
Letter of Advice on Employer-Sponsored Visa for Williamstown Naval Architects Pty Ltd


Added on  2023-06-03

13 Pages3579 Words471 Views
Name 1
Employee Visa
Letter of Advice on Employer-Sponsored Visa for Williamstown Naval Architects Pty Ltd_1

Name 2
Visa: Advice
From: Fly in Consultants
To: Williamstown Naval Architects Pty Ltd
20th October 2018
Re: Letter of Advice on Employer-Sponsored Visa
I hope this mail finds you in good health. As discussed previously on phone, the following is
a detailed advice concerning the issues raised. These issues are mainly the requirements
needed for nomination and sponsorship visa as an employer. This also entails whether there
is a need to apply for a temporary or permanent visa. In addition, the documents that are
needed during the application process. As such, I am providing detailed information about
the entire process and requirements, as per the law.
To start with, you stated that Williamstown Naval Architects Pty Ltd, in Williamstown,
Victoria sought the appointment of Jacklyn Fisher to work with the company as a design
architect. This is after the company secured a contract to design patrol vessels in
Williamstown. As such for you to nominate a skilled worker, your company should have
Letter of Advice on Employer-Sponsored Visa for Williamstown Naval Architects Pty Ltd_2

Name 3
been approved by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. With that
established, the skill or occupation being sought after must have been approved too1. It is
hence essential to determine whether Jaclyn has the essential approvals for her skills. These
are some of the basic factors that have to be checked so that mistakes are avoided in the
application process. Also, it is worth establishing that the skill being sought after cannot be
easily found amongst the Australian workers thus the need to get an expert from overseas.
The fact that this skill is outsourced because of its shortage or non-existence in Australia,
Jacklyn is eligible to apply for a Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482). According to
the Department of Home Affairs, employers have been given the opportunity to counter the
shortage of skilled labor in Australia by inviting or hiring skilled workers, especially if such
workers are hard to find in Australia. This is on a temporary basis. The authority recognizes
approved companies that can act as approved sponsors, to nominate skilled workers for
approved occupations. As such, there are three streams namely the short-term, long-term,
and labor agreement streams. In the short term stream, employers can sponsor workers for
a period of two or four years. Medium-term streams last for four years too. Lastly, the labor
agreement stream is available for employees that have been sponsored and the employer is
in an agreement with an Australian Department.
As stated earlier, applicants are termed eligible if they have the desired skills they are being
hired for, they should be nominated by an approved business/company and should be
nominated for an approved job or occupation2. There are laid out steps that allow one to
sponsor and nominate.
1 Albanese, Jay S. "When corruption and organised crime overlap: an empirical hierarchy of corrupt
conduct." Corruption in Commercial Enterprise. Routledge, 2018. 40-56.
Letter of Advice on Employer-Sponsored Visa for Williamstown Naval Architects Pty Ltd_3

Name 4
The process took when applying for sponsorship
First, you or the company has to apply so that you can become a Standard Business Sponsor.
The requirements for this entail having been in operation lawfully by being established
legally3. In addition, the business should have been in operation in Australia or other
nations. At this stage, you have to provide documents that contain the Australian Business
Number registration certificate, Australian Registered Body Number registration certificate,
and a registered Business Name as per the Australian Securities as well as the Investment
Commission (ASIC). For the business to be seen as in operation lawfully, you also have to
provide financial reports, tax returns, contracts, business plans or Business Bank
Statements4. It is also essential to have the lease agreements detailing the rented premises,
evidence to show that there are members of staff employed by the company, and Business
activity Statements from when the business was established till the day the statements
were lodged.
Companies should also prove that they are not in contravention of any law. This may
jeopardize the chance of being a sponsor. During the application process, you should
indicate that the company does not practice discrimination during the employment and
recruitment of locals. This will show that you are committed to providing employment
opportunities for the local workforce. In case there are changes in business structures which
2 Bero, Lisa. "Addressing bias and conflict of interest among biomedical researchers." Jama 317.17
(2017): 1723-1724.
3 Caldwell, Hilary, and John De Wit. "From Physical Sex Therapy to Entertainment: The Motivations of
Women Buying Sex in Australia." The Journal of Sexual Medicine 14.5 (2017): e247.
4 Wilson, Tom. "Can international migration forecasting be improved? The case of Australia."
Migration Letters 14.2 (2017): 285.
Letter of Advice on Employer-Sponsored Visa for Williamstown Naval Architects Pty Ltd_4

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