
The Significance and Dramatic Purposes of Lodovico


Added on  2023-04-21

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English 1011-OL
Assignment #2
13 Feb 2019
Supreet Kaur Randhawa
Student Id: T00631077
English 1011-OL
Assignment #2
13, Feb 2019
The Significance and Dramatic Purposes of Lodovico_1

English 1011-OL
Assignment #2
13 Feb 2019
The significance and dramatic purposes of Lodovico
This paper will examine the role and dramatic importance of Lodovico in William
Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”. It is written in 1604 and was established as a great tragedy of
Shakespeare. In the current era, Lodovico serves many functions in influencing the tragedy
reasonably. In Shakespeare's drama “Othello”, Lodovico is one of the minor characters for
discussion. Lodovico was a Venetian gentleman who appears in the climax of the drama. He was
somewhat attached to Brabantio, Desdemona’s father. That’s why he was a common cousin to
Desdemona. Lodovico does not play a huge role in the entire play, but he has always been
considered as a witness towards the final tragic stages of the drama.
The initial stage of the drama introduces Lodovico as a manager of Cyprus from the
Duke of Venice. He got the chance to watch all the actions in the show as well as centralise the
people. Lodovico plays a vital role in act four scene one. He is considered as a witness at the
moment when Desdemona admits that she has “love for Cassio”. Hearing this, Othello thinks
that Desdemona is involved in some romance with Cassio whereas Desdemona only seems to be
worried about Cassio. For the reason that Othello has fired him for being drunk, also fighting the
night before.
Furthermore, Lodovico has also witnessed for Othello’s arrest once it remained to discern
that he has murdered Desdemona. Lodovico does not know what Lago's plan is all about. He
thinks that Othello is ashamed for the murder of his wife. Lodovico is one of the characters who
has ended showing up in the awful situations of the drama. For instance, he is noticed in the
scene where Cassio and Roderigo were fighting. Othello finds the letter from Cassio through
The Significance and Dramatic Purposes of Lodovico_2

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