1EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Employee engagement is considered as the systematic and planned way of developing the passion and commitment of an employee towards his work and organisation and put genuine efforts for the growth of the company as well as of himself. This is one of the major tools of Human Resource Development that is designed to coordinate the individual goal with the organisational through providing autonomy by means of shared responsibilities. Employee engagement differs from employee satisfaction at the basic essence since the later does not focuses on the involvement or motivational level or the emotional commitment of the employees. Engaging the member in the organisational goals and decision making fosters the productivity level and the increase in the performance. Moreover, by sharing visions and taking part in the organisational affairs and decision making, the employees become more aware of their role and function and more efficiently know exactly where they fit in. In recent times the Amazon Company has introduced the engagement alignment process and the questionnaire programme to judge the employee engagement. The employees are asked on a daily basis to give a question answer season on how the day wisent or how was the working condition. The expectation alignment helps in understanding the relativeness of the performance of the employees and the expectations of the same from the organisation. This helps the employees understand their function and place in the company. The company in turn gets the cue on how the employees can be motivated, it has been noted in sites like LinkedIn that Amazon has the highest number of satisfied employees.
2EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Reference List: Harter, J.K., Schmidt, F.L. and Hayes, T.L., 2002. Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis.Journal of applied psychology,87(2), p.268. Itcportal.com.(2020).ITCInfotechemployeestogetbot'buddies'.[online]Availableat: https://www.itcportal.com/media-centre/press-reports-content.aspx? id=2160&type=C&news=ITC-Infotech-employees-to-get-bot-buddies [Accessed 13 Jan. 2020]. Macey, W.H. and Schneider, B., 2008. The meaning of employee engagement.Industrial and organizational Psychology,1(1), pp.3-30. Markos, S. and Sridevi, M.S., 2010. Employee engagement: The key to improving performance. International journal of business and management,5(12), p.89.