Please note that it is important to answer all the highlighted lines in red and the yellow for Merit and Distinction is to be answer please 21:54 Sure 21:54 BBE Week 1B - Organisations, Legal Structures etc (1).pptx 21:54 BBE Week 1A - Introduction to Organisations (1).pptx 21:54 BBE 8 (B) SWOT Analaysis (1).pptx 21:55 Please upload your assignment details on below link, so that we can send the solution to your email and text updates on your phone! Kindly inform me once it is done! Please don't miss any information related to the task and stay with me while and after uploading your requirement 21:55 BBE 6(A) The Business Environment (1).pptx 21:55 BBE 6 (B) PESTLE (1).pptx 21:55 BBE 2A Size, Scope, Stakeholders (1).pptx 21:55 3 (C) Organisational Structure Revised