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Marketing Campaign: Tows Analysis, Objectives, Marketing Mix Plan, Customer Services Enhancements


Added on  2023/01/10

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This marketing campaign report for Travelodge Hotels Limited includes a Tows analysis, marketing objectives, marketing mix plan, and customer services enhancements. It discusses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the hotel industry in the UK. The report also outlines the marketing objectives, such as determining the target base, enhancing brand awareness, and increasing customer inferior. Additionally, it provides a marketing mix plan, including product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and packaging. Lastly, the report suggests customer service enhancements through market research and process improvement.

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
TOWS analysis............................................................................................................................3
Marketing Objectives..................................................................................................................6
Marketing Mix Plan....................................................................................................................7
Customer Services enhancements...............................................................................................8
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Marketing campaign generally includes the miscellanea of the variant type of
activity which is targeted to attract and build customer inferior of hotel. Travelodge Hotels
Limited is a organization which operate in the hotel industry of the UK. TravelLodge is
having in total 570 hotel across the UK. This report in the initial phase explain the Tows analysis
for the cited Hotel. After that on the fundament of the Tows Analysis Marketing objective have
been derived. After that report explain the marketing mix which will be incorporated for next 12
months (Kulshrestha and Puri, 2017).. In the end report explains the way through which
customer services can be enhanced in the run.
TOWS analysis
Tows analysis is a internal tool which identify the strength and weakness of Quoted
hotel in current scenario and further link it with the Threat and opportunity present for the firm
in the long run (Gottfried and, 2018).
Market Area coverage: travel lodge has better market area coverage as there are better
number of the hotel which is owned by Travelodge in UK. There are in total 570 hotels
across the UK. This provide support the hotel in covering better consumer base. betterwill: It is another strength of Quoted hotel, Travelodge generally used betterwill of
Quoted hotel as a marketing tool to promote miscellanea of variant services of Quoted
hotel in front of the other at the marketplace (Gürel and Tat, 2017).
Competition: It is one of the weakness of Quoted hotel in the current scenario as there
are many type of hotels which operate, these create the miscellanea of marketing issue
for the hotel in term of facing competition (Kulshrestha and Puri, 2017). Targeted market: It has been always found out that Travelodge generally face the
problem of selecting the targeted market and on the fundament of the same variant
decision can be taken in hotel. As it has been identified that targeted market of Quoted
hotel is not that clear.
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Environmental protection: As there is better demand of environmental saving policy,
there is better opportunity in front of organization to adopt few policy in regards of
environmental saving policy. This will provide support them in development better image
of Quoted hotel in front of others. Global expand: It is another important opportunity to increase the market area coverage
of Quoted hotel with the provide support of expanding the business to global platform at
the marketplace (Gottfried and, 2018).
Legal compliance: It is the threat in front of Travelodge, as they has to
compile the miscellanea of the variant type of marketing activity with
variant legal compliances which is present at the marketplace (Gürel and Tat,
2017). Over depended on UK hotel: It has been analysed that performance of
Travelodge is overdependent on the UK and Ireland hotel. As other nation
hotel is not able to bring out the result which is expected by the firm
Kulshrestha and Puri, 2017)..
Adoption of Environmental saving
policy at the marketplace, will provide
support the hotel in enhancing the
image of Quoted hotel in the long.
This is better sign for the hotel as it
will provide support the hotel in
development over the existing better
will of Quoted hotel at the
marketplace. As this sort of the policy
provide support the hotel in passing on
better message to consumer in market
As mention that organization is
having better sort of better will at
the marketplace. It is very important
for the hotel in compiling variant
activity with the legal laws. As it
will provide support the hotel
influencing the betterwill of Quoted
hotel in the negative way as well if
hotel is not able to compile the
variant activity with variant legal
compliance (Kulshrestha and Puri,

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(Holtom and Burch, 2016).
Global expansion will Ultimately
supports the strength of Quoted hotel
as well. As it will provide support the
hotel in enhancing the market area
coverage of Quoted hotel at the
marketplace (Išoraitė, 2016). Also,
organization is having better resource
base which will provide support the
hotel in expanding their business at
global level as well.
Organization is overdependent on
the UK hotel performance only, this
is supported by the strength of
Quoted hotel which show that
there are 570 hotels which are
present in the UK. So the Group has
to make sure that they divert their
focus on the global market in
context of the expansion and
attracting better number of the
customer toward the hotel.
It is better opportunity for the hotel to
compile the variant activity with the
Environment safety policy as it will
provide support the hotel in
development better image in front of
the consumer, which will Ultimately
provide support the hotel in getting the
competitive advantage in the long run
of the business.
Global expansion will provide support
the hotel in enhancing the market area
coverage of Quoted hotel in the long
run. Opportunity has to be overcome
by selecting the fix target base of
Quoted hotel as hotel in current
scenario finding it difficult to find out
target base
Not following the legal compliance
will Ultimately create the issue of
legal cases for the organization, this
compliance will Ultimately create
wrong impact on competition of
hotel. Which Ultimately create the
issue of competition.
Overdependent on the UK market
Ultimately impact the position of
business at global level as they find it
difficult to manage target customer
inferior (Smolynets, and,
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Marketing Objectives
Objectives 1
“To determine the target base which will be targeted by the hotel for the coming 1 year”
As in the current scenario it has been analysed that Travelodge is finding it difficult to
select the target base of Quoted hotel which can be targeted by the variant offering of Quoted
hotel. For the same rationale organization will look to select the target base of Quoted hotel by
going through the previous data base and feedback which is being revived by the hotel in the past
(Smolynets, and, 2016). on the fundament of the same STP framework will be applied to
find out the target base of Quoted hotel and the same target base will be focused in variant
marketing strategies for coming 12 months (Išoraitė, 2016).
Objectives 2
“To enhance the brand awareness of hotel in front of the consumer by 20% in coming 12
In the competitive environment it Ultimately get very difficult to manage and retain
better amount of the customer inferior by the marketing department. For the same rationale
organization will look to build brand awareness of Quoted hotel by taking provide support of
miscellanea of promotional tool at the marketplace (Gottfried and, 2018). Main rationale is
that this will provide support to hotel in overcoming the issue of competition at the marketplace .
As customer generally prefer the Hotel on the fundament of how aware are they about the
variant services of the organization at the marketplace (Aslam, 2018).
Objectives 3
“To enhance customer inferior of Quoted hotel by 15 percent by using miscellanea of new
promotional tool”
Travelodge is also looking to enhance the customer inferior of Quoted hotel in the
international market by 15 percent in 1 year. This will be done by using miscellanea of the
variant type of the marketing tool at the marketplace. This will provide support the hotel in
overcoming the threat of overdependent on UK hotel (Bagramian and, 2019). As it has
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been find out that the organization is overdependent on the UK Hotels, as customer inferior of
Quoted hotel in the other nation is not proficient as compare to the UK.
Marketing Mix Plan
Product: Product is the thing which is offered by the hotel to the consumer at the
marketplace, to satisfy consumer need at the marketplace. Travelodge generally offer the end
product of variant companies, such as oil, toothbrush and etc. The primary offering of Quoted
hotel is the services of Quoted hotel at the marketplace (Išoraitė, 2016). For coming one year
Travelodge has to make sure that they increase the amount of the services in hotel, as it may
provide support the hotel in enhancing the brand awareness of Quoted hotel. As Customer
experience play a very crucial role in enhancing the brand awareness in hotel and customer
experience can be enhanced in hotel by including more number of the services in hotel or
enhancing the efficiency of miscellanea of the services which are being offered in hotel.
Services may be taking customer feedback, offering better and warm welcome to the guest etc.
Price: Looking at the current pricing scheme of Quoted hotel it has been identified that
organization is offering the miscellanea of variant activity of Quoted hotel at higher price in the
current. It has been recommended to the hotel that they lower down the prices of the Hotel
services at the marketplace. Rationale behind the same is that there are many variant type of
local hotel in the international market who offer the product of Quoted hotel at the lower rate
(Blut, Teller, and Floh, 2018). It increase the impact of competition at the marketplace. So it is
very much important for all the organization to reduce the price that customer inferior of Quoted
hotel can be enhanced due to the same at the marketplace (Stead and Hastings, 2018).
Place: It has been find out that there are better number of the hotel which are present in
the UK in the current Scenario and which has provide supported the organization in development
better sort of the market base of Quoted hotel in the long run (Ismail and, 2018). So for the
same rationale now Travelodge will look to expand business to new nation by opening
miscellanea of the hotels in other nation than UK. This will provide support the hotel in
enhancing the market area coverage. This will be done in hotel by looking at the presence of the
targeted customer inferior of Quoted hotel (Aslam, 2018). Also, this might provide support the
hotel in enhancing the brand awareness in front of the variant consumer at the marketplace. As
having better number of the hotel at the global level will provide support the hotel in touching

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the better amount of the consumer at the marketplace which will Ultimately provide support to
hotel in enhancing brand awareness in front of new customer inferior (Stead and Hastings,
Promotion: In the current scenario Travelodge is using local newspaper and radio
advertisement are the promotional tool to market the product and services of Quoted hotel at the
marketplace (Stead and Hastings, 2018). Now, Travelodge has to consider that they uses variant
promotional platform also in hotel. One of the such type of the promotional platform is Social
media platform, using diverse promotional platform in hotel will provide support the hotel in
enhancing the customer inferior of Quoted hotel at the marketplace. rationale behind the same is
that Social media platform in general has a better number of user.
People: There are miscellanea of the variant type of the individual which need to be hired
by the hotel. As expanding the number of the hotel of Quoted hotel in the international market
will ask the hotel in recruiting the better number of employee in hotel to carry out the
miscellanea of the variant type of the operation of Quoted hotel in the long run (Blut, Teller, and
Floh, 2018). Also better number of human resource will be given the training in hotel to carry
out the variant operation of business efficiently to see better result at the marketplace.
Physical Evidence: Hotel will promote the variant product of hotel with the provide
support of the trademark and logo of Quoted hotel at the marketplace. This will Ultimately
provide support the consumer at the marketplace in the marketing of Quoted hotel with the
marketing of the other hotel at the marketplace. There are 570 hotels in the UK which govern
by the Travelodge which is physical evidence for the hotel at the marketplace (Ismail and,
Packaging: It is the element of the marketing mix which is more concentrated for the
organization who is offering product at the marketplace. Travelodge also has to make sure that
variant product which they will be offering to support the services of Quoted hotel is being
packed in a way that product of Quoted hotel do not get impacted (Stead and Hastings, 2018).
Customer Services enhancements
There will be proper process which need to be followed by the organization to enhance
the level of customer service in hotel. Process is as follows:
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Market Research: It is the first step which will be followed in hotel, in which market
research will be conducted at the marketplace to understand the customer need and the
preference which is prevailing at the marketplace (Stead and Hastings, 2018). At the same time
preference of the customer at marketplace will be linked to the current position which is
prevailing at the marketplace. Market research will be just targeted on finding out the variant
customer service which need to be incorporated in hotel in long run.
Target customer inferior and customer service determine: In the second step
organization will be evaluating the market research and on the fundament of the same target
customer inferior will be determine. As Hotel will be looking the need of variant customer and
services of Quoted hotel on the fundament of which the target customer inferior of Quoted hotel
will be determine. Also, organization will be determining the variant customer services which
organization has to offer at the marketplace to attract the better number of the customer toward
services of Quoted hotel (Aslam, 2018).
Training to the employee: This is the third step in the process in which all the employee
in hotel will be given the training about the variant way through which variant customer services
which need to be offered in hotel. Training will be given to all the employee in hotel by the way
of hiring a external coach in hotel who will be providing the training to the variant employee in
hotel (Holtom and Burch, 2016). Training will be generally given in regards of the way customer
behaviour can be understand in hotel and on the fundament of the same how variant activity can
be performed to overcome the issue which is being faced in hotel.
Presenting the service as a better deal: It is the next step in the process, it is the step in
which the organization will be presenting the variant services of Quoted hotel at the marketplace
in a way that it be better sort of the deal for the hotel . It will be done by the hotel by using
more than one promotional tool in hotel and also enhancing the advertisement of Quoted hotel at
the marketplace in a way that it showcase the offering of Quoted hotel in the better way in
hotel. This will create better brand awareness and will provide support the hotel in attracting the
customer (Isaeva, Grunewald and Saunders, 2020).
Customer Experience: It is the next step in which organizational employee has to make
sure that experience of the customer is maintained in the great way at the hotel premises. As
employee has to make sure that all the customer are treated in the ethical way and all the
consumer feel better at the time of residing in the Hotel. As customer experience will also play
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a very crucial role in attracting the eye of the other consumer at the marketplace. As they will
pass on the same experience to their contact at the marketplace. This prove as a better promotion
for the hotel in the long run. As customer always consider the experience of previous customer
before making any sort of decision (Stead and Hastings, 2018).
After sales service:It is the last step in the process which will provide support the hotel
in development trust with the customer at the marketplace. It is the step in which the
organization will be collecting the feedback of variant customer at the marketplace and on the
fundament of the same will plan to find out the deficit which is present in the hotel activity and
will try to find the solution of the same to overcome the miscellanea of the issue present in hotel
(Holtom and Burch, 2016).
After that the Hotel also has to make sure that they are in the regular touch with the
customer of Quoted hotel by the provide support of the miscellanea of the variant type of the
medium, the medium can be email, SMS the customer to wish their birthday and festival.
(Holtom and Burch, 2016)
The above report summarised that organization is doing great at the marketplace but
finding it hard to determine the target base of Quoted hotel at the marketplace. After that report
summarized the three variant type of marketing objective of Quoted hotel and also marketing
mix which will provide support the hotel in achieving the marketing objective of Quoted hotel in
the long run. After that the report goes on to concludes the process which can be used by the
organization at the marketplace so that by using the same at the marketplace Hotel can provide
better customer services.

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Books and Journals
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