Reflecting on Module Failure: Improving Research & Presentation Skills
Added on 2020-07-22
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Employability Review& Final Report
BUSINESS SCHOOL – Assessment 1 Feedback Front sheetSECTION A:(to be completed by the student)Please complete Section A Student Number:Programme:(e.g. Business mangement)Module Title: (e.g. Studying for Business)The Business Professional Seminar GroupModule Code:HR6004Word Count5178I confirm that no part of this assignment, except where clearly quoted and referenced, has been copied from material belonging to any other person e.g. from a book, handout, another student. I am aware that it is a breach of UEL regulations to copy the work of another without clear acknowledgement and that attempting to do so renders me liable to disciplinary proceedings.SECTION B: (to be completed by the tutor marking assignment)Assessment Criteria:WeightingCriteria based FeedbackMark AchievedGathering of Data: Identification ofrequisite information30%Supervisor2nd MarkerAnalysis of data andconclusions/recommendationsAnalysis and interpretation of data,presented in a clear and logical manner.Findings should be meaningful andcontribute to the literature and/orbusiness problem, address the researchquestion and objectives, leading torelevant conclusions/ recommendation30%Supervisor2nd MarkerWriting Skills and referencing 20%Supervisor
Structure and presentation, andreferencing must be in the Harvard style– see cite them Right2nd MarkerReflection on Professional competency skills 20%Supervisor2nd MarkerTOTAL MARKS100%Good practice demonstrated:Aspect to consider for improvement:Tutor's Name:Date Received:PROVISIONALMARK
Employability Review& Final Report
Table of ContentsBUSINESS SCHOOL – Assessment 1 Feedback Front sheet SECTION A:.................................2INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Analysis of external environment................................................................................................1Analysis of internal environment.................................................................................................5Overview of the organization......................................................................................................9Positive features that can be suggested to LEGO......................................................................11Critical evaluation of the benefits proposed approach..............................................................13CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16REFLECTION...............................................................................................................................19Retrieval questions.........................................................................................................................211. Reason why it is needed to retrieve this module. Extent to reflect weakness that couldundermine success in graduate employment.............................................................................212. If you were asked why you failed this module in an interview, how would you respond?...213. In what way can this failure be turned into an advantage?....................................................22
INTRODUCTIONCompanies set out their aim and objectives so that all the business operations can becarried out in effective manner. With time, there are many organizations that have come up whodeliver customers with similar set of products and services. Main focus of the study is carried outfor LEGO which is well known for manufacturing of Lego brand toys which was founded in theyear 1932. There are certain set of issues that are faced issues related with declining sales. Thereare various aspects that will be covered; it includes analysis of external and internal environment.Further, it covers information regarding benefits of proposed approach. Analysis of external environmentIn order to identify various factors in external business environment Pestle analysis toolcan be used. It helps in identify various elements which may influence the functioning of variousbusiness activities performed by LEGO group. Pestle analysis consist of 6 main areas asmentioned below - 1.P – Political2.E - Economic3.S - Social4.T - Technological5.L- Legal 6.E- Environmental LEGO Group is a family guaranteed toy manufacturing association with its basicestablishments Denmark. The Group for a significant long time has been noteworthy player intoy delivering part on the planet. The Group is built up on thinking that cheers and advanceskids' life. Through their things, the Group has had the ability to play key duty on tyke's changeby delineating kid pleasant toys. For a significant long time, the Group has completelyguaranteed that hypothesis to make effective learning and achieved desired objective(MARKETING THEORIES – PESTEL ANALYSIS. 2016) PESTLE examination incorporates itshopes to choose internal and external perils and openings an affiliation has. Generally speaking,these threats the affiliations faces it can't direct. This kind of examination uncovers each possible1
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