
Employee Portal Architecture/Design Document


Added on  2022-12-30

18 Pages2237 Words79 Views
Version: 1.0
- Employee Portal
Architecture/Design Document
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................3
2 DESIGN GOALS.............................................................................................4
3 SYSTEM BEHAVIOR......................................................................................4
4 LOGICAL VIEW..............................................................................................5
4.1 High-Level Design (Architecture)........................................................................5
4.2 Mid-Level Design...................................................................................................6
4.3 Detailed Class Design............................................................................................8
5 PROCESS VIEW...........................................................................................11
6 DEVELOPMENT VIEW.................................................................................12
7 PHYSICAL VIEW..........................................................................................12
8 Use Case View..............................................................................................12
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Change History
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1 Introduction
This document describes the architecture and design for the Employee Portal application
being developed for the employees of “Minchin bury Fruit Market”. Minchinbury Fruit
Market is an ongoing excellent supermarket in Minchinbury, Mount Druitt. It has been
developed gradually providing satisfaction to all the customers. The only thing the
market lacks behind is providing convenience to its employees. So the attention has been
driven to creating an employee portal where the employees can access through their
portal to view their details or make changes to it, view their rosters, change their
availability, share information. It provides integrated communication among the
employees. The one thing it does not include is their pay summary and details. The
market might think about it in the future.
This system will be cloud-computing based. To summarize, this system covers up all the
services mentioned above for the employees. The Logical View, Process View,
Development View, Use Case View are looked into details in this report.
The purpose of this document is to describe the architecture and design of the Employee
Portal application in a way that addresses the interests and concerns of all major
stakeholders. For this application the major stakeholders are:
Users and the customer – they want assurances that the architecture will provide
for system functionality and exhibit desirable non-functional quality requirements
such as usability, reliability, etc.
Developers – they want an architecture that will minimize complexity and
development effort.
Project Manager – the project manager is responsible for assigning tasks and
coordinating development work. He or she wants an architecture that divides the
system into components of roughly equal size and complexity that can be
developed simultaneously with minimal dependencies. For this to happen, the
modules need well-defined interfaces. Also, because most individuals specialize
in a particular skill or technology, modules should be designed around specific
expertise. For example, all UI logic might be encapsulated in one module.
Another might have all business logic.
Maintenance Programmers – they want assurance that the system will be easy to
evolve and maintain on into the future.
The architecture and design for a software system is complex and individual stakeholders
often have specialized interests. There is no one diagram or model that can easily express
a system’s architecture and design. For this reason, software architecture and design is
often presented in terms of multiple views or perspectives [IEEE Std. 1471]. Here the
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architecture of the Employee Portal application is described from 4 different perspectives
[1995 Krutchen]:
1. Logical View – major components, their attributes and operations. This view also
includes relationships between components and their interactions. When doing
OO design, class diagrams and sequence diagrams are often used to express the
logical view.
2. Process View – the threads of control and processes used to execute the
operations identified in the logical view.
3. Development View – how system modules map to development organization.
4. Use Case View – the use case view is used to both motivate and validate design
activity. At the start of design the requirements define the functional objectives
for the design. Use cases are also used to validate suggested designs. It should be
possible to walk through a use case scenario and follow the interaction between
high-level components. The components should have all the necessary behavior to
conceptually execute a use case
The main aim of this project is to create employee portal for all the employees which will
work as a communication intermediate between the employees that covers their rosters
online, new updates ongoing on the company, online efficient trainings and other
company related information. This will eliminate inefficiencies of several repositories
without huge amount of obligations of resources.
2 Design Goals
There is no absolute measure for distinguishing between good and bad design. The value
of a design depends on stakeholder priorities. For example, depending on the
circumstances, an efficient design might be better than a maintainable one, or vise versa.
Therefore, before presenting a design it is good practice to state the design priorities. The
design that is offered will be judged according to how well it satisfies the stated priorities.
The design priorities for the Employee Portal application are:
The design should minimize complexity and development effort.
The design should increase on cohesion.
The design should reduce on coupling.
The design should capture all requirements of users.
The design should ensure a system is divided into small components
3 System Behavior
The use case view is used to both drive the design phase and validate the output of the
design phase. The architecture description presented here starts with a review of the
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