
employment relations regulation


Added on  2023-01-11

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Professional DevelopmentHigher EducationEconomicsPolitical Science
EMPLOYMENT RELATION REGULATION..............................................................................1
QUESTION 1..................................................................................................................................3
Brief analysis over indeterminacy of employment relations and factors affecting employment
QUESTION 2..................................................................................................................................5
Key feature of contract of employment and main source of UK , EU employment relationship5
European Employment Contract Law.........................................................................................6
QUESTION 3..................................................................................................................................6
Brief summary on how an advise is given for the purpose and scope of statutory trade union
Protection against Discrimination within the Employment Relationship....................................7
Employee’s Rights in the Event of Restructuring or Closures of Companies.............................7
European Law on the Protection of Employees at Work............................................................8
QUESTION 4..................................................................................................................................9
Key terms used in employment involvement and participation. Also strength of employee
voice in union and non-union context.........................................................................................9
QUESTION 5................................................................................................................................10
Briefly explain the differences between conflict and misbehavior at work and between official
and unofficial industrial action..................................................................................................10
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QUESTION 6................................................................................................................................10
Explain the role of ADR in solving of dispute.........................................................................10
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Employment rules and regulations are those set of points that has been set-up by an organization
in order to make the employees work for them. These rules are also responsible for the
organization to deal with formation of relationship between employers and employee. These
regulations are helpful in making employees sustain within an organization. Also these cover
various aspects that is related to employee and employer. These have a very dynamic nature as
they have tendency to deal with those entire thing related to employment and trade unions. All
these law are based upon concrete laws formed by government for this purpose only. Such
regulations have a very wide scope that makes it very essential element to be used for safety of
employees and employer. This assignment is divided into six parts first part is going to speak
about indeterminacy of employment relations and assessment of factors impacting employment
relation, second part is going to cover key features of contract employment and source of UK
and EU employment relations law. Third and fourth part is going to cover statutory trade union
and strengthening of employee involvement. Part six and five is going to deal with conflict and
methods of solving of dispute.
Brief analysis over indeterminacy of employment relations and factors affecting employment
Employment laws are those types of laws which are collection of rules and regulations
that helps in regulation of relationship between employers and employees. Also such laws are
there to guide an employer to hire employee and set-up rules that are required to be followed by
employee within place of work. Also under these laws only employees payment is also take care
that how much he should be paid. These laws are collectively marked under labour law in which
an tripartite kind of relation exist between employee, employer and union. This law also cover
employing entities, trade union and government. Indeterminacy of employment relations means
when a labour is hired through contract to perform a certain activity that has been assigned to
him by the employer. Employment relationship are those type of relationship which are formed
only for the purpose of achieving a task that has been assigned to an employee by the employer
under employment law these relationship exist. Under these laws labour is considered to be a
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human being who works in order to help in accomplishing of work and labour power is
considered to be that kind of power or technique that has been used by labour to give an outcome
of task assigned to him. An unitarist approach consists of that interest which has been share by
all the member (Marginson, 2016). This means that all members should work towards a
common goal to achieve. Under pluralism framing of references is focused upon and also
emphasis is paid upon recognizing of different interest with the sub-groups for reducing of
conflict causing problem. This effect employment relation in a manner that it works over solving
of dispute that has arisen because of any kind of problem between employer and employee. Then
in unitarist all work towards a common goal. So, rate of causing conflict is less. This shows that
employment relation get impacts from both the things in different manner. This can be
understood through an example that is if an employee works and is treated in well behaved
manner at work place then he is going to stay and work with more efficiency but if any kind of
problem takes place then his efficiency of work is going to be impacted because of which he has
to suffer over his job.
Factors effecting employment relationship
These are those factors that can influence employment relationship of employment and
there are various factors that has been explained as follows:
Institutional Factor: Under this factor various things are included and they are sate policy,
labour laws, collective bargaining, labour unions and employ’s organization. These are involved
in this factor. These factors affect an employment relationship in a manner that policies formed
under this institution if affect working policies formed in an organization (AlUbaydli and
McLaughlin, 2017).
Economic Factor: In this factor all kind economic institution is involved and also those factor
that helps in generating of finances for an organization. This impact employment relationship in
varied manner. This factor helps in generating of profit and loss within an organization. Also it is
an important factor because it results into up liftmen or progress of an organization.
Technological Factor: These factors impact employment in a manner that all employees are
required to train themselves with latest technologies. As this factor is based upon the
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