
Entrepreneurship Project: Addressing Advertising Location Challenges with Bright Blue Firm


Added on  2023-04-25

53 Pages12431 Words492 Views
FinanceEntrepreneurshipProfessional Development
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Entrepreneurship Project: Addressing Advertising Location Challenges with Bright Blue Firm_1

Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................2
A full description of the entrepreneurship research activities.........................................................5
a. Problem and Opportunity Landscape...................................................................................5
b. Problem that the venture seeks to solve................................................................................6
c. Existing landscape of solutions............................................................................................7
d. Stakeholder mapping...............................................................................................................8
a. Idea or technology proposed...............................................................................................10
b. Business Model for product/service delivery.....................................................................12
c. Market analysis and Segment structure..............................................................................13
d. Pricing model......................................................................................................................16
e. Competitor analysis............................................................................................................18
f. Portfolio (Product / Service) analysis.................................................................................19
g. Funding...............................................................................................................................20
h. Financial analysis................................................................................................................22
Entrepreneurship Project: Addressing Advertising Location Challenges with Bright Blue Firm_2

Executive Summary
The business environment is full of dynamic opportunities for the different businesses and
the different customers alike and hence, the process of entrepreneurship can be understood to be
an opportunity which can be undertaken by the different managers in an organization in order to
see to it that, they can convert this into a business opportunity. The particular report presents a
business entrepreneurial opportunity which will go a long way in assisting the different investors
to understand the overall business as present and to decide whether the business is viable in
nature or not.
a. Entrepreneurial Project Objectives
The different entrepreneur opportunities can be stated to be as follows:
To present a business opportunity which can be utilised by the business investors and can
be made use of.
To analyse the United Kingdom market and to figure out whether the market will be
appropriate for this or not
To identify the different strategies, pricing policies, information on the market and other
relevant information with respect to the operations of the Bright blue firm.
To predict the future operations of the firm in the long run and to identify the sales and
other recommendations which are required to be undertaken.
b. Problem/Opportunities Statement
As advertising has become considerably popular, it is important for the firm to undertake
considerable efforts and ensure that it is successfully able to make the customers aware. Hence,
in line of this, the location of the advertisements has a crucial role to play and for this reason, the
Entrepreneurship Project: Addressing Advertising Location Challenges with Bright Blue Firm_3

different firms would be required to take steps which would assist them in achieving their overall
targets. Hence, there exists a dearth of viable locations which can be adopted by the firms to send
their advertisement and moreover, there also tends to exist a dearth of adequate locations. This is
the problem which lies in the environment and in line of this, the Bright Blue firm aims to
resolve this issue by ensuring that it is providing an opportunity to the young professionals as
present and allow them to undertake considerable measures which will enable them to rent out
their places and earn considerable money in return. Moreover, the different location requirements
of the different customers will also be met with accordingly.
c. Market/ Industry Summary
The market which has been chosen for the purpose of expansion can be stated to be the
United Kingdom market. This means that, as the number of universities as present in the United
Kingdom is considerably high, the student intake has also increased accordingly by 3.6% in the
last financial year and therefore the place will be appropriate for the business to expand its
operations into.
d. Competitor Summary
The different competitors of the firm can be stated to be the different set and studios
which provide the appropriate location to the different companies in order to enable them to
shoot their different advertisements. In addition to this, the competition may also be the
individuals who are directly willing to rent their places in advance. However, the particular
concept can be stated to be highly unique in nature and it is for tis, that it will be able to maintain
a sustained competitive advantage.
e. Funding and Financial projection Summary
Entrepreneurship Project: Addressing Advertising Location Challenges with Bright Blue Firm_4

In order to fund the overall business, it was decided that the medium of venture capitalist
and the crowd funding will be made use of. There are a large number of venture capitalists as
available in the United Kingdom and additionally, it was also understood that the crowd funding
can also be taken to be a serious operation. The financial projections made for the firm can be
stated to be as follows: Total liabilities including equity of owners in the first year: £1,860,250 Total assets of the company in the first year: £20,636,622
Break even sales: £69,128.60
Cumulative income for the first year: £13,979,651
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A full description of the entrepreneurship research activities
a. Problem and Opportunity Landscape
Advertising has become one of the most popular promotional acts which are used in order
to ensure that the firm is successfully able to gain awareness amongst the different customers as
present and in addition to this, they are also able to ensure that the firm`s overall revenue
increases considerably. However, the expenditures incurred in the medium of Advertising can
be considered to be extremely high for the firm as they are required to set up various sets, visit
studios and other related hotels in order to set up the scene for the advertisement to be shot.
More often, these advertisements often turn out to be unrealistic in nature with the shots either
being insufficient or being too expensive or dreamy (Baumol 1968). Hence, the advertising
companies often look out for different opportunities to rent houses and other such facilities
where they will be able to advertise easily and ensure that they are successfully being able to
engage in successful completion of their endeavours. Hence, it is for this reason that the Bright
Blue advertisement firm has been formed as it aims to look out for an opportunity to rent the
flats of the young professionals and the students as present in the local cities and towns. In this
manner, they will be able to gain apartments for the shoot for a few days and additionally, the
different students as well as the young professionals will also be able to earn a considerable
income in lieu of renting their apartment for the purpose of the rent which will be paid by them.
The young professionals as present in these countries, often find it considerably difficult to
look out for opportunity to meet their ends (Meyer, Neck and Meeks 2017). The young students
are already functioning on loans and it is with respect to this, that it often makes it difficult for
them to pay for their daily expenses and it is with respect to this that they often have to work
overtime and look out for job opportunities in addition to studying full time. This makes life
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very difficult for them and hence, in line of this, it can be rightfully mentioned that, the Bright
Blue Advertising firm aims to bring these students to them and enlist their flats for advertising
shoots. Through this, they will be able to ensure that, they are successfully able to meet their
daily needs and also be able to earn some money. The flats on rents are only required for a few
days or sometimes even few hours. Hence, the students may not find it difficult to manage their
shift time and hence, give out their apartments for rent. Once they are able to do this, the shoots
will be completed and in line of this, the overall objective of the company which can be stated to
be completing the shoots shall also be met with.
b. Problem that the venture seeks to solve
A good business venture can be rightfully described as an idea which enables the firm to
resolve an existing problem as present in the market. However, very often it becomes very
difficult to deal with these problems as present and in line of this, it also becomes considerably
difficult for the solution to be viable in nature. However, the Bright Blue advertising company
aims to resolve two problems as present in the business landscape. The problems which are
present in the society can be stated to be as follows:
The different advertising firms often find it difficult to find an adequate location for their
different advertisements which are to be released. For the purpose of their advertisement
success, they often shoot their advertisements in the hotels or some sets which are present
which makes it considerably difficult for them to meet their overall needs. This is
because, the avenue of advertising and promotion is very expensive (Parker 2018). In
addition to this, while shooting for the different advertising, the companies are required
to ensure that they are being able to gain the correct legislative rights as well as the laws
which are present from the hotel or the set. This further requires another set of financial
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requirements which often turns out to be considerably expensive for the firm. Hence, it is
for this reason that the different firms look out for different houses and rooms to shoot
their advertisement but this is not possible for the different families as staying in the
country as it makes it difficult for them to find another place to stay while the shoots take
place (Kuratko 2016). Therefore, the generation of students and the young professionals
will be targeted which will go a long way in assisting them to ensure that they are
successfully able to attain their overall objectives and be able to provide them with a
place where they will be successfully shoot.
The young professionals and students as present in the foreign countries often find it very
difficult to meet their needs as their education is very expensive and it makes it difficult
for them to meet their needs and to find adequate mine which will help them to fund their
overall education as well. Therefore, the Bright blue advertising firm is providing them
with an opportunity to earn some quick money by simply lending their house for a short
period of time. In this manner, they will success fully be able to earn money out of their
houses as well and enjoy the extra money as earned by them.
c. Existing landscape of solutions
As the firm aims to resolve the problem of finding the appropriate location for their
advertisement ventures, it becomes very difficult for them to ensure that, they will successfully
be able to find the appropriate location, however, the given set of solutions will be as follows:
d. Renting landscapes and sets: The advertisement company will be able to gain success by
renting various sets and landscapes in order to fulfill their requirement. However, it is
important to understand that, these sets turn out to be considerably expensive for the firm
as they have to be designed from the scratch and in addition to this, the different sets are
Entrepreneurship Project: Addressing Advertising Location Challenges with Bright Blue Firm_8

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