
Entrepreneurship and Business Growth


Added on  2020-01-23

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Entrepreneurship and Business Growth_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1Examine different types of entrepreneurial ventures and explain how they relate to thetypology of entrepreneurship......................................................................................................3P2Explore the similarities and differences between entrepreneurial ventures............................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5P3Assess and interpret relevant data and statistics in your mini-research, to illustrate howmicro and small businesses impact on the economy...................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7P5Determine the characteristics, traits and skills of successful entrepreneurs, whichdifferentiate them from other business managers.......................................................................7P6Assess how aspects of the entrepreneurial personality reflect entrepreneurial motivationand mind-set................................................................................................................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10P7Examine , using relevant examples obtained through your mini-research, how backgroundand experience can hinder or foster entrepreneurship...............................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONEntrepreneurship is the procedure of building and developing new business by makingnew product or selling goods and services.The person who carries the procedure ofEntrepreneurship is know as Entrepreneur. An enterprise can be established by a singleentrepreneur or group of entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are the people who are passionate to start anew venture (Alsos, Carter and Ljunggren, 2011). They cannot work under any other person.There are few risk associated with entrepreneurship such as entrepreneur has to leave a securedsource of income and they have to leave their family and social life behind and it not easy to setup business in the already established market, raising capital without creditability is a difficulttask. This Project Report will state types of Entrepreneurship, Similarities and differencesamong different ventures of Entrepreneurship, the risk associated with entrepreneurship, theeffect of entrepreneurship on the economy of UK (Awogbenle and Iwuamadi, 2010). TASK 1P1Examine different types of entrepreneurial ventures and explain how they relate to thetypology of entrepreneurship.Enterpreneureship is refers to design, launching and developing a business which istypically start from a small business or start ups. They offer products, service to their potentialcustomers. The main aim of such business unit is to develop capacity, manage a business to earnprofit in the long run. It is more difficult to start a venture due to unavailability of funds, lack ofexperience, and investment (Barringer, 2012). It requires long term strategies and business planwhich can help to attain their ambitions. There are different types of entrepreneurialism businesswhich are as given below:Small business ventures: This is one of the common forms of business where a personcan start its venture with the motive of making profits. The owner of the business is havingcontrol and manages its operational activities with the help of the local workers. There arevarious small business units such as local grocery stores, salon, travel agency, electricians etc.the role of governmental inn small business organisation is too significant. The government canprovide loans and other types of support to promote their business (Bosma and Levie, 2010).
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Scalable start up ventures:This is another form of venture which is established with amotive to change the vision of the world. Most of scalable start ups are related with theinnovation, information technology and business research which can attract large number ofinvestors due its potential growth. This type of small business unit’s main motive is to developmarket for their products and services which can make profit in the near future (Bruton,Ahlstromand Li, 2010). Such kind of venture has best human resources which are working together toattain their long term goals and objectives. Large company venture: This kind of business is quite large as compare to other typesof venture which requires large amount of capital to start a business. There are various investorsand institutions such as banks and financial authorities can provide funds to large company inorder to expand their business. These start ups as are generally related with innovation,information technology and technology developments (Carraher and Paridon, 2015).Social venture: This type of start up isfocused on designing and developing newproduct, services and process to the society. These businesses are mostly non profit which can beprivate or government funded. The main motive of such venture is to provide welfare and well-being in the community. Above mentioned entrepreneurship forms are related with typology of start ups. Smallbusiness units are associated with high risk due to lack of expertise, experience and funds. Themain objectives of such organisations are to make innovative products and services and whichcan provide potential growth and attract large number of investors (Carsrud and Brännback,2011).P2Explore the similarities and differences between entrepreneurial ventures.There are different similarities and dissimilarities among small business ventures. Thisentrepreneural units have diffrent vision and objectives and its size and scope. For example,social ventures main aim is to work for society and on the other hand small venture main aim isto earn profits. These similarities and differences between various types of entrepreneur units areas given below:Goals: There are different objectives of various venture business units on the basis oftheir size, scope and goals. A small business organisation’s main goal is to produce goods and
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