions 1and two thus based on gender and age are categorized as independent
variables while questions 6, 13, 15, 16 are dependent variables.
From table 1, the percentage of sampled population showed that most of the sampled
population believed that extracurricular activities positively affect academic performance.
Table was used to represent the information on the sampled population to make the
information clearer and understandable. There were positive correlations of the
performance data presented with the extracurricular activities since young people are
more into such activities than aged ones.
In table 2, sampled population shows gender balance since both gender was sampled
for the questionnaire. Tabular presentation shows the degree of performance in relation to
extracurricular activities. It positively correlates to the extracurricular activities since it
comprises of both gender.
Table 3, it reflects the percentage impact extracurricular activities have on academic
performance. Presentation was done on a tabular platform in order to clearly distinguish
the impacts. It positively correlates to the performance of the student since positive
impacts are more than negative impacts.
According to table 4, it’s a percentage presentation showing overall academic
performance of the students improved by extracurricular activities participation. In a
percentage presentation predicts overall performance with positive correlation with the
extracurricular activities based on better performance.
From table 5, it shows sample size which are not involved in extracurricular activities
thus negatively correlates with the performance since few learners prefer not be involved
in extracurricular activities, thus according to Chan (2016), in which most of the learners
are under of 35 years of age.
The variables are positively correlated in the hypothesis conducted since independent
variables tested have either positive or negative impact on the dependent variable.
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vi. conclusion
The data obtained from the research conducted supports the hypothesis on
effectiveness of the extracurricular activities on academic performance following the
above discussed tables.
From the research, it can be summarized that extracurricular activities positively affect
academic performance and that it should be encourage in most of learning institutions.
(Billingsley & Hurd, 2019).
The expected result from the research conducted on the two variables thus
independent and dependent variable on the effectiveness of extracurricular activities on
the academic performance was a positive correlation of the two variables thus
extracurricular activities to positively impact the academic performance based on the
research done.
According to Coulangeon (2018) participation in extracurricular directly affects students’
performance in their studies. Coulangeon also argued that structured behavior results to
reduction in engagement in risky behavior and felony. Durkheim famous suicide studies linked
suicide rates to degree of social integration of and regulation. Students that participate in
extracurricular activities enjoy healthy social relationships while learning society-values through
interactions (Fredricks and Simpkins, 2011). Tight schedules maintained as they juggle through
studies and extracurricular activities ensure that students are constructively busy.
Following the responses provided by the sampled population, the unexpected result
from the sampled population based on their take on the effectiveness of extracurricular
activities on academic performance was that most of the parents and guardians who were
sampled negatively link the two variables as they argued that extracurricular activities in
schools were as a waste of time for students as students will take most their time in
extracurricular activities than to focus on their academic work.
Students on the other hands too are required to take their extracurricular activities
more serious in order to improve their academic performance. Since they are the
beneficiaries of extracurricular activities, they are required to design a favorable
timetable for extracurricular activities which will not clash with their academic works
where everyone will be expected to be at their various places of extracurricular activity.
When granted such an opportunity, data sampling and collection methods will be
change and use more refined method of data collection which will be cheap and faster in
terms of resources needed. The type of data sampling method to be used during second
research will depend on such mentioned qualities, thus must be cheap, time concise and
also requires fewer efforts in sample. It should also give accurate results based on the test
Bakoban, R. A., &Aljarallah, S. A. (2015). Extracurricular Activities and Their Effect on the
Document Page
Student's Grade Point Average: Statistical Study. Educational Research and Reviews, 10(20),
Billingsley, J. T., & Hurd, N. M. (2019). Discrimination, mental health and academic
performance among underrepresented college students: the role of extracurricular activities at
predominantly white institutions. Social Psychology of Education, 1-26.
Bradley, J. L., & Conway, P. F. (2016). A dual step transfer model: Sport and non‐sport
extracurricular activities and the enhancement of academic achievement. British Educational
Research Journal, 42(4), 703-728.
Chan, Y. K. (2016). Investigating the relationship among extracurricular activities, learning
approach and academic outcomes: A case study. Active Learning in Higher Education, 17(3),
Coulangeon, P. (2018). The Impact of Participation in Extracurricular Activities on School
Achievement of French Middle School Students: Human Capital and Cultural Capital
Revisited. Social Forces, 97(1), 55-90. doi: 10.1093/sf/soy016
Fredricks, J., & Simpkins, S. (2011). Promoting Positive Youth Development Through
Organized After-School Activities: Taking a Closer Look at Participation of Ethnic Minority
Youth. Child Development Perspectives, 6(3), 280-287. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-
Gardner, M., Roth, J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2008). Adolescents' participation in organized
activities and developmental success 2 and 8 years after high school: Do sponsorship,
duration, and intensity matter?. Developmental Psychology, 44(3), 814-830. doi:
Logan, W., & Scarborough, J. (2008). Connections Through Clubs: Collaboration and
Coordination of a Schoolwide Program. Professional School Counseling, 12(2), 157-161. doi:

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vii. Appendices
Appendix 1
I am Gurinder Singh; a student of Mohawk College is being assigned to conduct a survey as a
part of our learning unit. I would like to seek your help in filling up this close ended
questionnaire, related to your perception about the effectiveness of extracurricular activities on
academic performance.
The objective of this survey is to find out the effectiveness of the extracurricular activities in
enhancing the academic performance of the students. It is the general assumption that students
taking part in the extracurricular activities are less likely to suffer from disruptive behavior and
anxiety that helps then to concentrate in their studies. However, the validation of these
assumptions can only be confirmed by the analysis of this questionnaire.
I can ensure that all your responses shall be dealt with confidentiality and privacy and the
anonymity or your identity will be preserved. We look forward to your kind cooperation.
Answer the following question by ticking the checkboxes: -
1. Gender
2. Age
Below 18
Above 35
3. Height (ft and inches)
4. Weight (pounds)
Write 1- agree, 2-disagree , 3-strongly disagree
5. I feel more confident in my studies when I take part in extracurricular activities
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
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6. I feel physically fit and emotionally motivated after I participate in extracurricular activities.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
7. participating in the extracurricular activities are likely to increase leadership and the teamwork
among the individuals.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
8. Students who participate in extracurricular activities are more socialized.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
9. Students who participate in extracurricular activities higher self-esteem in comparison to other
who do not participate.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
10. Students who participate in extracurricular activities are less likely to suffer from anxiety
related to academics
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
11. Students participating in the extracurricular activities are likely to display disruptive
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
12. I often engage in after school activities, with varied range of extracurricular activities.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
13. I feel like wasting my valuable time as I devote my time in extracurricular activities.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
14. Too much engagement in extracurricular activities might be stress full for the students.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
15. I do not like to take part in extracurricular activities.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
16. My parents do not encourage me take part in the extracurricular activities.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
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17. Most of the teachers encourage the students to take part in extracurricular activities
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
18. The extracurricular activities are age-appropriate and as per the needs of the students.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
19. Extracurricular activities in curriculum are likely to decrease school dropouts.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
20. Allocating special points for participating in extracurricular activities would increase the
participation of the students in extracurricular activities.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
Appendix 2
Coding sheet
questions 5 6 7 8 9 1
19 20
5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 3
6 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2
7 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 3
8 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 5 2 2 2 3 2 3 2
9 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 1
10 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
1 out of 13
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