
Elder Abuse Intervention Report


Added on  2020-10-22

12 Pages3307 Words471 Views
Elder Abuse Scenario
Elder Abuse Intervention Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1PART A- ASSESSMENT REPORT...............................................................................................11. Identifying the harm or risk being experienced by Joycie Collins and discussing indicatorsof harm supporting analysis........................................................................................................12. Outlining issues of complexity that heighten risk and discussing protective factors formitigate risk level........................................................................................................................23. Linking case scenario with relevant evidence, theory, research and literature.......................34. Outlining proposed intervention.............................................................................................3CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................4REFERENCES................................................................................................................................5INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................6PART B INTERVENTION REPORT.............................................................................................61. Providing brief summary of the safety assessment provided in Part A..................................62. Interventions that protect Elder abuse.....................................................................................63. Intervention reflecting current legislation, policy and practice development.........................84. Own values, beliefs, attitudes about domestic violence..........................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Elder Abuse Intervention Report_2

INTRODUCTIONElder abuse has significantly increased in recent times. Present report will be based onabuse to older individual named Joycie who has back pain and requires medication and also herspinal operation was failed. Alex and Meg are to family members who do not treat her well.Report will focus on indicators of harm supporting case and types of abuses will be discussed. PART A- ASSESSMENT REPORT1. Identifying the harm or risk being experienced by Joycie Collins and discussing indicators ofharm supporting analysisAbusing of senior citizens is a major social issue in Australia and all over the world. Asdefined in World Health Organisation, abuse to the old citizen is a kind of action, unethicalbehaviour by a person who is in the position trust like adult child, other family, member, friendetc. When such action or behaviour occurs that will cause physical, emotional or mental harm ordamage to, or loss of, assets or property. Such kind of abuses on elder are criminal offence underthe elder law in Australia. As used by Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], the person orcitizen of Australia above the age of 65 is considered as older.Any kind of abuse and neglect on elder may affect an adult's health, happiness and safety(Gallione and et.al., 2017). These abuse or neglect takes in many forms that may also violate anolder adult's basic human right and are of several types of crime also, these types of abuseincludes:Physical abuse: It includes violence, inappropriate restraints or any kind of roughbehaviour that may cause or result in an injury as well. The indicators of physical abuse arewelts, internal and shaking injuries, strangulation and bruises.Emotional abuse: it includes the threat or any treatment or behaviour that may offends anolder person sense of dignity and their self-respect. The indicators of harm include isolated,verbally abused, emotionally rejected. Financial exploitation: This type of abuse involve improper use of adults funds, money orassets. This is clear from the fact that Joycie has noticed that Alex, her grandson is using ATMcard and withdrawing money for his own use. The indicators of harm include using fundswithout permission etc.1
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Caregivers neglect: It involves failure of caregiver to provide adequate and properfacilities to aged people or refusing to obligate their duty (Risk Factors. 2018).2. Outlining issues of complexity that heighten risk and discussing protective factors for mitigaterisk levelThere are various issues that could heighten risk in elder abuse which are as follows-Carer stressThe caring of elder person is stressful. This is evident from the fact that Joycie had recentfailed spinal operations and chronic back pain also prevails. It becomes stressful for carer andtriggers abuse.DependencyIt also triggers as dependency leads to stressful situation for carer. It can be referred tocase study that Joycie is unable to do bathing all alone and requires assistance from Meg but sherefuses the same (Indicators of harm. 2018).Family conflictThe conflict ongoing in the family is another reason which would heighten risk of abuse.It is because stressful situation often increases abuse. It also flows from generation to generationas family violence continues and risk prevails.IsolationThe client lacks social support and leads to increase in abuse such as misuse of funds orremoval of money from ATM card. Denial of right to access funds while, elder may be capableto maintain affairs on his own.The protective factors that could mitigate risks are as follows-Considering aged individual to make them familiar through human rights.Geographic profile of victim can be analysed through violent crime mapping.Dialling and contacting the nearest centre for seeking help in event of abuse.Familiarity with elder abuse laws and regulations prevailing in the country.2
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