
Chinese Media Landscape and Censorship


Added on  2020-04-07

14 Pages3246 Words63 Views
NIT 6130 Introduction to Research 1EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON INTERNET CENSORSHIPBy Student’s NameCode+ course nameProfessor’s nameUniversity nameCity, StateDate
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NIT 6130 Introduction to Research 2Table of ContentsRESEARCH PROBLEM AND LITERATURE COLLECTED..................................................................3TYPES OF METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................................5Qualitative verses Quantitative................................................................................................................5Chosen Methodology...............................................................................................................................6Similarity between Qualitative and Quantitative.....................................................................................6REVIEW OF EXISTING METHODOLOGIES..........................................................................................6PROPOSED METHOLOGY.....................................................................................................................10Identification and Justification...............................................................................................................10Benefits of Survey.................................................................................................................................10Limitations of Survey............................................................................................................................10Framework and Explanation..................................................................................................................10References List..........................................................................................................................................13
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NIT 6130 Introduction to Research 3METHODOLOGYIntroductionResearch methodology is the process, procedure and principles used to identify a problem and find a problem that will assist in finding a solution to the problem identified.RESEARCH PROBLEM AND LITERATURE COLLECTEDRESEARCH PROBLEMSUB-PROBLEMCOLLECTED LITERATUREProblem 1Internet censorship is one of the major control parts in the internet world. Different stakeholders use internet censorship to help them secure their information and data when they use the internet. The internet providesnecessary information as well as educating users. Despite internet bearing many benefitsto its users, it also has different challenges associated to it that renders it reliable. This study aims at determining the different issues related to internet censorship in the world (Romano, 2009). Internet censorship as part ofthe control mechanism in thecyber world is affected by different challenges.Sub-problem 1Censorship leads to users’ rights being violated. Many networks have been banned thus decreasing the number of internet users. This decreases educational resources for students.Sub-problem 2Censorship leads to problem of internet security and privacy of information and data. Cyber bullying is an issue related to internet censorship. This can harass the user either physically or mentally (Sina, 2014).Sub-problem 3Censorship has led to information and data resistance in the process of transfer. In the process of transaction, data breaching may occur (State, 2013). Literature tries to review what other people did or said before.Literature 1MacKinnon (2010, p. 125),gives tactics used to control internet. This strategies include cyber-attacks, network and device control, control of domain name and localized restriction and disconnection. This has reduced ability by usersto complain about political issues and social problems.Literature 2Feng & Guo (2013, p. 234), in their study examining control strategies of internet censorship in China; they identified an online blocking system used (Toepfl, 2011). The Chinese government used this included URL blocking, hijack domain names, block main passwords and BGP hijacking. The government of China use internet censorship in a hierarchical system and internet carried out by operators in
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NIT 6130 Introduction to Research 4This causes theft of property and copy right violationdifferent regionLiterature 3Hearns-Branaman, (2009, p. 134),some websites give false information to divert the views and thoughts of common people.The increased number of users has increased internet censorship. Many internet transaction leads to data breaching. The hacking causes huge financial loses theft and violation of networks and copyright. Therefore, various countries of various companies have employed data mining for security purposes.Problem 2The number of internet users is growing rapidly in the day-to-day operations. The life of each individual has improved due to use of internet to provide a large amount of information and knowledge indifferent fields and social interaction. Despite all these benefits, different issues arise questioning the reliability and credibility of the use of internet. Therefore, the research aims at examining internet security and effects ofsocial media in internet censorship.Sub-problem 4Social media has enhanced communication and connection among millions of persons together. Different challenges ariseSub-problem 5Social media has led to many illegal websites that brings social harm. This gives rise to pornographic images and videos. Some other websites provide procedures of bomb making and drug making. This causes major harm to the society. There is the problemof cyber-attacksLiterature 4In the literature of Deibert & Rohozinski,( 2010), the educational resources for students has reduced the websites used by students provide reduced information for information and data. Government and other parties are therefore responsible for internet censorship.Literature 5Many studies examine the risks of interaction between cyber-censorship and online activism. In the study by Leibold, (2011, p. 126) showed a struggle between cyber-censorship and online activism as the evil versusgood. The study by MacKinnon ,
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