
Role of Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process


Added on  2023-06-18

43 Pages8287 Words206 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataHigher EducationCalculus and Analysis
Research Project
Role of Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_1

Executive summary:
Employee development programs are very important for organisations in order to have a
competent workforce that can contribute towards higher learning and development process in
organisations. Purpose of this report is to determine role of managers and leaders in employee
improvement process. There is application of primary and secondary research methods for the
purpose of collecting relevant information that can help in drawings suitable recommendations
and conclusions.
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Table of Contents
Title: The impact of talent management on the role of HR.............................................................4
Report rationale:...............................................................................................................................4
Literature review..............................................................................................................................5
Appendix 1:....................................................................................................................................24
Appendix 2:....................................................................................................................................26
Research Ethics Approval Form and Proposal form......................................................................26
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Title: The impact of talent management on the role of HR
Line managers are regarded as employees who are working in a organisation representing
the first level of management to whom non managerial employees have to report. In organisation
it is very important to have effective employee development programs that can help in course of
having a competent and talented workforce (Lorinkova and Perry, 2017). In present report there
is analysis of the role of leaders and line managers in the course of having effective practises of
employee well being and development. To this, there will be application of primary & secondary
sources of information in context to reach to relevant recommendation & conclusions in the
course of present report.
Report rationale:
The present research report will help in the process of learning various researching skill
and time management skill that will assist in the future course of professional development.
Further the laid research aims and topics are going to lead towards evaluating the role played by
line managers and leaders in the course of employee development.
Aim: "To analyse the role played by line managers and leaders in the course of employee
development and well-being" A study on TESCO
To evaluate the role of line managers and leaders in the process of employee
development and well-being in TESCO
To analyse the challenges faced by managers and leaders arising in the employee
development process
To formulate suitable strategies by managers and leaders to deal with issues arising in the
employee development process
what is the role of line managers and leaders in the process of employee development
and well-being in TESCO?
Identify different challenges faced by managers and leaders arising in the employee
development process?
Role of Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_4

What are some of the suitable strategies by managers and leaders to deal with issues
arising in the employee development process?
Literature review
The role of line managers and leaders in the process of employee development and well-
being in TESCO
As per view points of F.John Ref (2020), Line managers in organisations are action a
very essential function in the process of overseeing the operations of business while they are
reporting to high ranking managers (Aleixo, Leal and Azeiteiro, 2018). They are playing a very
crucial role in operation of biasness by managing and supervising of employees on daily basis so
that they are acting as a liaison between the top management and employees. In context of
TESCO, line managers are working towards hiring and recruiting of expert to sufficiency
various team positions, supplying of support and training to new hires, cross training of
employees for ensuring job rotation & minimise the assigning of any coverage gaps. It can also
help in the process of performance feedback for all team members, communication of functional
and the departmental goals (Keegan, Ringhofer and Huemann, 2018). Further leaders are also
helping in the process of employee development by ensuring quality standard of all processes,
evaluation of individual and team performance by timely delivering of performance reviews.
There is need of coordination and engagement of employees who are working at various levels
by providing them with reports on productivity & performance indicant to the top administration
in the organisation (What Is a Line Manager?, 2020).
The challenges faced by managers and leaders arising in the employee development
As per the view point of Nikos Andriotis (2018), there are many situation that are faced
by leaders and managers in employee improvement process. Such as high amount of diversity
in organisations because employee belong to different culture, backgrounds which may affect
their overall functioning (Wang and Xu, 2019). Another major challenge that arises in the
process of implementing employee development opportunities is the dispersed workforce that is
decentralised workforce that may lead to various challenges because training can be quite hard
and there can be high amount of misunderstanding, cultural differences which may lead to
inconsistent training. Different employee has difference in the learning habits that may affect
their level of grasping knowledge because training is less effective when employees are assumed
Role of Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_5

to be tech savy or posses the same level of learning habits and knowledge levels (Training and
development challenges and solutions in the workplace, 2020).
Suitable strategies by managers and leaders to deal with issues arising in the employee
development process
As per views of Arte Nathan (2016), Training and development is a segment that is
concern with organisation activity aimed at bettering of performance of groups and individuals in
the organisation setting. Conventionalism training is required for the purpose of covering various
essential work related techniques, skills, knowledge and positive progressive approach of
traditional training. Organisation comprises of volatility, complexity, ambiguity that may affect
the overall organisation functioning (Audenaert and et.al., 2019). The major stakeholders include
employees who are affecting the overall organisation functioning in both positive and negative
manner. So leaders and managers have to identify the productive employees. Managers and
leaders can work towards identification of various cultural differences that can help in analysing
the individuals who posses potential of learning and further development of resource as per their
specific requirements.
It will also lead towards collaborative group training session with a effective individual
approach. Another strategy that can be very effective in TESCO is to ensure that all the
employees are engaged in the training process. For this it have to be made sure by the managers
and leaders that trainee is able to understand the objectives and relevance behind training so that
if there are any issues that can be deal with (Afsar, Shahjehan and Shah, 2018). Further there
can be creation of dynamic training portfolio that is based on using of range of methods for
delivering of overall learning objectives. It can be done by using techniques of micro learning or
various types of audio visual elements for the proper e learning provision in the organisation
(What are the most common training challenges and how do successful managers overcome
them?, 2020).
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Research methodology so related with the use of various methods that is used for analysing the
different performing that are to be utilized in the context of investigation work.
Research Philosophy: It includes various principles that are to be considered in the research.
There are two types of research philosophies that includes the goals of research that are to be
included in the research (Kamalapurkar and et.al., 2018).
Research approach: There are various types of investigation approaches that are to be applied
in the course of a research work (In'am and Hajar, 2017). Such as it include two types of
analysis that is inductive analysis and deductive analysis. Deductive approach: It is based on
development of hypotheses based on per existing theory and further formulation of research
approach to test it. The deductive approach is considered appropriate as it helps in formulation of
Inductive approach is on activity of a theory rather than adopting a pre existing. In present
report based on use of questionnaire as a method of collecting information there will be use of
inductive analysis.
Research strategy: There are various various kind of research scheme that can be utilized in
context of research (Mayer, 2017). Such as it includes experimental investigation in which there
is focus on creation of research process by examining the result of experiment against expected
Survey method in which there is collection of reliable and such data collected through this
method. Survey is based on having quantitative research projects.
Case study method is focused on offering insights with specific nature of example to establish
importance of culture & context between different cases.
Action research it is a type of research that is used for finding solutions with respect to particular
problem in course of a research work.
In the present research work there is utilization of survey methods in which there is collection of
suitable and relevant data by using questionnaire as a tool for collecting relevant information
(Keller, Hornidge and Schünemann, 2018). There will also be use of systematic literature review
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as a technique for the purpose of having sufficient base of information in order to analyze the
overall collected information.
Choice of methods: There are various types of research choices that can be include in context of
research work. That includes mono method in which there is collection of one type of
information by using of quantitative and quantitative methodology. In mixed method there is
combination of both qualitative and quantitative methodology for having a precise set of data
(Hardy and Pearson, 2018). In multi method there is combination of methodology by
establishing of particular set of data.
In present report there will be use of mixed method where there is combination of both
qualitative and quantitative methodology for creating a single data set where research is divided
in segment and each is producing a specific data set.
Data collection and analysis: For the purpose of collecting of data there are two major methods
that can be used in the research work. Such as it includes:
Primary method: In this method there is use of first hand data that is gathered by the researcher
in the course of present research work (Stevenson, 2019). In present work, there is use of
questionnaire for the intent of assembling the information.
Secondary method: In this method there is collection of information from identified Secondary
sources (Cudny, 2019). In the present report there is use of existing books, journal articles,
online available sources that will be used for having sufficient information base to reach relevant
recommendations and conclusions.
Sampling: it is a technique that is used for selection of individual from the whole population. It
is one of the cost effective and time convenient techniques that forms the basis of any research.
In present report there is adoption of probability sampling that can help researcher in selection of
few criteria and selecting a member of population. It will lead to each member having equal
opportunity of getting selected.
Questionnaire: It is a research instrument that includes various questions and other prompts
with a aim of collecting information. A research questionnaire includes mix of close ended and
open ended questions that is used by respondents to demonstrate the ability to elaborate thoughts.
In present report the prepared questionnaire is mentioned below:
Role of Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_8

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