
View-Independent Face Recognition


Added on  2022-09-14

13 Pages4377 Words10 Views
Elusive Quality of Truth
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Truth means being in accordance with fact or the reality that establishes the
authenticity of an idea. It is opposed to concepts of falsehood which indicates deviation from
the norms of truth. Concept of truth have been discussed in various contexts which includes
philosophy, art and theology. There are some philosophers who think that concept of truth is
basic and it cannot be explained with any other terms. The philosophers think that truth is
objective and the patterns of truth does not change on the basis of situations. The absolute
truth have been found to be true in all kinds of circumstances and it is something which
cannot be modified. The meaning of the truth varies on the basis of the perception and the
perspective of an individual. The perceiving of the “true” world have become difficult in
modern age. This essay elaborates on elusive quality of the truth and how the nature of truth
is hidden to the individuals.
The brain aids in the creation of subjective world that envelopes us and influences our
pattern of living in society. It can however be stated that reality encompasses a lot more than
what is perceived by an individual. Our ancestors were shrouded in doubt pertaining to nature
of truth and they died without being able to understand the actual nature of reality. It have
been brought out by modern neuroscience that the human beings try to construct the reality
and the structure world which is around them by relating it to themselves. The people want to
avoid the dangerous misinterpretations however it can be stated that subjective reality is short
of what is actually out there (Humphreys & Riddoch, 2017). The people once used to
believe that earth was flat as the people could perceive the flatness. The people interpret the
perception in the wrong manner and hence it can be asserted that the actual nature of truth is
not known to the people. The donning of the infrared goggles can make world appear strange
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and of elusive quality to an individual. The truth is fathomed by an individual on the basis of
particular circumstances and it aids in development of a vision. The perception of truth is
dependent on various kinds of factors and it differs from one individual to another individual.
What the people see, smell or hear are simply external manifestations that helps them in
reconstructing reality in their mind (Riddoch et al., 2016). The interpretation of the fact is
another important element which can provide it with a different layer of meaning. The
perception is subjective and it depends on the choice and preference of an individual.
Universe exists beyond the human reconstructions and its elusive nature cannot be grasped by
the people. The workings of the universe is mysterious and it throws challenges in minds of
people who are buffeted with various conflicting facts in life (Fleming, 2016).
The human beings are capable of processing stimuli within environment in objective
manner that helps in depicting our experience. The thalamus plays an integral role in
orchestration of cortical activity and it informs cortex regarding tasks that have to be carried
out in relation to various kinds of contexts. There exists large amount of information which
are not consciously processed and they are filtered out by the brain of an individual. Occipital
lobe is found in rear section of brain which is part of cerebral cortex. The primary function of
occipital lobe is making sense of the visual information that can enable people in
understanding things (Decramer et al., 2019). Temporal lobe is located within cerebral cortex
and it is responsible for processing auditory information. The brain is instrumental in
processing information which comes from visual stimuli however what the people sees is
what they expect of seeing. It is dependent on the preference and the expectations of an
individual. The manner of perception of environment is on the basis of “wishful thinking” of
an individual. The perception is indicative of an active process when the senses get input
from stimuli which thereby builds its own reality (Holler, Behrmann & Snow, 2019). The
human beings involve themselves in perception so that they can understand and be conscious
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regarding environment. The manner of perceiving things of the individuals is influenced by
past experiences along with stimuli which is received by receptors. It can be stated that
perception of the individuals can be changed by the expectations of the observers or the
presumptions (Giersch et al., 2016). The patterns of expectation is deeply ingrained in
individuals and it continues to affect human beings even when they are presented stimuli
which contradicts the typical perception schema. It can be difficult for the people to attain
objectivity on account of the factor of the perception of an individual.
The seeing receptors within the retina is situated in back portion of the eye. The images
which are projected is not defined in a clear manner and they are interpreted by the brain. The
bottom-up processing takes place and it transmits the images from eye to visual receiving
area of the brain. Top down processing involves our knowledge of environment that helps in
interpreting information which is perceived by us (Humphreys & Riddoch, 2016). Towards
nineteenth century, the physicist Hermann von Helmholtz was instrumental in developing
unconscious inference theory. It brings out the fact that perceptions of individuals are formed
owing to unconscious assumptions that the people have towards environment. Gestalt
psychologists talked about concept of whole being more important when compared to the
subsequent parts which was a different approach when compared to Helmholtz. The gestalt
psychologists believed in the fact that organisms have the capability of perceiving the entire
pattern and not solely the individual components (Fleming, 2016). The principles of Gestalt
psychologists harped on the fact that perception can be based on experience however built-in
principles within an individual can over-ride previous knowledge or their understanding
about the environment. The perceptions of the people align with their expectations and it
proves to be more significant for them in deduction of the truth or the reality. The people in
the society are programmed in such a manner that they lay attention on certain stimuli or the
information which are received by them. The people interpret the information on the basis of
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