
Fifth Walk as Rousseau


Added on  2022-10-17

7 Pages1712 Words24 ViewsType: 24
English literature
Fifth Walk as Rousseau_1

I agree with the statement that one should understand Fifth Walk as Rousseau writing a
memoire in revealing to the readers on his perspective regarding the essence of personal
freedom. Drawing the illustrations from what he focused on in his writing, he mainly urged on
how life if superior. He calls life the “simple impulses of nature”. By reading his piece of work,
one would notice that, he was addressing the readers directly. His words are bound to the
illustrations between the human being and the sense of freedom with nature. Through reading his
work, one would agree with the fact that personal freedom is the genre of the modern world. His
writing can be categorized as the convergence type of writing in which he tries to address the
readers regarding his perspective about personal freedom.
I think his work is memoire to the readers regarding the Identification of personal
surroundings and freedom. The writing is done through the experience of what is characterized
by Rousseau as the reverie. I think his point of view in this setting refers to the loss of
consciousness in the essence of self-understanding environmental requirements and demands. I
think the writing focused on the identification of the self-nature and ecological setting. Taking
the liberty of capitalization, Rousseau's writing tries to figure out how nature has been identified
as the self and solidarity ideal program. Rousseau's point of view was basically at exploring the
implications of the critical role of identifying environmental problems as associated with
personal freedom (Lane, 2006). In my understanding, I think the importance of Rousseau's
response to the problems is based on philosophical and literary models for the subsequent
writers. In other words, the key point discussed by the Rousseau was that personal freedom
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defines the environmental problems and threat towards nature. In the account of the reading, the
environmental problems intimately try to denature the character of the human being.
His writing in form of the memoire tries to state that as long as the freedom is tied to the
denaturing of the environment, this will be characterized as the amour-propre which means his
passion will remain as individualistic and comparative infinitely. I think his memoire to the
readers tries to make them understand that there is power in human beings to nature. That is why
he puts it clear that human freedom has much impact on ecology. He as well states that human
character and freedom determine how nature will be. Some people use the freedom they have
been given to denature what is in ecology and nature. According to Rousseau, environmental
composition and nourishment are determined by the personal self-realization. The connection
between the Rousseau and environment has received the attention deserved. Through the
analysis of Rousseau's writing, he tries to influence the issues of nature and general treatments.
Through a better understanding of the writing, one would be able to notice that Rousseau's main
objective was to bring the idea of the human impact on environmental factors and nature (Lane,
2006). One would notice that the primary goal of Rousseau was on ecology is in conjunction
with the sense of his writing but his pursuit was an explanation of nature conservation passion.
He majorly tries to figure out the results of the ecological destruction due to human freedom over
nature. At some point, he said, “everyone has the passion to make the foundation of the
ecology”. In this statement, he tries to illustrate more on how human beings can be used as the
key foundation in either making or destroying nature. Rousseau puts it as the second discourage
on the tyrant and ecology. In the writing, the reveries walker assumes the central role of
Rousseau in the sustainability of the possible exploitation of human beings and original nature.
Rousseau's writing puts it clear that the originality of nature is in between the normative
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