
Employability Skills and Professional Development


Added on  2023-01-19

22 Pages5105 Words96 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityHigher Education
Employability Skills and
Employability Skills and Professional Development_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
Evaluation of skills Audit: .....................................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
a) Analyse tools and technique to enhance interpersonal and transferable skills...................5
b)Personal SWOT analysis.....................................................................................................7
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
c) Proforma for individual appraisal ......................................................................................9
Personal and professional development...............................................................................10
TASK B ........................................................................................................................................11
What did I do well in the completion of my development plan?.........................................11
What were the problems?.....................................................................................................12
What do I want to further improve?.....................................................................................13
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................14
Skills Audit...........................................................................................................................16
Personal SWOT analysis......................................................................................................16
Individual self appraisal.......................................................................................................17
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Personal development plan...................................................................................................18
Employability skills can be define as the transferable skills which are used by the
individual as to make them employable (Bates and Pilgrim 2019). There are different factor
which include understanding, subject knowledge, skills of the employees which help them to
compete in the present world. There is the important for the company to provide proper training
and development programmes in order to achieve organizational goal. This report is bases on the
TESCO which is an leading retail outlet with 450,000 employees all around the world. Company
headquarter is located in UK with 6800 shops worldwide. This report is based upon the different
skills audit and also explain about the different roles and responsibility present in the
organization to provide better services to the customers. Along with this there are different
interpersonal skills as well as tool and techniques which organization to improve the capabilities
of the employees. At last, there is proforma which is carried out by the organization to improve
the productivity.
Evaluation of skills Audit:
A skill audit is important for the company as it help measuring and recording the skills of
an individual as well as of group. The main objective of the company is to manage the skill audit
in the organization to identify the skills as well as knowledge which help firm to have better
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services in well define manner. For the organization like TESCO it is essential for the HR
executive to conduct audit skills as it help in identifying the loopholes and make changes if
required. The key performance objective required to be SMART so that they can efficaciously
execute by minimising the possibilities of deviation.
Personal role as well as responsibilities:
Being as the HR executive there are different kinds of roles and responsibilities which are
undertaken by the company as it help in improving the skill in order to compete in the market.
Here are some few roles and responsibilities which are explained down below:
For being as HR executive it is important to list the roles of each and every individual so
that it in minimising the risk as well as improve the working environment of the
organisations. Along with this is important to maximise the consumer involvement
through communicating about offerings of organisations as well as know its interest
areas or perspectives. However , interaction leads towards expansion and growth in the
limited time frame.
HR executive have the roles and responsibilities of the enhancing the employees skills
by providing the proper training and development programmes in order to maintain the
smooth functioning of the company. Beside this it help in assisting with better services
for the consumers as well as for employees.
There must be proper implementation of rules and policies which help in providing
better and effectively decision for the company which help in improving the brand image
in the market.
Here is the skill audit templates which help in understanding the area of improvement and also
help in making future decision in well define manner.
Skills Good Average Bad
Complaint handling
Persuasion skill
Negotiation skill
Decision making skill
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Time management skill
Problem solving skill
Communication skill
Technical skill
a) Analyse tools and technique to enhance interpersonal and transferable skills
Interpersonal skills are the individual behaviours and the tactics which used to interact
and communicate with the employees in well define manner. In the current business world it is
essential to have interpersonal skills in order to compete in the market. For the organisations like
TESCO the HR executive have to make sure that employees posses these skills for improving the
skills as well as help in providing better services to the customers. This also also help executive
to interact with the world and within the organisations. As it allow to resolve the disputes and
grievances presents in the department. Here are some elements of interpersonal skills in the
detail manner down below:
Communication: This is consider as the most important part of interpersonal skills as it
help in interaction and taking feedback from the employees as well as from customers (Choate
and Carroll 2019). In the context of TESCO it is essential for the HR executive to have proper
communication channel for improving the working culture as well develop the plan for the
channel of communication which help in providing the better outcomes for firm.
Empathy: This is known as understanding and respecting each other view points and
thoughts which help in maximizing the profit. For the organisations like TESCO HR executive
have the responsibilities to listen and react on the problems of employees. There must be two
way communication which help in making effective decision without wasting time.
Self confidence: It is important of to have self confidence in the workplace as it help in
opening the doors for the person to grow and expand in the future. This also help the employees
to tackle and manage the different situation present in the organisations and show method how to
deal with positively as well as negatively. As it is essential for the HR executive to have self
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confidence because they have the responsibility to have manage the entire business activities
Relationship management: Building effective relationship have become important for
the organisations to survive for the long run in the market. This is considered as one of the most
essential interpersonal skills which help employees and management to control and perform the
activities in the well define manner. As for the organisation like TESCO HR executive has the
vital role in developing relationship with the employees as well as with the clients. This help in
create the bond with the colleagues, partners and investors in effectively manner.
Negotiation skills : This is considered as the another kinds of interpersonal skills which
is an ability of which help in reaching out with the clients or staff as well as reach out towards
specific conclusion in professional way. It has been consider that the enterprise function is
important for making quality service and help organisation to reduce the cost. An effective
negotiation can only happen when the two person come forward and engage in developing an
agreement as per their mutual consent. For the firm like TESCO HR executive the negotiable
skills help company to bargain against the employees in the context of salary, benefits and
mutual interests.
Transferable skills
These are the skills as well as ability to which help people to manage and social,
professional life effectively. HR executive mainly use for this kind of skills as it help in making
quality product and services to the consumers. The transferable skills are useful in
communicating effectively in the different situation , showing initiative, creativity as well as
integrity. For the company like TESCO the HR executive look this kind of skills in the
employees because the people with transferable skills are have problem solving and are good in
self control. Here are some of the transferable skills which are explained down below in the well
define manner.
Time management skills : This are the skills which are important for the executive as to
improve the career. The organisation must be time effective as it known that time is money.
Having the strong time management skills this leads accomplishing key goals and advancing in
your position. In the case of TESCO the HR executive have the prime responsibility to manage
and control the time and make that work in done on the given time. This can be done by the
using organised structure and make the picture of the day to day activity which help in smooth
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