
Employment Law: Role of Tribunal and Court in Enforcing it


Added on  2023-01-11

17 Pages5054 Words40 Views
Political ScienceLaw
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
QUESSTION 1................................................................................................................................3
Explain employment law in brief and role of tribunal, court in enforcing it..............................3
QUESTION 2..................................................................................................................................4
Develop a training session outline key point of principals of discrimination law and also give
cases regarding it.........................................................................................................................4
QUESTION 3..................................................................................................................................7
Explain major functions of sub-contractor and summarising of changes in contarct..................7
QUESTION 4..................................................................................................................................8
Key issues that is required to taken into consideration in relation to pay, leave and working...8
QUESTION 5..................................................................................................................................9
Health and safety law and its significance...................................................................................9
QUESTION 6..................................................................................................................................9
Unfair Dismissal..........................................................................................................................9
Procedure for Dismissal.............................................................................................................10
Explain the scope of the right for employees to be accompanied at serious discipline and
grievance hearings.....................................................................................................................10
Grievance related issues............................................................................................................10
Discipline related issues............................................................................................................11
Grievance procedures are needed:.............................................................................................11
Disciplinary procedures are needed...........................................................................................11
Employment Law: Role of Tribunal and Court in Enforcing it_1

Employment Law: Role of Tribunal and Court in Enforcing it_2

Employment laws are those type of laws which are related to welfare of employee. Such laws
deal with relationship which exists between employer and employee. Also these laws are also
responsible for covering all kind of aspects that is necessary in relation to both employer and
employee. These laws consists of health and safety of employees, there payment rule, also cover
special provision that has to be implemented under certain circumstances only. In this law right
and duty of employee is covered. Employer responsibility is covered. Nature of such laws is very
dynamic as they cover all aspect related to employee. Scope of such laws is wide as they include
a tripartite kind of relationship which exists between employer and employee. This assignment is
divided into six parts in which first part is going to cover employment law, work of tribunal and
relevant case laws. Second and third part is going to cover discrimination laws, employment
contract and redundancy. Also transfer if undertaking and variation of contract. Fourth and fifth
consist of equal pay and issues related to it. Also health and safety act is going to be covered
with trade union membership. In the end unfair dismissal is going to cover.
Explain employment law in brief and role of tribunal, court in enforcing it.
Overview of employment law
All rules and regulation regarding employment law has been practicing in UK from a very long
time . Scope of employment law in UK has cover various types of aspects of an organization.
Under the English employment law there are number of provisions in which an employer and
employee as well. Such law is aimed towards various types of fundamental rights of both
employer and employee. This provide certain guidelines for an organization to run itself. From
view point of employees the law is also aimed for protecting of various rights of employees these
are related to salary and remuneration, holidays time period and time off. Also working hours
and working environment has been presented under terms and condition of these laws. Labour or
employment law of United Kingdom is regarded as one of the oldest law in a country. A number
of amendments have taken place over a period of time. Modern labour law that is being applied
in the country in present time has its roots connected at the time of industrial revolution that has
taken place in UK in the nineteenth century. At that time it was required for maintaining of
healthy relationships between employer and employee. So, for this purpose a legal provision has
to be made in order to protect the fundamental rights of labour. In twentieth century the form of
labour law has changed significantly. In modern scenario English employment law has been
mixed with various kinds of laws like Employment Rights 1996, Equality Act 2010. Also Trade
Employment Law: Role of Tribunal and Court in Enforcing it_3

Union and Labour Relations(Consolation) act 1992 has been enforced by European Court of
Justice and European Court of Human Rights ( Contracts of employment, 2010) (Galvin, 2017).
Tribunals and Court System
As it has been noted that most of employment law is related to civil law. For civil law also
separate laws are there in which dealing of civil law. Dispute regarding employment law is
referred to Employment Tribunals. These tribunals are informal then higher courts but are
considered as courts only. Appeal can be made over Employment tribunal only when it can be
proved that judgment given by tribunal is not appropriate in any manner. Then the appeal is send
to employment tribunal and after words it goes to Court appeal, then to Supreme Court. These
tribunal was created by the Industrial Training Act 1964.
Settling of cases
An solution has not been found out for a claim through Early Conciliation Scheme then only
individual can go ahead for making claim and appeal for it in Employment Tribunal. Once it is
done then both the parties is being consulted for an settlement to be done between them. In this
manner the case is going to continue unless any solution has been marked. If claims has not
been made successfully then hearing is going to go on.
Develop a training session outline key point of principals of discrimination law and also give
cases regarding it.
Contract of employment
It is one of the major aspect regarding the recruitment process as it helps an employee in
becoming an permanent employee in an organization. This is considered to be an very important
aspect of recruitment process due to its legality under eyes of law. It is an legal document as has
scope under the law like all other contract. Such laws only require for an employer to provide a
written agreement for making an employee work for an organization. Under this agreement all
important things regarding rule and regulation of workplace is mentioned under this contract.
Also consequences of breaking rules is going to be explained under this contract. An important
things that has to be understand that verbal agreement is also be an contract of employment.
During the process of recruitment an verbal commitment should not be made by an employer
other than mentioned in contract because they are legally binding. Also it is required to
understand that all such type of contract are only related to employer and employee. These
contract are given to an employee within two month of recruitment in an organization.
Express and Implied Term
Under expressed terms all the things regarding contract has been discussed by the employer and
employee in this specific thing regarding salary, timings can be discussed. In a manner this
Employment Law: Role of Tribunal and Court in Enforcing it_4

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