
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?


Added on  2023-04-20

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Topic: Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security
or Social Culture?
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?_1

One of the primary problems in the organizations given the recent times has been the turnover of
employees which has been negatively affecting the industry and the market. The country of
United Arab Emirates are also falling prey to choose number of employee turnover leading to
poor financial performances, decrease in gaining competitive advantages in comparison to Other
industries, loss in productivity, deficiency in retailing the customers and failures in economy.
The people within the organization working together for manufacturing of product or providing
services are the biggest inventions of an organization as the workforce is regarded as one of the
chief assets within the organization. Losing employees in such a random way also results in the
loss of company assets as well. It is not always seen that employees are fired out of an
organization due to misconduct but it is also found that the problem with the organizations in
United Arab Emirates regarding no employee retention has numerous other factors working
behind. Therefore the following recitation would find out the reasons behind the problem that the
organizations in United Arab Emirates have been facing in retaining the employees mostly
focusing on three basic industries of retail, tourism and real estate. This would be conducted
through 5 chapters, which would establish the reason behind the entire research process and how
the research would be conducted, the review of relevant literature to find out what authors and
analysts have already stated facts about, the research methodology developed to find out all the
intricate information regarding the reason behind low level of employee retention, the primary
and secondary analysis of data regarding the subject and the recommendation and further scope
of future research done along the entire dissertation.
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?_2

One of the best and enriching experiences in my life has been the conduction of this research
paper and while contributing to this research, I have gained experience and this has enhanced my
analytical skills as well as my knowledge base. I have reached a paramount level regarding the
required skills for the research process. However, I would like to share that this would not have
been possible if my professors, peers and all the people involved with the research process have
not helped me with their valuable contributions to the enriching experience. They have added to
my research paper with their valuable guidance throughout my research process. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank my supervisor _________________________ for the constant
guidance and support provided to me during the process of this research. I would also like to say
that the academic guides I took help from were assisting me and guiding me with their valuable
assistance and encouragement with the entire process of research. I would also like to thank my
friends who had provided me with help and encouragement for collecting primary data and
valuable resources. The support of all these people has been inspiring and enlightening
throughout the process of research in the subject.
Heartfelt thanks and warmest wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?_3

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................6
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................6
1.2 Research Aims and Objectives..............................................................................................6
1.3 Aims of the study...................................................................................................................7
1.4 Research Questions................................................................................................................8
1.5 Problem Statement.................................................................................................................9
1.6 Rationale of the study............................................................................................................9
1.7 Research Hypothesis............................................................................................................10
1.8 Structure of the study...........................................................................................................11
Chapter 2: Literature Review.........................................................................................................13
2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................13
2.2 Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................16
2.3 Causes behind Employee Retention in Retail, Tourism and Real Estate Industry..............18
2.4 Causes behind Employee Retention in Retail, Tourism and Real Estate Industry in UAE.22
2.5 Chapter Summary................................................................................................................24
Chapter 3: Research Methodology................................................................................................25
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................25
3.2 Method Outline....................................................................................................................26
3.3 Research Philosophy............................................................................................................27
3.4 Research Approach..............................................................................................................28
3.5 Research Design..................................................................................................................29
3.6 Ethical Consideration...........................................................................................................29
3.7 Chapter Summary................................................................................................................30
Chapter 4: Data Analysis...............................................................................................................31
4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................31
4.2 Data Collection Process.......................................................................................................32
4.3 Analytical model..................................................................................................................54
4.4 Summary..............................................................................................................................55
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations............................................................................56
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................56
5.2 Linking with Objectives......................................................................................................57
5.3 Recommendations................................................................................................................58
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?_4

5.4 Limitations of research........................................................................................................59
5.5 Future scope of the study.....................................................................................................61
Appendix I: Questionnaire.........................................................................................................75
Section 1: Demographics.......................................................................................................75
Section 2: Survey Questions..................................................................................................75
List of Figures
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework for developing the literature review........................................16
Figure 2: Are you satisfied with the compensation you receive from the organization you are
currently employed in?..................................................................................................................34
Figure 3: Do you believe that the compensation received by the employees in the organization
reduces absenteeism?.....................................................................................................................35
Figure 4: Do you believe that your decision to remain employed for a longer period of time is
driven by the amount of salary you receive?.................................................................................36
Figure 5: Are you satisfied with the corporate social responsibilities of your organization?.......38
Figure 6: Do you think employee turnover happens in response with the employee opportunities
provided by your organization?.....................................................................................................40
Figure 7: Do you feel that your organization listens to you?........................................................42
Figure 8: Do you feel that your organization does not treat you fairly?........................................43
Figure 9: Do you feel that your feedbacks are mostly ignored by your employer?......................44
Figure 10: Do you feel that your terms of service and hard work are not appreciated within the
Figure 11: Do you have proper job satisfaction in your current position and organization?........47
Figure 12: Are you satisfied with the resources provided for your work by the organization?....48
Figure 13: Is your workplace and productivity affected when an employee leaves?....................50
Figure 14: Do you feel that you are advancing in your career goals with this job?......................51
Figure 15: Are your promotion decisions made fair?....................................................................52
Figure 16: Do you feel like a valued employee within the organization?.....................................53
List of Tables
Table 1: Are you satisfied with the compensation you receive from the organization you are
currently employed in?..................................................................................................................33
Table 2: Do you believe that the compensation received by the employees in the organization
reduces absenteeism?.....................................................................................................................34
Table 3: Do you believe that your decision to remain employed for a longer period of time is
driven by the amount of salary you receive?.................................................................................36
Table 4: Are you satisfied with the corporate social responsibilities of your organization?.........38
Table 5: Do you think employee turnover happens in response with the employee opportunities
provided by your organization?.....................................................................................................40
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?_5

Table 6: Do you feel that your organization listens to you?..........................................................41
Table 7: Do you feel that your organization does not treat you fairly?.........................................43
Table 8: Do you feel that your feedbacks are mostly ignored by your employer?........................44
Table 9: Do you feel that your terms of service and hard work are not appreciated within the
Table 10: Do you have proper job satisfaction in your current position and organization?..........47
Table 11: Are you satisfied with the resources provided for your work by the organization?......48
Table 12: Is your workplace and productivity affected when an employee leaves?.....................49
Table 13: Do you feel that you are advancing in your career goals with this job?.......................51
Table 14: Are your promotion decisions made fair?.....................................................................52
Table 15: Do you feel like a valued employee within the organization?......................................53
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?_6

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
One of the big challenges in the industry in the recent times is the employee retention.
Employee retention has been a major factor in United Arab Emirates and it is critical as an issue
for the business leaders. It has been found in reports that over 4.5 million employees have had a
turnover from the respective organization just in the year 2014 because of various reasons like
terminations, layoff or resignation (Lindgren and Åkesson 2017). The industries of retail
management, real estate and tourism that have been found to witness the lowest rates of retention
rate compared to any other industry. This has been leading to a poor customer satisfaction as
well as decreasing profitability and productivity (Nivedhan and Priyadarshini 2018). Therefore,
the multiple case study in this dissertation has been taken as the topic to research the employee
retention in these industries in the backdrop of United Arab Emirates is to explore the perception
of all the three above-mentioned industry including mid-sized and large organization and former
conceptual Framework for the study to find out the main reason behind the expectancy theory
group theory existence and relatedness behind the reason of employee retention. The findings as
per the employee retention in United Arab Emirates as well as their reasons behind forms the
entire setup of the dissertation to provide solutions to the above-mentioned problem for all the
people in United Arab Emirates.
1.2 Research Aims and Objectives
Various authors have posted various ideas about the reasons that they think are
responsible behind employee retention in United Arab Emirates industries of real estate, tourism
and retail (Lindgren and Åkesson 2017). They have believed that employee retention is not a
factor that can affect only the organizations like small and mid-scale organizations but its
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?_7

implications on the organization which are larger than of and serve huge amount of people are
seen as well. All the three industries do not only include the people in the society but also it
forms of the people coming from lower economic strata. The employee retention process has
been emerging so far in the recent times by various industries and business organization as the
organizations have been continuing to form an ever evolving effort for retaining the best
employees within the organization. However, it is still found that the managers in any
organization face a number of challenges in managing the constantly changing workforce and the
number of employees. This is another reason or the main cause behind when employee retention
to find out the best possible way to retain the best possible of forces within an organization.
Therefore, as a summary, it can be stated that the aims and objectives of this research
dissertation would eventually find out all the hidden information within the topic that has the
tendency to objectify the reasons behind the retention of employees within the organizations in
United Arab Emirates focusing on the industries of retail, real estate and tourism (Roberts-
Lombard and Bruin 2018). The following are the primary research objectives behind the reason
for conducting the research dissertation for the above mentioned topic:
To find out what the reasons that formulates the difficulty in retaining employees
in the industry of retail, real estate and tourism industry.
To find out the ways by which the problem behind employee retention can be
solved with effective measures after finding out the ways by which the
organizations are facing problems in retaining their employees.
1.3 Aims of the study
The aim of the study is to have a thorough understanding of the entire situation behind
the retention of employees in the organizations of United Arab Emirates and the main reasons
Employee Retention in UAE: Compensation, People Development, Employment Security or Social Culture?_8

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