Outcomes of Intravenous Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Added on 2019-09-18
17 Pages5659 Words368 Views
Endovascular versus tissue plasminogen activator treatment for ischemicstroke1
Table of contentsS NoContentPageAbstract31Introduction42Pathophysiology of acute stroke52.1Ischemic Stroke52.2.ICH63Resources and methods63.1Resources63.2Inclusion criteria63.3Methods63.3.1Literature search63.3.2Review of literature review and extraction of essentials73.3.3Statistical analysis84Results84.1Selection of study84.2Characteristics of the study84.3Comparison of hazard/advantage for the intervention Vs therapeutic administration95.0Discussion136.0Conclusions147.0Recommendations14ReferencesAbstract2
Aim: The objective of paper is to compare the outcomes between endovascular and medicalmanagement utilizing tissue plasminogen activator in the management of acute ischemic strokebased on recent randomized controlled trials.Methods: A systematic literature review was performed, and multicenter, prospective randomizedclinical trails were chosen to compare the endovascular therapy to medical management for patientswith acute ischemic stroke. The assessment was done in terms of modified Rankin Scale (mRS) andmortality at 3 months for endovascular therapy and medical management.Results: Eight multicenter, planned randomized clinical trails (Interventional Management of Stroke,IMS III; Local Versus Systemic Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke, SYN; Expansion, MechanicalRetrieval and Recanalization of Stroke Clots Using Embolectomy RES; Multicenter RandomizedClinical Trial of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands, MRC;Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Artery Catheterization Effectiveness,ESC;, Extending the Time for Thrombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits–Intra-Arterial, EXT;Solitaire With the Intention For Thrombectomy as Primary Endovascular Treatment, SPR andEndovascular Revascularization With Solitaire Device Versus Best Medical Therapy in AnteriorCirculation Stroke Within 8 Hours, REV) involving around 2,400 patients were incorporated. Theevaluation of information exhibited functional independence (mRS 0–2) at 3 months for endovasculartreatment (P<0.005). Subgroup investigation of the 5 trials that principally used stent retriever devicesin the intervention arm showed practical independence at 3 months for endovascular treatment(P<0.05). No distinction was found for mortality at 3 months between endovascular treatment andrestorative administration in all investigations and subgroup examinations.Conclusions: The evidences reveal that the endovascular intervention in combination with medicalmanagement, including IV tissue plasminogen activator for eligible patients, improves the outcomes ofappropriately selected patients with acute ischemic stroke in the setting of large vessel occlusion.1.0.Introduction3
Ischemic stroke (IS) influences around 8,00,000 patients in the United States every year (Mozaffarianet al., 2015). The nearness of large vessel impediment of a major intracranial artery at middle cerebralregion or inward carotid artery is evaluated to happen in roughly 33% to one-portion of acute IS(Smith et al., 2009). To tackle such obstruction now a day, the main treatment for IS withdemonstrated adequacy was IV tissue plasminogen activator controlled within 4.5 hours of side effectonset (Hacke et al., 2008). In any case, recanalization rates of IS with substantial vessel impedimentafter IV-tissue plasminogen activator are low and connected with poor clinical results (Bhatia et al.,2010). The utilization of tissue plasminogen activator in stroke has been broadly evaluated and wasdemonstrated a brilliant results for the administration of intense IS (Liang, et al., 2008). As per reports,the utilization of tissue plasminogen activator in patients matured 90 years or more established forintense ischemic stroke had poor 30-day utilitarian results and were died (Mateen et al., 2009). Another method of treatment is endovascular treatment for the intense IS. The method of treatment isa possibly solid subordinate to IV tissue plasminogen activator for patients for real intense ischemicstroke created by significant front flow supply route impediments. The method of treatment is thoughtto be better than intravenous thrombolysis and restorative administration (Leslie-Mazwi et al., 2016).The treatment ought to happen as fast as is sensibly conceivable. All patients with direct to seriousmanifestations (National Institutes of Health stroke scale >8) and a treatable impediment should beconsidered. In spite of positive results of endovascular treatment, there exist certain fizzledrandomized controlled trials of endovascular stroke treatment fundamentally hosed the underlyingeagerness for endovascular intercession (Ciccone et al., 2013). Methodological shortcomings havebeen the primary cause of these trials (Przybylowski et al., 2014). All the more as of late, a fewendovascular stroke trials have tended to the inadequacies of the underlying trials, and all haverevealed predominant results with endovascular treatment for IS (Saver et al., 2015). From the literature scan, it can be understood that the two modes of treatment is associated withmerits and demerits. To assess the best mode it is desired to investigate the benefits and limitationsfrom clinical perceptive. Therefore, it was aimed to compare the rates of functional independence,mortality, and symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage between endovascular and plasminogenactivator treatment for IS. A depth literature search has been carried and the summary of outcome ispresented in sequential manner followed by conclusions and future recommendations.2.0.Pathophysiology of acute stroke4
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