
Energy Audit of Mining Company


Added on  2023-06-11

17 Pages3125 Words120 Views
Energy Audit of Mining Company
Energy Audit of Mining Company_1

Energy Audit of Mining Company
Part A. Preliminary Analysis
In your preliminary analysis, provide answers to the following questions:
1. Create pie charts for the energy cost and energy consumption data shown in Tables 1 and
Energy Cost pie chart1
Energy consumption
1 Andersson et al. Benchmarking energy performance of industrial small and medium-sized enterprises using an
energy efficiency index, 895.
Quarry Bulk storage Processing Others
Energy Audit of Mining Company_2

2. Using the pie charts, answer the following questions:
a. Which areas of the company’s operations have the potential to achieve the greatest
savings and why?
According to the pie chart above, the bulk storage as the area of operation of the
company has the potential to achieve the greatest savings because its limited costs compared to
other areas of operation in the company2.
2 Johnson et al. The social cost of carbon: implications for modernizing our electricity system, 375.
Bulk storage
Energy Audit of Mining Company_3

b. Describe the procedure you would use to identify strategies for energy savings for
the company. (Your answer should be around 1 page with single-line spacing i.e.
roughly 400 words).
Without underestimating the value of using the company staff in implementing the
strategies for saving energy for the company, the following procedure is significant to identify
the strategy itself: Auditing the energy consumption versus tasks: for ease of work, the company
should hire an energy audit company whose duty would be to audit the energy consumption by
the company3. For efficient use of energy, energy audit companies provide exclusive information
that helps in trimming down excessive use of energy. Establishing energy efficient practices in
the company: First step, is always the realization of the need to save energy through the efficient
practices for saving energy in the company. By examining the areas of operations in the
company, based on the utilities and their relative costs, the company should try its optimal best
to use excess energy during the low or off peak times. The company staff should be encouraged
to follow energy saving models to reduce the usage of energy with more initiative.
Benchmarking energy performance for the company: This is whereby the various tools of
management portfolios of energy savings are adopted to benchmark the performance of the
company’s facilities as far as energy consumption I concerned. Afterwards, the right incentive
that would help implement the identified improvements is adopted. Buy energy efficient devices:
the best solution, without interrupting the amount of work being performed in the company
(mining processes), it is best to use energy efficient devices. Most of these devices are known to
be cost effective especially in the areas of lighting, storage of bulk materials, and processing. On
lighting, use of energy saving bulbs, saving on energy by turning off the devices when not in
use, and such related practices help save energy consumption the company.
2. Using the data in Table 3, calculate the monthly average daily energy consumption and
plot this using a column graph. Are there any trends and anomalies in the data that you
would seek to explain? Suggest possible reasons for the month to month variations in
electricity consumption within the years and between the years.
3 Kaplan, Power plants: Characteristics and costs, 65.
Energy Audit of Mining Company_4

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