
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation


Added on  2023-06-18

16 Pages5210 Words166 Views
Leadership ManagementPolitical Science
Unit Number and
Unit 20 – Employee
Prjoect Title Employee Relations
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation_1

Table of Content
1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 An overview to employee relations, what it is and its importance
and value to the organisation 3
3.0 An explanation of key legislations that applies to employee
relations and which the organisation must adhere to 8
4.0 Investigating the rights and duties of both the employer and
employee. Determining the most appropriate advice related to
specific examples 9
5.0 An evaluation of effective employee relations strategies
including shared culture, power sharing, shared values, effective
communication and continuous learning and improvement 11
6.0 A stakeholder analysis for the organisation 12
7.0 Justified recommendations based on critical insight for
improving and increasing efficiency of the employee relations
strategy 12
8.0 Conclusion 13
References 14
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation_2

1.0 Introduction
Employee relations describes as the firm effort for developing and handling a
good relationship with all its employees. With the assistance of positive relationship
as well as constructive employee relations, the firm has responsibilities for keeping
employees loyal and involve in the tasks. The human resource department has the
responsibility for managing the relationship among all the employees as well as
creating for employee concerns such as benefits, work life balance, working hours
and many more. In order to maintain a positive relationships among all the
employees, he firm should consider the foremost stakeholder which is their
customers and their contribution in the organization. Through this, the organization
motivate the management and its executives for feedback of the employee and it
also considered as experience of the personnel when making decisions for the
company. Tesco is taken as base company. Tesco is a British multinational
groceries and retailer which was established by Jack Cohen in 1919 in London, UK.
In report, it covers the principles of employee relation with the rights, duties and
obligations of the employment relationship. It also includes the roles of different
stakeholders which supports the positive relationships and at last, the impact of
positive and negative employee relationship is mentioned.
2.0 An overview to employee relations, what it is and its
importance and value to the organisation
Employee relation concentrates on assuring that employees in the
organization are engaged and productive which will directly create influence of the
achieving the aims and objectives of the organization. It has a role in making a
healthy relationship among employees and employer (Achim and et. al, 2019). This
also has the capabilities for tracking all the issues and concern as well as
investigate on various cases such as behavioral issues, employee conflicts,
discrimination an many more.
Power is considered as the capabilities for creating impact and developing
outcomes in accordance to the will. In employee relation, business owners, manager
and staff member bring power for negotiating the policies of the firm and the work
relevant rights of all the person. The aim of employee relation to create a alliance
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation_3

which could benefit to both the employees and employers (Barney and et. al, 2018).
With the support of power and politics, the needs such as wages, health care
benefits, retirement plans and many more does not include or even it could be
ignored. Prior to the employee relation, the employee has no power and even
pushed them to do work without any breaks without much security legally (Hajizadeh
Maymandi and Bonyad, 2020).
Importance of employee relations to the organization
The importance of employee relation to the selected organization is
mentioned below:
Heightened employee loyalty: The employees that are working in the
organisation leave their jobs because of their manger or boss. The employee relation
here places a significant position for maintaining the loyalty so that they don’t leave
their jobs. Many employees doesn't give a second thought before changing their jobs
if they have a feeling that the work culture of the organisation doesn't suit them. This
situation occurs often when employers overlook their stands. This will create a huge
loss to the organisation if the employee relationship are not good as employees are
considered as an assets of the organisation. If the employees relations are not good,
it could directly influence on the financial status of the organisation as well as the
work flow and new talents. Therefore, the employer should always keep en eye on
all the careers of the employees.
Increased motivation: A healthy work environment relationships encourage
all the employees so that they could give best as well as work harder for reaching to
the goals and objectives of the organisation. Developing and maintaining a positive
relationship with all the employees is not only limited to good and effective
communication but also helps in recognising the employees work and efforts in the
organisation. When the employees feel praised and give importance, they would give
their best as their motivation level would be increased (Jackson and Horwitz, 2018).
Along with this, a motivated employee would make an excellent team in the
organisation. Furthermore, the employees would also been feel less burnout when
they are highly motivated.
Workplace conflicts are less: Workplace conflicts are considered to be the
one of the major reasons that creates an unsuccessful businesses. These conflicts
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation_4

Unit Number and
Title Unit 20 – Employee Relations
Prjoect Title Employee Relations
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation_1

Table of Content
1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 An overview to employee relations, what it is and its importance
and value to the organisation 3
3.0 An explanation of key legislations that applies to employee
relations and which the organisation must adhere to 8
4.0 Investigating the rights and duties of both the employer and
employee. Determining the most appropriate advice related to
specific examples 9
5.0 An evaluation of effective employee relations strategies
including shared culture, power sharing, shared values, effective
communication and continuous learning and improvement 11
6.0 A stakeholder analysis for the organisation 12
7.0 Justified recommendations based on critical insight for
improving and increasing efficiency of the employee relations
strategy 13
8.0 Conclusion 14
References 16
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation_2

1.0 Introduction
Employee relations describes as the firm effort for developing and handling a
good relationship with all its employees. With the assistance of positive relationship
as well as constructive employee relations, the firm has responsibilities for keeping
employees loyal and involve in the tasks. The human resource department has the
responsibility for managing the relationship among all the employees as well as
creating for employee concerns such as benefits, work life balance, working hours
and many more. In order to maintain a positive relationship among all the
employees, he firm should consider the foremost stakeholder which is their
customers and their contribution in the organization. Through this, the organization
motivates the management and its executives for feedback of the employee and it
also considered as experience of the personnel when making decisions for the
company. Tesco is taken as base company. Tesco is a British multinational
groceries and retailer which was established by Jack Cohen in 1919 in London, UK.
In report, it covers the principles of employee relation with the rights, duties and
obligations of the employment relationship. It also includes the roles of different
stakeholders which support the positive relationships and at last, the impact of
positive and negative employee relationship is mentioned.
2.0 An overview to employee relations, what it is and its
importance and value to the organisation
Employee relation concentrates on assuring that employees in the
organization are engaged and productive which will directly create influence of the
achieving the aims and objectives of the organization. It has a role in making a
healthy relationship among employees and employer (Achim and et. al, 2019). This
also has the capabilities for tracking all the issues and concern as well as investigate
on various cases such as behavioral issues, employee conflicts, discrimination an
many more.
Power is considered as the capabilities for creating impact and developing
outcomes in accordance to the will. In employee relation, business owners, manager
and staff member bring power for negotiating the policies of the firm and the work
relevant rights of all the person. The aim of employee relation to create a alliance
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation_3

which could benefit to both the employees and employers (Barney and et. al, 2018).
With the support of power and politics, the needs such as wages, health care
benefits, retirement plans and many more does not include or even it could be
ignored. Prior to the employee relation, the employee has no power and even
pushed them to do work without any breaks without much security legally (Hajizadeh
Maymandi and Bonyad, 2020).
Importance of employee relations to the organization
The importance of employee relation to the selected organization is
mentioned below:
Heightened employee loyalty: The eemployees that are working in the
organisation leave their jobs because of their manger or boss. The employee relation
here places a significant position for maintaining the loyalty so that they don’t leave
their jobs. Many employees don’t give a second thought before changing their jobs if
they have a feeling that the work culture of the organisation doesn't suit them. This
situation occurs often when employers overlook their stands. This will create a huge
loss to the organisation if the employee relationships are not good as employees are
considered as an asset of the organisation. If the employee relations are not good, it
could directly influence on the financial status of the organisation as well as the work
flow and new talents. Therefore, the employer should always keep an eye on all the
careers of the employees.
Increased motivation: A healthy work environment relationships encourage
all the employees so that they could give best as well as work harder for reaching to
the goals and objectives of the organisation. Developing and maintaining a positive
relationship with all the employees is not only limited to good and effective
communication but also helps in recognising the employees work and efforts in the
organisation. When the employees feel praised and give importance, they would give
their best as their motivation level would be increased (Jackson and Horwitz, 2018).
Along with this, a motivated employee would make an excellent team in the
organisation. Furthermore, the employees would also been feel less burnout when
they are highly motivated.
Workplace conflicts are less: Workplace conflicts are considered to be the
one of the major reasons that creates an unsuccessful businesses. These conflicts
Unit 20 - Employee Relations: Overview, Importance, Key Legislations, and Impact on Organisation_4

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